The treasure of chaos!

In the chaotic period, yin and yang are not separated, heaven and earth are unknown, and the five elements are disordered.

The existence of that period is the pronoun of powerful.

Because you're not strong, you can't live.

And how powerful can the treasures of that period be imagined?

I have to say that many monks are very hot eyed.

But they just dare to look hot.

Who dares to rob?

How many strong people protect Ye Hao?

Don't you see that the demigods are broken?

"Laurel." Ye Hao looked at the laurel tree that flowed all over his body and said, "the Liang Zi between us is actually finished."

As soon as the voice fell, the monk's face changed.

There is no doubt that with the existence of Ye Hao, Liang Zi is also a disaster to the clan.

"I don't think it's necessary for us to have a relationship." Laurel tree some fear ground says.

Laurel tree can't do without fear.

How strong is the strength of the Dragon maniac?

It's not that Ye Hao has hit hard.

But he is not the opponent of the Dragon maniac.

"I can understand Chen's retirement. After all, there are many influential people in these days." Ye Hao said slowly, "but what I can't understand is why you want to stop the ancestor of Yunxiao palace from saving me?"

Laurel's face became ugly.

Seeing the laurel tree embarrassed, Chen closed the moon and said, "Ye Hao, you have indeed demonstrated extremely terrible combat power, but you should know that this combat power does not belong to you."

"And then?"

"Put aside that mysterious magic weapon, what can you be arrogant about?" Chen closed moon coldly looked at Ye Hao and said, "you still can't cover up the fact that you can't practice."

"How do you know I can't practice?" Ye Hao said with a light smile.

"How long has it been since you lost your accomplishments? You can say that you deliberately did not improve your accomplishments in order to polish the foundation, but even then, you should not have any immortal power in your body?"

"I just don't want to be promoted." Ye Hao said calmly.

"Ha ha." Chen closed the month to laugh a way, "Ye Hao, do you think you this clumsy reason can cheat who?"

"You don't have to care about that." Ye Hao said he took back the light of his eyes, and immediately looked into the depths of the sky and said, "lonely elder, it's time to end."

As soon as Ye Hao's voice falls, he can't help but change his face when he confronts the strong man of the corpse clan.

Immediately, he saw that the lonely three feet green front was filled with the power that all the people were afraid of. But what made the strong men of the corpse clan feel incredible is that he felt a mysterious wave on it.

This mysterious wave seems to be the origin of heaven.

Even if the fluctuation is not so obvious, it still scares him.

"Corpse mountain." With a wave of his hand, a vision appeared around the strong man of the corpse clan. Large pieces of corpses crossed the boundary of time and space, and turned into one solid barrier after another, holding him firmly in the middle.

Every corpse blooms with the breath of death.

When they open their eyes, heaven and earth change color.

A series of horrible eyes interweave and turn into the most terrible attack in the world.

Alone and fearless.

Cut it off with one sword.

This sword is like an immortal flying out of the sky. It is amazing and extremely domineering.

These corpses summoned by the strong men of the corpse clan were smashed to pieces one by one. Even the body of the strong corpse clan was pierced by the lonely sword.

The strong man of the corpse clan was half kneeling on the ground, looking at the lonely way with an ugly face, "why does your sword contain the true meaning of death?"

"Want to know?" Lonely said and raised the sword.

The strong man of the corpse clan left without hesitation.

He found that the power of solitude was stronger than that of legend.

It won't do any good to keep fighting.

Lonely to see the corpse clan strong left did not continue to move, because even if the strength of loneliness further, but want to stay him is still impossible.

Only when loneliness has set foot in the second realm and the death Sutra in the Sutra of life and death is thoroughly studied can loneliness have the confidence to leave this one.

"Loneliness seems to be stronger."

"There has been some growth in cultivation."

"Compared with the growth of his cultivation, I pay more attention to the true meaning of death in loneliness."

"That's the power of death. How can loneliness be mastered?"

"It's just a little superficial, but it's not really mastered. Why make a fuss?"

"Do you want to do it?"

"How easy is it to capture loneliness? And if we do, the laurel tree and the Yunxiao palace will not ignore it. What's more, don't forget Ye Hao, who just broke out the fighting power of the third territory. Who can guarantee that Ye Hao can't continue to explode? "

"Let it be?""Do you want the three clans to start the decisive battle ahead of time?" In addition to the Terrans, there are also demon clan and demon clan who are paying close attention to this war.

But in the end, the demon clan and the demon clan still did not fight.

Because no one wants to start a race war too early.

Clan war!

But never die!

Lonely and floating on the side of Ye Hao.

"Do you want us to capture laurel together?" Asked lonely.

The face of laurel tree changed wildly at the smell of speech.

The sacred land of laurel also showed the color of fear one by one.

The lonely combat power is extremely strong, plus a mysterious Ye Hao, may not be unable to capture the laurel tree.

You know, Ye Hao was a dragon maniac in the second world.

Laurel tree on strength is not as good as dragon maniac?

Ye Hao slightly shook his head and said, "if it is not necessary, I don't want to be fratricidal."

Laurel holy land is the super clan of Terrans.

If such a clan falls down, it will affect the layout of the whole Terran.

Seeing the suspicious look in Laurel's eyes, Ye Hao sighed slightly, "don't you notice that the strong men of the demon clan and the demon clan are spying in the dark?"

After a careful scan of Laurel's divinity, he noticed that almost all of the demon clan's and demon's semi gods were present.

"Ye Hao, we're here just for you." With a quiet voice falling, a figure of extraordinary beauty appears not far away.

This figure, every move, is enchanting.

A smile, a word and a deed, can be called peerless.

"Nine Tailed sky fox." Caiqilin looks at the figure with vigilance.

The Nine Tailed sky fox is the top blood of the demon clan.

This race is good at charm.

Cai Qilin is worried that Jiuwei Tianhu has taken Ye Hao's mind.

"What do you mean by Cai Qilin?" Nine tail day fox Horizontal Color Qilin one eye way, "do you still worry that I eat Ye Hao?"

She bit it very hard.

How can't caiqilin hear it?

"If you dare to do something to my brother, don't blame me for burning your foxhole." There is a strong sense of killing in caiqilin's eyes.

"Cluck, caiqilin, if you say something like this in jiuchongtian, I will be afraid of it. But in quadruple sky, you don't have any deterrent effect on me." Jiuwei Tianhu chuckles, and doesn't care about the threat of caiqilin. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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