Guqin always believes that there is no love or hatred for no reason.

Ye Hao is too good for Guqin.

Therefore, guqin felt that Ye Hao had an attempt against her.

"It's easy."

"So simple?"

"Or what do you think?"

"When I get my revenge, I'll make it." Guqin bit his lip and looked at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Guqin asked suspiciously.

"I laugh because I have helped several girls. You are the only one who plays according to the routine. Those girls only express their thanks verbally Ye Hao said with a smile.

Guqin doesn't know what to say.

"I'm just kidding you." Ye Hao said with a smile, "I already have a wife."

"I can give you my body."

"I can't say I don't want your body." Ye Hao shook his head and said, "but if I want your body, I will be responsible for you, so I still refuse."

"I don't need you to be responsible."

"You don't need me to be responsible, but I want to be responsible."

"Then you are in charge."

Ye Hao looks at Guqin.

He felt that he was surrounded by the Guqin.

"We don't talk about it anymore." Ye Hao rubbed his head and said, "have you eaten? If not, I'll treat you to it

"No Guqin hasn't come to college these days.

She's crazy. If the Academy knows, she'll be in bad luck.

"Let's go." Ye Hao took Guqin all the way to the fourth canteen.

"Cloud canteen?" Guqin was shocked.

"It's just a meal to eat if there's no cloud." Ye Hao looked at the luxurious dining hall and said.

"It's said that a meal in the cloud canteen costs millions."

"I'm here for the first time, too."


"Ah, what, don't behave like a bumpkin, OK?" Hearing what Ye Hao said, guqin quickly restrained her look and pretended to be a frequent visitor.

As soon as I entered the door, a girl came up.

"Guqin." The girl could not help exclaiming when she saw the Guqin.

"Liu Xiao." "Why are you here?" Guqin asked

"I'm working on a work study program here." The girl called Liu Xiao whispered.

"Do you know each other?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"Tutor ye, let me introduce you to you. This is my classmate - Liu Xiao." Guqin introduced to Ye Hao.

"Tutor ye? Is there a tutor named ye in our local class Liu Xiao thought for a while, but did not expect that the tutor of the prefecture level class had a surname of Ye.

"Tutor Ye is not from the prefecture level class."

"Xuan class." After Liu Xiao realized this, he looked at Ye Hao's figure and doubted, "can the tutor of Xuan class afford to invite you to eat here?"

Don't blame Liu Xiao for suspecting.

Because even most of the tutors in prefecture level classes are not willing to eat here.

"This classmate, come here." Ye Hao points to a girl not far away.

The girl came over and said respectfully, "what can I do for you?"

"Are there any more boxes?"

The girl was stunned and embarrassed.

Because if she takes Ye Hao with her, she is robbing Liu Xiao's business.

"Is there a problem?" Ye Hao said lightly.

"Song Min, take him." Liu Xiao said sarcastically, "are you going to the box? Do you know what the minimum cost of a box is? "

"Liu Xiao, you passed." Guqin said calmly.

"Guqin, I'm for you." Liu Xiao shook his head when he saw Guqin angry.

"No need." Guqin said coldly.

"This way, please." Seeing the conflict between the two sides, Song Min is busy.

After entering the hall, Song Min asked, "I don't know what level of box you need?"

"Introduce it."

"There are four levels of boxes here." Song Min said softly, "the lowest consumption of the first level is six threes, the lowest consumption of the second level is six sixes, the lowest consumption of the third level is seven threes, and the lowest consumption of the fourth level is seven sixes. The higher the grade, the greater the space and the better the service. "

"Go to the first grade." Ye Hao thought about it and said.

Ye Hao didn't care how much money he spent.

Mainly because Ye Hao doesn't need too much space.

After all, it's just a meal.

"All right, both of you will follow me." Song Min leads Ye Hao to a box.

Before guqin, I thought that the box of the first grade should not be very large.

But after entering the box, guqin realized that he was wrong.The space of this box is as high as hundreds of square meters.

There won't be any embarrassment for people of 20 or 30 to have dinner here.

"Two, here's the menu." Song Min handed two people a menu and then backed away.

Guqin opens the menu.

The first page is the signature dish.

Buddha jumps over the wall!

After taking a look at the pictures of Buddha jumping over the wall, Song Min looks at the price.

Ninety nine thousand!

The heart of Guqin jumped.

"A dish is nearly 100000?"

Do you have a father?

In a moment, the Guqin looked at the material of the Buddha jumping over the wall.

At the sight of guqin, I feel relieved.

Some of the materials used in the wall are extremely rare.

Although the price is a little high, it is not incomprehensible.

Guqin then looked at the menu again.

After reading the menu, guqin found that none of the dishes on the menu cost less than 10000 yuan.

In other words, the price of each dish is more than 10000.

"Are you ready?" Ye Hao put down the menu and asked.

"It's too expensive." Guqin whispered.

Ye Hao couldn't help laughing. "I'll order it, waiter."

Song Min is coming.

"Eight treasure fish, Ruyi cake, Jinsi brocade, Pipa shrimp." Ye Hao ordered twelve dishes in a row before stopping. "Order these first."

"Yes, just a moment, please." Song Qin left with excitement.

No one dares to refuse.

So it proves that Ye Hao really has the strength to come to the paradise canteen to consume?

Song Min has calculated the number of immortal stones as high as 700000.

Ye Hao's consumption has reached the second level.

The reason why Ye Hao didn't go there seems to be no high profile.

It's funny that Liu Xiao thinks Ye Hao has no ability.

"More than 700000 per meal?" When Song Min left, guqin was stunned.

"Well." Ye Hao said lightly.

"It's too extravagant."

"You've never seen luxury."

"I don't think it's necessary to spend so much?"

"There's no need, no need." Ye Hao said lightly, "we can't practice for the sake of practice. We should enjoy it when we should."

"But I still think it's wasteful."

"I have a chance to show you what waste is." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"To where?"

"Auction." Ye Hao looks at Guqin road. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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