"I noticed that my grandfather had no ability to fight back at all." The young man thought for a moment and then said, "but after the old ancestor was arrested, there was no trace of struggle."

The young man's eyes were still full of horror when he said this.

It was hard for him to imagine that such a powerful ancestor would be easily captured.

Like a lamb to be slaughtered.

The middle-aged man changed his face when he heard this.

If he had only guessed before, he was 100% sure at this moment.

"Dad, what to do now?" Master Zhu que asked anxiously.

But he didn't think that he had offended two evil spirits.

"It's a big deal. I'm the only one to go and apologize." The father of Master Zhu que sighed.

If this matter is not handled properly, they may fall behind.

Because this time Baoyu Pavilion will auction a large number of elixirs, which will fall into the hands of the major forces. Baoyu Pavilion auction once and twice is OK, but if the auction continues, can the rosefinch clan still keep up with those forces?

"Together." The master of the spring breeze Pavilion smiles bitterly.

Spring wind Pavilion is also a big force with five days, and they also have a lot of demand for elixir.

But when they came to the gate of Baoyu Pavilion, they were told that the one who made the decision was not here.

Zhu Hongyu and Zhong Minghui looked at each other and saw a little uneasiness in each other's eyes.

Because they don't know if Ye Hao is really here?

But the two chose to wait.

At this time, Ye Hao is still hanging out on the street with Haoyue.

"In fact, the reason why the forces of wuchongtian are so active is that they want to buy elixirs and magic weapons, and they also want to make sure that you refine these elixirs?"

"I don't think I need to guess about that."

Are there many Dan masters of the 11th grade?

Not much!

At present, only Ye Hao is publicly known.

"I don't know what they will look like when they confirm it?" Ye Hao said faintly.

"I think the look on their faces will be wonderful." Haoyue said with a smile.

The result of Ye Hao's probing into people's minds in the fourth heaven is that most of the forces have entered the game.

None of these forces hope Ye Hao can recover.

Because Ye Hao's recovery means that when they go to yichongtian in the future, Ye Hao will make trouble for them.

Ye Hao's power yanhuangzong has developed in full swing these years.

Both the middle and low-end forces far exceed their development.

It can be imagined that the gap between the two sides will become larger and larger as time goes on.

Baoyu Pavilion!

"The first exhibit to be auctioned today is the ten grade advanced Dan that everyone has been looking forward to." The auctioneer in charge of the auction was a senior auctioneer in Baoyu Pavilion. He looked around and said, "if you take this ten grade advanced Dan, you will have a great chance to step on the 10th floor of xianzun. I believe all of you here understand what the tenth floor of xianzun means? "

After a pause, the host said, "because of the great value of the ten grade advanced pills, the bottom price of the ten grade advanced pills is one billion, and each increase must not be less than 10 million."

Billion reserve price!

After the host said this, some forces in the field showed a look of shock in their eyes.

"Is it too expensive?"

"Expensive? It's possible to achieve a king of immortals. How can a fairy king be worth more than one billion dollars

"If there is a fairy king in the family, it can be ranked among the first-class forces. Even if there is still some gap compared with those ancient forces, it is enough to be proud of most of the forces."

"You've thought too much. How could this ten grade advanced Dan be photographed more than 3 billion yuan?"

"Tripling is normal."

While some forces are discussing, some forces are bidding.

"1.1 billion."

"1.2 billion."

"1.3 billion."

All the experts on the spot knew that the final transaction price of this elixir would not be lower than 3 billion, so no one would bid for 10 million.

It doesn't make sense, doesn't it?

Do you still want to win 1.11 billion?

The price went up very fast, and it didn't take long to climb to three billion.

However, what the forces in the field did not expect is that the price will still increase by one hundred and one billion after three billion.

"3.1 billion."

"3.2 billion."

"3.3 billion."

"3.4 billion."

"Brother Jin, the price of this elixir is not worth 3.4 billion."

"Don't you think a fairy king is worth 3.4 billion?"

"But there is also the possibility of failure?""What can be done without risk in this world?"

"But I still think brother Jin is too risky - 3.5 billion?"

"You say I'm taking a risk. What's your shot?"

"I'll call whatever I want?"

Is this kind of thing called casually?

Of course not.

You can't get the corresponding fairy stone when you call, but the auction house will find you in trouble.

"3.6 billion."

"3.7 billion."

"Four billion." As the voice fell, the whole force could not help looking at the box in the distance.

"Sad swordsman."

"Li Jian Zong's tragic swordsman."

"The existence of a fairy King's peak."

"The super clan of the eastern region still won't argue with him."

"The sad swordsman is moody and can easily hurt people's lives. This is not the only one of the ten grade advanced Dan. I'd better give it to him."

The masters of forces in the field recognized the identity of that one and gave up one after another.

"Four billion times." The host saw that there was no bidding for the sidewalk.

"4.1 billion." At this time, a voice like Oriole sounded from the hall.

The crowd was stunned when they saw it.

Because the auction is a very beautiful girl.

Didn't the girl know that bidding would offend the sad swordsman at this time?

The sad swordsman looked at the girl and said, "4.2 billion."

"4.3 billion." The girl bid quietly.

"You are very good." When the sad swordsman said this sentence, his words showed a wisp of killing intention.

"What? Do you have a problem? " At this time, an old woman sitting beside the girl said coldly.

Her voice turned into a ferocious killing opportunity, penetrated the forbidden box, and shrouded the tragic swordsman.

The sad swordsman let out a mouthful of blood.

He looked at the old woman with white hair, and his eyes were full of fear.

"Don't think that xianzun's highest cultivation can be reckless. In the eyes of some people, you are just like that." The old woman with white hair closed her eyes after saying this.

The sad swordsman looks at the old woman with white hair.

In the end, he sat back, dispirited.

No matter how fierce the grief is, how dare you fight against a demigod?

That kind of behavior is looking for death.

At this moment, many forces in the field watched the white haired old woman and the woman look dignified.


This is a taboo term.

How many demigods is the whole five fold genius?

But now you've got one?

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