It wasn't long before the second thunder came again.

When the thunderbolt struck Ye Hao, his accomplishments subsided again like water.

The third way!

Fourth way!

When the fifth thunder came, the emperor Donghua warned in a deep voice, "if you don't stop, you will break through the immortal realm."

"It doesn't matter." Ye Hao doesn't care about Tao.

Ye Hao mastered the boundless skill of killing me.

It's not difficult to restore cultivation.

If you have enough energy.

Sixth way!

Seventh way!

Number eight!

Hua self pity looks at Ye Hao's state continuously falls, the heart all mentions the throat.

She didn't know why his accomplishments had been reduced to such a level that Ye Hao could still be calm.

She could see that the scourge itself had a warning component.

That is to say, if Ye Hao stops his rebellious actions, his punishment will also end.

But looking at Ye Hao's appearance, it seems that he doesn't care about the fall of realm.

Hua self pity can't understand.

As a matter of fact, even the existence of the peak of Donghua emperor's Immortal King can't be understood.


The fairyland!

Golden fairyland!

Jade fairyland!


Jade fairyland!

What makes Hua self pity surprised is that Ye Hao did not stop this kind of behavior against the heaven when they all went to fairyland.

"If you fall again, you will fall into the fairyland." Hua felt it necessary to remind Ye Hao.

What a Wonderland!

Hua self pity just reminds you that Ye Hao's cultivation has really fallen to the peak of the fairyland.

Fairyland high level!

Fairyland medium level!

The beginning of fairyland!

When Hua self pity thought Ye Hao's rebellious actions should stop, what surprised her was that Ye Hao's accomplishments were still falling.

Heavy robbery!


Jindan realm!

"You don't fall into mortals, do you?" Hua's self pity is a little messy.

It turns out that Hua self pity is right.

Because Ye Hao's cultivation has been falling to the realm of physical training!

The third layer of body refining!

Second layer of body refining!

The first layer of body refining!

As the last wisp of spiritual power in Ye Hao's body dissipates with the wind, Ye Hao's realm is no longer falling.

There is no way to fall.

There are no accomplishments.

How to fall?

At the same time, the voice of time God rings in Ye Hao's ears.

"The time flow of xiaotiandi is twice as slow as that of the outside world."

"Double?" Ye Hao some dissatisfaction way, "how so low?"

"Boy, do you think that if you deprive yourself of all your accomplishments, you will be able to bless your little world smoothly?" The statue of time said angrily, "if it wasn't for my secret hand to prevent the stronger scourge from coming, you boy would have been his mother's fall."

Thank you very much Ye Hao really didn't know there was such a thing. "

"I have specially blessed all around the array center." The statue of time went on to say, "you can get three times the blessing there."

"Three times?" Ye Hao was overjoyed.

"What you need to do next is to continue refining the center, and the time flow rate of the center is always the highest." I've spent a lot of time here for the sake of your weakness

After chatting with the God of time, Ye Hao's surroundings are wrapped by a soft force and come to the small world.

In the small world, Luo Fu looks at Ye Hao anxiously.

"Young master, are you ok?"

"Is everything I asked you to prepare?" Ye Hao looks at Luo Fu and says softly.

"It's all ready." Luo Fu points not far away.

There is a pool of green liquid in Ye Hao's courtyard, which blooms with life like waves.

If there are Dan masters here, they will cry out in surprise, because these green liquids are tonifying spirit and nourishing yuan liquid.

A drop of tonifying spirit and nourishing yuan liquid will not be worth much, but if it is a pool, the value will be too great, even the top power may not be able to come up with it.

Bu Ling Yang Yuan liquid is known as one of the best medicines for casting foundation.

In fact, Ye Hao had planned to rebuild it before.

This is just a coincidence.

"When my accomplishments are promoted to the golden elixir, I'll change the jade liquor." Ye Hao confessed, "give me a change of blood lotus juice after arriving at Yuanying territory, and change it for me when I get to the state of heavy robbery."

Ye Hao stressed it again.

Luo Fu had long remembered these things in his heart, but he still listened to them earnestly.

Luo Fu knows that this is related to Ye Hao's future achievements.There is no room for any mistakes.

"Do you all remember that?" When Luo Fu came here, he called several Dan Tong to her side.

To make sure there's nothing wrong.

Those Dan children were obviously aware of what it was, so their chubby faces were full of dignified colors.

Ye Hao no longer hesitated and jumped into the pool.

And with Ye Hao's operation of cutting me, Ye Hao fell into a mysterious and mysterious state.

At the same time, Ye Hao's cultivation is also constantly improving.

The first level of physical training!

The second level of physical training!

The third level of physical training!


A year!

Two years!

Three years!

Ye Hao's accomplishments continued to rise.

But this time is not a bit longer than last time.

This is also reasonable.

After all, Ye Hao was only in the golden elixir when he cut off his accomplishments.

But now Ye Hao's accomplishments are as high as immortals.

"Young master, why not continue?" Luo Fu asked when he saw Ye Hao get up.

"I need to settle down for some time to improve." Ye Hao looks at Luo Fu and says softly.

"But your accomplishments are too low."

"The next promotion should be able to upgrade to jade fairyland." Ye Hao doesn't care about Tao.

Ye Hao really doesn't care.

After this renovation, Ye Hao felt that he was more powerful than before.

Maybe you can compete with Ye Haoyi in the same situation.

Ye Hao then chatted with Luo Fu for a while and then left xiaotiandi with Luo Fu.

"The early days of fairyland." When Hua self pity saw Ye Hao, it was like seeing a ghost, "how did you do it?"

"The crystal of time." Ye Hao of course will not tell Hua that self pity is the power of time given by the way of heaven.

"How many time crystals did you use?" Hua self pity widened his eyes.

"Do you think it's very difficult to improve your cultivation based on my understanding of the Tao?"

"So it is." Hua self pity thought about it and said.

"Mr. Ye, what are the next plans?" The emperor of Donghua didn't despise Ye Hao.

Even if the demon loses temporarily, there is nothing.

Because as long as you give him time, he will grow up.

"After the engagement with the closed moon, I will leave the quadruple sky." Ye Hao said softly.

"Engagement?" The emperor of Donghua hesitated for a moment or said, "I'm afraid there are some problems in your status to get married smoothly."

"What's the problem?" Ye Hao said calmly.

"The coldest thing these days is people's heart." Emperor Donghua said leisurely, "I have seen too much of this kind of thing."

Hearing this, Ye Hao fell into deep thought.

A moment later, he said, "please send out the news in time, saying that I was punished by heaven and my cultivation was beheaded."

"Are you sure you want to test people?" Donghua emperor looked at Ye Hao and said, "the result will make you can't accept it." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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