The whole class looked at Hu Ming with envy.

This is a mutant ice wolf that can step on the high level of immortal in the future!

It is conceivable that the price of this icewolf must be high.

In fact, this moment is not only the envy of students in the class, even the tutors in the back row are also envious. At this moment, they want to be Ye Hao's students.

Unfortunately, I just think about it.

"As long as you show me your efforts." Ye Hao said with a smile, "you will also get the main level war pet." Speaking of this, Ye Hao took out an array plate in his hand. The next moment, the array in the array plate was transferred out and turned into an invisible space barrier.

"Hu Ming can understand two hours this time. You can only understand one hour. Go in."

Hu Ming and others have entered the enlightenment array.

At this time, Zhang Aoxue's four women came to Ye Hao.

"Tutor ye, can I come in?" Huihan's eyes twinkle with little star way.

"Go ahead."

"Tutor ye, I also want to see it." Song Lingxiang said drily.

"Go ahead and remember it in an hour." Ye Hao said softly.

Before Chu Yanhe opened his mouth, Ye Hao said, "you can all enter."

Chu Yanhe exclaimed excitedly and got into the enlightenment array.

When the three women have entered, Ye Hao looked at Zhang Aoxue in surprise, "why don't you go in?"

"I want to talk to you."

"Talk about the art of channeling."

"Do you know the art of channeling Zhang Aoxue was surprised.

"Who doesn't know the art of channeling

"You know what I mean?" Zhang Aoxue whispered.

Almost all the friars of wuchongtian knew the art of channeling.

But what they have is all about war pets.

They don't waste their time on other pets.

"A little bit." Ye Hao said modestly.

"Tutor ye, can you recommend me what kind of pet I choose?" Zhang Aoxue pondered for a moment and then said.

"You'd better choose wood."

Zhang Aoxue can't help but stare at big eyes and say, "how do you know I should choose wood attribute?" The reason why Zhang Aoxue is shocked is that she cultivates wood skills.

Zhang Aoxue doesn't think Ye Hao will ask about his origin.

But Ye Hao could see his own skill at a glance.

This eyesight can only be described as horror.

"there are many wars with the wooden attributes, and I think Wutong is the most suitable one for you."


"Wutong contains auspicious things, which can make you go further."

"Well." Zhang Aoxue nodded and then changed the topic, "tutor ye, have you ever been to Furong city?"


"Hibiscus city is called Hibiscus city because there is a huge hibiscus tree." When Zhang Aoxue said this sentence, his eyes were full of confused color and said, "hibiscus tree is our protection god. When there are several life and death crises in Hibiscus City, it is hibiscus tree that helps us to avoid danger."

"How strong is the hibiscus tree?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"How strong the hibiscus tree is is is a mystery." Zhang Aoxue shook his head.

"Have a chance to see it."

"Then you must come to me."


Zhang Aoxue quietly accompanied Ye Hao for an hour.

In fact, most of the time, Zhang Aoxue is talking about it. Ye Hao only talks about it occasionally.

But even so, Zhang Aoxue was ecstatic.

Their conversation ended when the students of the class came out of the enlightenment array one after another.

After huihanzhi stepped out of the enlightenment array, he said excitedly, "the enlightenment at this hour is equivalent to my several years' work. I have a premonition that the array will be improved after I go back."

Ye Hao did not leave, but to help students in the class to answer the doubts on martial arts.

What surprised these students was that Ye Hao's opinion made them see the sun through the clouds, and some questions could not be answered even by the instructors of the martial arts class.

No matter how difficult the question is, Ye Hao can give the answer.

This shocked the students.

An hour later, Hu Ming came out.

When he heard Ye Hao answer the question on marlenwu Road, his eyes widened.

What's the situation?

Ye Hao is helping students to solve their doubts about martial arts?

As time went on, Hu Ming's face was even more shocked. He could see that Ye Hao's answer could be called perfect.

"Tutor ye, is there anything else you won't?" Hu Ming couldn't help asking.

"I won't. I'll go a lot." Ye Hao said here and stood up, "OK, that's it today." When he was about to leave the classroom, Ye Hao suddenly thought of something, "by the way, do you know that in half a month, the college will organize 100 tutors and 100 students to go to the ancient land?""I have a place in my hands." Ye Hao saw the dazed look on the student's face and then said, "I will give this quota to anyone who performs well in half a month."

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Hao no longer hesitated and turned away.

And the students in the class glared, after a moment of silence, one by one excited to call.

Ye Hao said it clearly.

Half a month later, who performs well will be given this quota?

Go to the ancient land.

This is undoubtedly a great opportunity.

Who doesn't want it?

Originally, the students in class 4 of yellow grade never had extravagant expectations, but now they suddenly find that they also have opportunities, so how can they not be excited?

And this matter also quickly spread to the whole taixuan college.

"Is there a quota in Ye RI's hands?"

"Ye RI is just a tutor of the yellow class. Why is there a quota in his hands?"

"It has been made clear that the quota in Ye RI's hands is given to Ye RI by President Liu."

"Is Ye RI related to President Liu?"

"Ye RI was specially approved by President Liu."

"On what basis can president Liu give ye ri a quota?"

"Can you stop saying that? The ancient land was discovered by President Liu and dedicated to the college by President Liu. Did President Liu not have such rights? "

"I wonder if you can buy the quota from ye RI?"

"Buy? Do you think ye RI is the one who is short of money? Will you send out more than seven million yuan today? I want to know how many fairy stones you have to give him to impress him? "

"In fact, what I care about is whether or not the college will disqualify jiminro?"

"I don't think it's possible, because Yoshiro will definitely pass the examination of the college."

"There must be a reason for the college to disqualify jiminro. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to block the mouth of college students."

"Not bad."

Just as the matter intensified, a figure knocked on the door of Ye Hao's room.

"President Liu said it would be difficult to disqualify jiminro."

Ye Hao looked at the beautiful girl in front of him and said, "take me to see President Liu."

On the way to President Liu's office, Han Mengqi pondered for a moment or asked, "you have many ways to deal with Ji Minglang. There is no need to take this method." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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