Before, all the students in the class thought that the reward should be Qi Ling, Hu Ming or Marlon.

After all, these three are ahead of the rest of the class.

However, no one expected that Ye Hao would give this quota to an unknown person.

"Tutor ye, I don't accept it." Marlon stood up as soon as her head was hot.

Mullen felt the prize was his own.

Step back to say, even if it is not their own, it is not round to Gu Qing'er.

"Why?" Ye Hao asked faintly.

"Why shouldn't Gu Qing'er get the quota to go to the ancient place?"

"Here you are?"

"I don't complain if you give the quota to Qi Ling or Hu Ming, but why do you give it to Gu Qing'er, a poor student in the class?"

"Poor students?" Wen Yan Ye Hao sneered, "how can you have the face to say this word?"

"When you say this, you seem to forget that you are a student of yellow grade 4, right?"

"Yellow class?"

"You don't know what yellow class stands for, don't you?"

"Do you know what the yellow class students are in the eyes of the Xuan class, the prefecture level class and the day class?"


"Then I would like to ask you, in the eyes of others, how dare you laugh at your classmates?"

"Who gave you courage?"

"Who gave you the courage?"

"Do you feel like you're in a good mood now that you've improved your accomplishments?"

Ye Hao's words made Ma Lun feel ashamed for a moment.

"Compared with the accomplishments of a monk, I pay more attention to the character of a monk." Ye Hao glanced at Marlon faintly and said, "maybe you haven't noticed it yourself. You've never seen Gu Qing in front of your eyes, even if you have one."

"I'm really curious where you get that sense of superiority?" Speaking of this, ye haodun said for a moment, "you go, our love is over."

"Tutor Ye." Mullen was scared.

He didn't expect Ye Hao to drive him out of yellow class four.

"Xue Han, Wang Ya, Tian Yun." Ye Hao then read out the names of more than a dozen monks, "you and Marlon left yellow class four together."

"Why?" Xue Han's face changed.

"I remember telling you not to let the cat out of the bag." Ye Hao looked at Xue Han and said, "have you leaked the secret? Should you know it in your mind?"

"Tutor ye, please give me another chance." Xue Han's face changed greatly.

"Maybe you don't know how much trouble one of your words caused me." Ye Hao snorted coldly, "now my tutors and students are forcing me to hand in the array to increase the training speed. Do you know?"

"Ah Xue Han realized that he had made a big mistake.

"You must know something about my character." Ye Hao waved his hand and said, "let's go."

Wang Ya and more than a dozen students, you look at me, I look at you, and finally they leave at the same time.

Xue Han knelt down in front of Ye Hao with a thump and knocked his head three times.

"Xue Han thanks teacher ye for his teaching these days."

After Xue Han left, Ma Lun also knelt down, "tutor ye, I beg you to give me another chance."

Ye Hao turned his face.

Seeing this scene, Mullen's eyes showed a trace of reluctance, "tutor ye, do you have to do so absolutely?"

Ye Hao turned his face.

There was a chill in Marlon's eyes.

"Give you three breaths and disappear from my face."

Hearing Ye Hao say so, Marlon stood up and said, "Ye RI, you will regret it if you treat me like this."

"Mullen, how can you talk to tutor ye like that?" Hu Ming had an incredible look on his face.

"Marlon, you let me down." Qi Ling looks strange at Marlon.


"Marlon, you are such a dog."

"Don't insult the dog, will you?"

Facing the class's criticism, Mullen's eyes were full of ferocity, "he forced me to do all this."


Marlon's figure fell heavily in the distance.

As soon as I landed, a mouthful of blood gushed out.

"Ye RI." Marlon growled with red eyes.

"For the sake of teaching you, I will not abandon your accomplishments." Ye Hao said indifferently, "but if you let me see your mischief in the future, I promise you will regret it."

Mullen didn't say anything, just struggled to get up and quickly disappeared.

"Tutor ye, I'm sorry." Gu Qing'er said timidly.

Ye Hao looked at Gu Qing'er's frightened eyes and whispered, "this matter has nothing to do with you. The moth like Mullen should have been eliminated. Well, now go to the enlightenment formation and practice well in these two hours. "

"I will." Gu Qing'er nodded heavily.Two hours later, Ye Hao takes Gu Qing and Zhang Aoxue to Han Mengqi's residence.

Not long after walking, Ye Hao saw the Guqin in a black skirt.

"Tutor Ye." Guqin sees Ye Hao coming in a hurry.

"Why do you always like to wear black clothes?" Ye Hao looks at Guqin road.

Guqin lowered her head and said, "I like black."

Ye Hao shook his head slightly.

Ye Hao knows that the reason why Guqin likes black is that Guqin has practiced the way of killing.

"Guqin." Zhang Aoxue was suspicious and said, "tutor ye, how can you know Guqin?"

"A chance encounter." Ye Hao said casually.

"Is that ok?" Zhang Aoxue was stunned.

"Let's go." Ye Hao changed the topic.

Looking at guqin, Zhang Aoxue always feels that there is an indistinct relationship between Ye Hao and Guqin.

Therefore, Zhang Aoxue has been trying to ask Guqin a variety of questions along the way.

Guqin answered at the beginning.

After realizing that she can refuse to answer.

It's cold again.

"Guqin, you really deserve the title of iceberg beauty." Zhang Aoxue can only say helplessly at last.

When he arrives at Han Mengqi's residence, Ye Hao finds that Han Mengqi, Jinxuan and Youlan are already waiting.

"You two go too?" Ye Hao points to Jinxuan.

"Mengqi is qualified to go. Why don't we?" Jinxuan is wearing a white skirt, and the whole person is very special.

"Don't I think you're not as beautiful as Mengqi?" Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Your uncle, did you go to the ancient land by your face?" Jin Xuan glared at Ye Hao and said, "step back, even if it's by face, I have an advantage over Mengqi, OK?"

Jin Xuan said, but also deliberately to stand up.

"Don't stand up. It's too dazzling." Ye Hao is busy.

"Stop it. It's time to go." Han Mengqi said helplessly.

Zhang Aoxue's three daughters look at Ye Hao talking with Jinxuan, Han Mengqi and Youlan. Their faces are incredible.

It doesn't make sense!

Han Mengqi's three girls not only have the status of prefecture level class tutors, but also are the favored children of day class.

What's more, Han Mengqi is a powerful immortal!

So how can you have a good time with Ye Hao? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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