"The origin of this divine text is so great that it can't be compared with the life and death Sutra." Ye Hao said in a deep voice, "you should try your best to write down later. The more you remember, the greater your future achievements will be."

"What kind of divinity is this?" Lonely surprised way.

"This divine text can refine your flesh and blood and enhance your soul." Ye Hao looked at loneliness and said, "this kind of promotion will be long-term. Think about it. It will be promoted all the time. Even if this kind of promotion is very subtle, it will be a terrible number to stack together for a long time."

"There are 36 sentences in this divine text, and murongjing has memorized 12 sentences just now." Ye Hao said, his eyes moved to caiqilin. "This memory will be one-time. If you can't remember this time, you can't remember it any more."

Hearing Ye Hao's words, he said after a lonely meditation, "let me calm down. In this way, after three days, I will maintain my peak state."

"Well, I also need time to digest the news." Cai Qilin nods with approval.

Loneliness and caiqilin know that this transformation is directly related to when they can break through to the second place.

Originally, it took 1000 years for loneliness and caiqilin to break through.

But now, after practicing in the center of Ye Hao's small world, their time has been shortened to 300 years.

And what they are facing now will be further shortening.

Ye Hao answered and left xiaotiandi.


The news of the attack on the students of taixuan college spread all over the whole college at the first time.

At a time when many monks felt incredible, the dean of taixuan college returned to the college.

The first thing that taixuan announced after returning to the college was that FengChen was wanted within the scope of wuchongtian.

Ye Hao was stunned when he heard the news.

"Remember what I told you?" Han Mengqi said in a deep voice, "I said that the Academy secretly sent a master, the master is not others, it is FengChen."

"The news leaked by FengChen?"

"When President Liu came out of the college, he was suddenly attacked by FengChen. Otherwise, the ability of president Liu would not be stopped by the devil."

"FengChen is a good Dean. Why do you go to be the running dog of the demon clan?"

"I don't know about it either."

"The college has lost a lot." Ye Hao sighed.

As the vice president of the college, FengChen knows almost all the secrets of the college.

Now, in order to prevent problems, the college has to make corresponding adjustments, and this adjustment has to pay a price.

"Ye RI, can you help the college?"

"I'm just a jade fairy." Ye Hao shook his head slightly.

"You are not an ordinary jade fairy."

"You have to trust the dean."

Ye Hao felt that he had made enough of himself in this period of time.

Therefore, what Ye Hao needs to do now is to keep a low profile and keep a low profile.


Little by little, the time passed.

And these days, the five fold sky has become very restless.

The traces of the demons resurrected in wuchongtian, and the forces that broke through the whole wuchongtian were very few. Even a few affiliated sects of taixuan college were also attacked in varying degrees.

Ye Hao came to the classroom as usual.

The students in the classroom are discussing the situation fiercely.

"The recent offensive of the demons has become more and more arrogant. It is said that half of the eastern regions are in the hands of the demons."

"What I want to know is that our Terrans and demon clans have been suppressing the demons all these years, but why are the demons still developing into such a terrible situation? Is the intelligence part of Terrans and Demons eating dry food? "

"The demon's forbearance is beyond our imagination."

"Why don't the forces of Terrans and Demons form an alliance to eliminate demons?"

"I heard that some big forces deliberately indulged the demons."

"Indulgence? Why? "

"Terrans and demon clans are waiting for the forces of the demons to jump out, and then they will take action to kill all the demons."

"Are Terrans and Demons too confident? What if it can't be suppressed at that time? "

At this time, I don't know who yelled a word. Tutor ye came, and the voice of the class's discussion suddenly weakened.

Ye Hao put down his textbook and said faintly, "let me examine your homework first."

Three hours later, Ye Hao picked up his textbook and walked away.

"Tutor Ye." Qi Ling called.

Ye Hao turned and looked at Qi Ling suspiciously. "What's the matter?"

"Tutor ye, what do you think of the strategy made by the Terran and demon clan leaders?"

"No idea." Ye Hao said lightly.

Qi Ling was shocked.

She never thought Ye Hao would answer like this?

"Your priority now is to improve yourself." Ye Hao said this sentence and left.Just out of the classroom, Ye Hao heard the sound of exclamations in the distance.

"Something happened to tutor Duan Fang."

"I heard that tutor Duan Fang died of exhaustion in order to protect several students."

"The demons are so rampant."

"It's all on the edge of our taixuan college."

Ye Hao listened and walked towards the crowd.

The mind swept Ye Hao saw Duan Fang lying in the pool of blood when he was making trouble for himself, while three girls were constantly wailing around him.

Ye Hao sighed.

"How do you feel?" At this time, Ye Hao's side sounded an old voice.

Ye Hao turns to look at the visitor.

Who is not Liu Yaxin?

"A little uncomfortable." Ye Hao said frankly.

"This is the clan war." Liu Yaxin looked at Ye Hao and said in a dignified tone.

Ye Hao was silent.

"We need the help of the strong behind you." Liu Yaxin opens the door to see the mountain road.

"Are there any demigods among the demons?" Ye Hao's face changed.

"If there is no demigod, do you think the Terrans and Demons might be wary?" Liu Yaxin sighed, "the semi God level of the war is not trivial, Terrans and demon clans are not fully prepared, will not rush out."

"When are you going to do it?"

"Now both sides are still trying." Liu Yaxin pondered for a while and said, "it will take a while before the decisive battle."

"Then I'll let the demigods behind me do it." Ye Hao thought about it and said.

Thank you very much Liu Yaxin is busy.

Please move a semi God strong hand, the Terran side will have more chances to win.

"It's been three years. Why did you get promoted?" Liu Yaxin suddenly thought of something.


Liu Yaxin's eyes brightened, "are you willing to step on Golden fairyland at last?"

"It's mainly because it can't be bothered." Ye Hao sighed.

Three years ago, when Ye Hao returned to taixuan college, the news that Ye Hao had mastered celestial level psychics was spread, which made students stay in Ye Hao's dormitory every day.

Ye Hao saw dozens of students at the door from a distance.

These students are of all ages.

"Master ye, take me as your apprentice?"

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