Can Zhuyeqing not be angry?

How dare a native dog who is not as good as himself dare to attack himself?

Doesn't it know how much it weighs?

If the cultivation of this native dog is higher than himself, it's just that he is three different from himself.

How dare it?

In her anger, Zhu Yeqing decides to give Xiaotian a lifelong lesson.


The bamboo leaves turn green and disappear in place.

When it appears again, it is already by the side of Xiaotian.

But when the bamboo leaf green spurts out the toxin, it suddenly has a bad premonition in its heart, because it saw the small day looking at it in the eyes full of banter and scorn.

It's not a fake look.

It's a confidence from the inside out.

"Not good." Bamboo leaf green instinctively retreats.

But at this time, a small day's paw like lightning slapped on its head, sharp claws immediately left a deep bloodstain on its head.

Zhuyeqing wailed bitterly.

After rolling on the ground for a few times, Zhuyeqing's heart suddenly gave birth to a sense of death.

When I look up, I can see that Xiaotian's mouth is growing bigger and bigger. Before a breath, it expands to tens of feet. At the same time, a whale like force envelops his whole body.

"No Zhuyeqing's eyes were full of panic.

However, no matter how he called for help, his body still moved to the mouth of Xiaotian.

After swallowing up the bamboo leaves, Xiaotian returns to its original appearance. It trots to Ye Hao's side with light steps.

Ye Hao patted Xiaotian's head and then walked forward.

There are more than a dozen young men and women in a daze. In addition, there are three others who have been gnawed.

Ye Hao took out a poison eating pill.

Soon, the toxins in the body of more than ten young men and women were forcibly detained by the poison swallowing pill.

"Xiaoqing, you go to xiaotiandi to play." Seeing these friars about to wake up, Ye Hao said to Xiaoqing.

Xiao Qing has a vision.

Don't show up too early!

Otherwise, Ye Hao's current strength may not be able to hold Xiaoqing.

After the world, I didn't want to go into a small voice.

And in the small green into the small world after three breaths, Zhang Aoxue's eyelashes gently trembled, and then opened his eyes.

She struggled to sit up.

After a glance around, he soon fell on Ye Hao.

"Did you save me?" Zhang Aoxue asked softly.

Ye Hao gently nodded, "you have been poisoned by bamboo leaf green."

"What about bamboo leaf green?"

"Run away."

"Run away?" Zhang Aoxue was stunned.

This sentence of Ye Hao revealed an important news.

How can Zhuyeqing run?

He must have been beaten away by Ye Hao.

At this time, a dozen young men and women in the field continued to wake up.

When they learned the story, they expressed their gratitude to Ye Hao. However, several young people in the crowd looked at Ye Hao with a bad look.

"Well, we should go." A young man in a blue robe frowned when he saw Zhang Aoxue chatting with Ye Hao.

"Yes, we have been delayed for a long time." "The assessment is related to our future. I think we should be more careful."

The young people in the field retorted.

They all saw that Zhang Aoxue had a slight affection for Ye Hao.

Zhang Aoxue heard these young people say that his face showed anger, "don't forget who saved you?"

"It has nothing to do with who saved me." Luo Runhua, a young man in blue, said in a heavy tone, "I'm very grateful to Mr. Ye for saving me, but assessment is assessment, which is different."

Zhang Aoxue opened his mouth and wanted to say something. At this time, Ye Hao said, "I'm gone."

"Mr. Ye." Zhang Aoxue is busy.

"Work hard." Ye Hao whispered, "I'm waiting for you in taixuan college."

"Mr. Ye also came to participate in the examination?"

Ye Hao laughs but doesn't speak. He jumps up to Xiaotian, pats Xiaotian's head, looks at Zhang Aoxue and says, "goodbye by destiny." As Ye Hao's voice fell, the sky turned into an arrow to leave the string and rushed forward.

"Terrible speed."

"I'm afraid this native dog contains the blood of other species."

"It's not a big deal, the war pet of jade fairyland."

"After we get into taixuan college, we can get a jade grade PET."

"Taixuan college, even if a war pet is rubbish, it is better than that local dog."From afar, Ye Hao heard a trace of surprise on his face.

Taixuan college is really rich and generous.

Every one who is admitted to taixuan college will be given a jade grade prize.

It can be imagined that taixuan college must have a connection with the demon clan, otherwise, it would not be possible to continuously supply high-level war pets.

However, even the top-ranking battle pet of taixuan college may not be able to compare with Xiaotian?

Xiaotian is the blood of Tiangou.

The future will be able to compete with demigods.

"Xiao Tian, go to taixuan college." Ye Hao said lightly.

The speed of Xiaotian suddenly soared.


Taixuan college!

Southern region giant.

It was half a month later when Ye Hao rode Xiaotian to taixuan college.

Even if the speed of Xiaotian is far beyond the same level.

But who let Xiaotian's accomplishments only have jade level.

From a distance, there is a feeling of boundlessness. The mountains are like dormant Canglong, which is filled with an extremely dignified and terrifying atmosphere.

The gate is a gap between two ancient trees.

"Xingteng." Ye Hao also got a star vine.

This ancient tree, Xingteng, is said to be able to entangle the stars.

The two star vines in front of us have become the climate. Ye Hao estimates that they have reached the high level of Xianwang. Moreover, these two vines are connected with the earth's veins, and their strength will be more powerful in a short time.

Ye Hao believes that even the existence of the peak of Xianwang will not break the gate of taixuan college in a short time.

"It's a lot of writing." Ye Hao murmured.

This is the ancient power.

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