"This is a sword embryo." Qi Ling said and took out the sword which had not been tempered and handed it to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao took a look and asked, "where is the cold pool water?"

"Here it is."

Ye Hao took a look at the cold pool, "Thirteen minutes."

"Are you sure?" Qi Ling doubted.

"If you don't believe it, you can do an experiment." Ye Hao said with a smile, "only 13 minutes can make the sword stronger."

"Tutor ye, can you tell me how you are sure it's thirteen minutes?" Then the old tutor in the back row asked softly.

"To get this data, you need to experiment." Ye Hao looked at the old tutor.

"It takes a lot of experimentation to get such a fine figure." The old tutor said anxiously.

"How can we prove it without doing experiments?" Ye Hao said calmly, "over time, we can naturally get a lot of useful data and theories, instead of relying on the legacy and gift of our predecessors to survive."

"Yes." There was a flash of light in the old tutor's eyes.

"I think the college can assign this task to the students, the college provides the materials, the students are responsible for the research, and you review the results." Ye Hao said faintly, "if the students finish well, they will be given appropriate points. In this way, in addition to promoting the development of the college, it can also improve the ability of students."

Ye Hao's words brightened the eyes of the tutors in the back row.

"Why have we never thought about it?"

"According to Professor Ye, the college is a win-win situation."

"But the investment is too big."

"The initial investment will certainly be very large. I think the college should use the Treasury in the early stage, and then it will be able to operate."

"The college's database is too slow to update."

"Giving bonus points can stimulate students' enthusiasm."

"We'll go to the dean's office after class."

Hearing what these tutors said, Ye Hao didn't agree.

Taixuan college is called college in name.

But still did not get rid of the inherent thinking of the clan.

My advice is just the most basic thing in the University.

After that, Ye Hao asked some questions he had left to his students half a month ago. After asking again, Ye Hao began to answer their doubts.

When Ye Hao answers, all the tutors in the field are dignified.

Because even they can't answer some questions.

After Ye Hao answered a student's question, he said, "OK, it's time."

At this moment, not to mention the students, even the tutors in the back row showed a look of unfinished expression.

"Tutor ye, would you like to speak a little more?" A girl pleaded softly.

Ye Hao looked at the girl and said, "Xu Li, don't you want to enter the enlightenment array?"

"Enlightenment array?" Hearing these three words, Xu Li's eyes lit up.

Ye Hao said that there was a jade plate in his hand.

As Ye Hao's divinity inspired the jade plate, one after another of the array runes turned into an invisible space barrier.

"Qi Ling, Hu Ming, Ma Lun, Xu Li, Jiang Kai --" Ye Hao read out the names of 18 students. "You can stay in the enlightenment array for two hours, as for the rest of the students, you can stay for one hour. Well, go in now

Qi Ling and other hundreds of students rushed into the space barrier.

"Sit down with your knees crossed, and use your mind to feel the Runes of array road around you." Ye Hao said faintly.

Qi Ling and others quickly sat down according to Ye Hao.

After these students entered the state of enlightenment one by one, the instructor of array road in the back row walked to the space barrier.

"Tutor ye, can we go in and have a look?" Asked the old tutor in a low voice.

"Yes." Ye Hao nods.

These hundreds of mentors entered.

They closed their eyes, felt for a while, and then opened them.

"There is no profound meaning of gold level array."

"Almost all the formations below the gold level have been involved. I have some ideas about what I didn't understand before."

"Master Ye has reached the peak of understanding the array below gold level."

"Far beyond my imagination."

"It's a pity that master ye only has the highest accomplishments of jade level. If he has gold level accomplishments, most of them will be able to study the golden level enlightenment array."

These instructors don't stay in the array too much.

Because I can't open this face.

After leaving the array, they looked at the array plate in Ye Hao's hands, and their eyes were full of fire.

"Tutor ye, I don't know if it's not convenient for you to lend me your array tray?" A female tutor asked softly.

Ye Hao shakes his head."I'll take an hour."

Ye Hao still shakes his head.

However, Ye Hao said, "this array can only last for three hours. After two hours, it will be broken."

"Can you make another one?"

"Do you think I have a lot of time?"

Ye Hao's words made the female tutor speechless.

In fact, the female tutor didn't believe Ye Hao's words. She didn't think how long it would take to depict this array disk? The problem is that Ye Hao doesn't want to lend it to her now.

If you ask again, you will be out of touch.

An hour later, dozens of students came out of it.

"Almost all the questions I didn't understand before have been answered."

"I feel that the experience of this hour is equivalent to years of hard work."

"This directly brought me into the state of enlightenment."

"Unfortunately, there is only one hour, otherwise I can break through on the spot."

"I have a hunch that I'll break through as soon as I get back."

Listening to the words of the dozens of students, the eight students at the door all had red eyes.

These eight students are the eight who were expelled by Ye Hao before.

Today, Ye Hao didn't even look at them when he came to the classroom.

"Tutor ye, we are wrong."

"Tutor ye, please give us another chance."

"Tutor ye, I promise I will listen to you in the future."

"Mr. Ye, please let's come back." Eight students came into the classroom and begged Ye Hao one after another.

Ye Hao glanced at them and said, "from the moment you stood up and humiliated me, the friendship between you and me has been lost."

"Tutor ye, they are still just children. Do you want to give them a chance?" The director of the yellow class, Ke Jie, couldn't help saying.

"They can't come back, but I'll go when they come back." Ye Hao calmly looked at Ke Jie and said, "who wants to teach who is going to teach yellow class four?"

Kejie's face changed and he said, "when I didn't say it."

Give up such a good tutor for eight students?

Kegger, unless the forehead is clipped?

When the eight students changed color, they looked at Ye Hao, and their eyes were full of resentment.

"Tutor ye, are you sure you want to do something absolutely?" A boy stares at Ye Hao.

"And then?" Ye Hao shrugged.

"The eight of us are not without foundation in the college. Do you believe that we can make you unable to stay in the college?"

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