"What do you say?"

"The sixth floor of xianzun."

"Yes, ye RI's cultivation is the sixth floor of xianzun."

"How about ye RI's accomplishments a few days ago or jade fairyland?"

"But ye RI's cultivation is the sixth floor of xianzun."

"Is it true that ye RI intentionally concealed his accomplishments before?"

"Only this is possible."

"I finally understand why Ye RI can do those fantastic acts. I dare to feel that ye RI's cultivation is so powerful."

"It seems that mu Rongjing's accomplishments are only six layers of immortal statue."

"I just don't know which of them is better?"

"I think murongjing is not ye RI's opponent, because we have known about murongjing's reality and falsehood for a long time, but who knows Ye RI's virtual and real situation?"

"Murong Jing got the bird burning the sky, and you must know what the bird is."

"The problem is that there was an accident in the transformation process of murongjing's burning Skylark. Now it's still between two sides whether they can survive or not."

When Ye Hao heard a young man talking about this topic, he asked Han Mengqi curiously, "Mengqi, how could an accident happen to the skylark?"

"The maid beside Murong Jing is a masterpiece of the demon clan."

"The demons are so pervasive." Ye Hao couldn't help saying.

"The reason why Terrans and demon clans lost so much territory in a short period of time is largely due to meticulous work." Han Mengqi said in a deep voice, "don't say anything else, just say murongjing. Who would have thought that the maid who accompanied her for hundreds of years would be a fine work. On that day, murongjing's maid attacked the burning skylark, which was about to complete its transformation. When murongjing was ready to do so, her maid directly threw a rob thunder. Fortunately, Murong Jing's strength is strong enough, otherwise it may fall under the thunder

"The demons have planned for these years, and it is not so easy to eliminate them." Ye Hao said solemnly.

"So it was destined to be a bloody battle." Murong Jing's voice sank.

Ye Hao is silent.

At this time, in the middle of the air, one after another of the noble warships appeared.

"It's time for us to go." Han Mengqi said to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao gently shook his head and said, "or take my boat."

As Ye Hao said this, he summoned his warship into the air.

Ye Hao's warship is more powerful than that of the Academy.

"Master Ye RI also has a grand warship in his hand?"

"A grand warship is enough to ruin a immortal."

"Master Ye RI's superior warship is stronger than that of the Academy."

"The two of us?" On the scene of the discussion between teachers and students, Han Mengqi was stunned.

"There are others." Ye Hao said lightly.

Ye Hao and Han Mengqi soared and landed on top of the noble warship. Han Mengqi looked around.

"Where else is there?"

With a wave of his hand, Ye Hao's figure appeared on the top of the Zun class warship.

And these figures are filled with a wave of terror.

Looking at these figures, Han Mengqi couldn't help but stare at her eyes.

"Fighting puppet."


"These 100 fighting puppets are the existence of xianzun's peak?"


"How can you have so many fighting puppets?"

"I had nothing to refine before."

"You made it?"

"Any questions?"

"Fighting puppets can only be refined by top craftsmen."

"I'm a top craftsman."

"Can you make tools?"

"Do you know?"

"If I remember correctly, do you know array, Dan, and channeling?"


"How can you still have time to learn how to refine weapons?"


"Are demons as terrible as you?"


"I don't think so." Han Mengqi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, "otherwise I can't catch up with Murong Jing in my whole life?"

"If you want to catch up with murongjing, unless you meet the fate against the heaven." Ye Hao said faintly.

"Can you beat murongjing?"

"It can be suppressed with one hand."

"Who are you lying to?" Han Mengqi looks incredulous.

"Believe it or not." Ye Hao said that there were thousands of figures on the warship.

And these thousands of figures are all the existence of the peak of the immortal Lord.

Even if they don't say a word, they can stand there quietly, still giving people a kind of unspeakable shock.

When Ye Hao waved, several fighting instruments appeared in the hands of each fighting puppet.

Looking at this scene, Han Mengqi's uneasiness slightly subsided.Compared with Han Mengqi's worry, Ye Hao's worry is not much.

Loneliness is the existence of the first situation.

However, if you need to, you can use forbidden techniques to upgrade your accomplishments to the second level.

If that doesn't change the situation, Cai Qilin can also use forbidden techniques to improve his combat power to the second level. However, since Cai Qilin is forced to descend from the high heavy sky to the low heavy sky, he can only have the combat power of the first level after using the forbidden technique.

But this is still a true demigod!

If you can't use the two and a half gods to deal with the scene.

Daotu can also hit the top of the third level.

Ye Hao doesn't believe such a lineup can't cope.

How fast are the grand warships.

A short time of more than ten breaths came to the worship of inviting the moon.

At this time, the emperor of inviting the moon had already turned into a piece of ruins. On this piece of ruins, a Zun's figure stood proudly.

Their evil spirit interweaved into a field, which ruthlessly suppressed everything between heaven and earth.

They were wearing black swords and holding them in their hands. Their eyes were full of amazing killing intention. Especially when they saw the teachers and students of taixuan University, their killing intention almost turned into substance.

"Kill." Liu Yaxin points to the road ahead.

Ten high-class warships spewed out terrible energy bombs.

"Tie up." A figure responded coldly.

Liu Yaxin is no stranger to this figure.

It was the one who intercepted him.

Thirty thousand demons formed a black mask to protect them.

Ten energy bombs are just ripples on the light shield.

Liu Yaxin saw this scene and took a shot at the mask. However, the moment Liu Yaxin made a move, the force demon appeared opposite him and stopped Liu Yaxin's attack.

"Mo Qing, kill all the students of taixuan college." Li Mo looked at a young man in black.

The young man in black glanced at the audience indifferently and said, "Master Li Mo, please rest assured that none of the students of taixuan college who come here today can run out."

Speaking of this, the young man in black waved his hand and said, "form a bloodthirsty burning soul array."

As soon as the voice of the young man in black falls, the space around Ye Hao and others changes. A huge array encapsulates all of Ye Hao's and other 100000 generals and soldiers.

At the same time, Ye Hao felt the blood in his body became hot.

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