Ye Hao sees expectation and tension in Han Mengqi's eyes.

Ye Hao realized that it was difficult.

If you refuse directly, you will definitely hurt Han Mengqi.

How to refuse?

Ye Hao suddenly thought of drunken ink.

His mind swept around and found the drunken ink.

Because that woman is so beautiful.

No words can describe her beauty.

But her beauty is different from that of Haoyue. The beauty of Haoyue is a kind of holy beauty, while her beauty is a kind of delicate beauty.

When he saw her for the first time, he felt strange in his heart.

Why is it weird?

Because Ye Hao did not know why he had a desire to protect her.

Soon Ye Hao realized that the problem was in his drunken body.

The delicate beauty in her body will trigger Ye Hao's desire for protection.

"The body of Xuanyin." At this time, a lonely voice sounded in Ye Hao's ear.

"The body of Xuanyin?" Ye Hao was surprised.

The body of Xuanyin is more powerful than the body of nine Yin.

After growing up in the future, you can reach the peak of fairy king.

But Xuanyin's body has a name.

The best cauldron.

If a man gets Xuanyin body, he can get all the accomplishments of a woman.

More importantly, there is no sequelae.

"Don't you come and help?" Ye Hao preached to drunken ink.

"I don't know what you mean." Drunk ink pitifully said.

"Do you want me to expose your dark body?" Ye Hao said lightly.

The drunken ink rubbed the ground and stood up.

She looked at Ye Hao suspiciously and said, "how do you know?"

"I can see that."

Drunken ink is silent for a moment and tears up the space and appears beside Ye Hao.

"Han Mengqi, are you trying to rob my food?"

Han Mengqi had to leave Ye Hao for the time being, even though he was thick skinned.

"Ye Hao doesn't like you."

"It's not up to you to decide." Drunken ink said and warmly took Ye Hao's arm, "Mr. Ye, go to your room, let's talk about the past?"

"Good." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Han Mengqi stamped his feet and said angrily, "Ye Hao, how can you do this?"

"We're just talking about the past." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"The devil believes it?" Han Mengqi snorted coldly.

Therefore, Han Mengqi, who does not believe in evil, follows Ye Hao behind them.

She would like to see how Ye Hao reminisces with drunken ink?

Soon Ye Hao and drunken ink enter Ye Hao's room.

Han Mengqi was ready to enter when a soft force bounced away.

"Prohibition." Han Mengqi looked at the soft power.

"Ye Hao, you bullied me." After that, Hanqi didn't even break the ban.

The array arranged by Ye Hao's current strength is not easy to break even if it is the early existence of the king of immortals.

From time to time, the drunken ink in the room looked out of the door.

"Han Mengqi won't break in, will she?"

"Are you not confident in my formation?"

"How do you know that I am the body of Xuanyin?"

"I'm a Dan master."

Ye Hao's answer makes Zui Mo stunned.

Ye Hao is not an ordinary Dan master.

There are few more than him in his cultivation of Dan Dao.

"My body of Xuanyin can't be suppressed."

"A xuanyang pill will do."

"Xuanyang Dan can only be refined by the eleven grade noble Dan masters." Drunken ink said here to rise to salute Ye Hao, "I hope Ye Gongzi can help me."

"Give me a reason." Ye Hao said lightly.

"I want to live, I don't want to be someone else's plaything."

"That's not why I'm helping you."

"As long as you don't break my virginity, I'll let you be frivolous." Drunken ink hesitated for a while, looked at Ye Hao seriously and said, "I have learned a lot of techniques in the room, to ensure that you are satisfied with the service."

When drunk Mo said this, his face showed a pathetic look.

I feel pity for you!

After Ye Hao listened to the words of drunken ink, there was a slight reaction below.

Ye Hao said awkwardly, "am I the kind of person who takes advantage of the fire?"

"Ye Gongzi Gao Yi." Drunk ink busy road.

"Don't put your hat on me." Ye Hao said, a jade bottle appeared in his hand and said, "the jade bottle is a top-notch xuanyang pill, enough to suppress you to cross the robbery. However, I suggest that you wait until I have passed the robbery, because your experience of Xuanyin has been exposed again. "

"Well.""And when you get through the robbery, remember to keep your promise."

"What commitment?"

"In the room technique."

"Ah." Drunk ink did not expect Ye Hao to mention the old story again.

"Any questions?" Ye Hao looks at the drunken ink road.

"No - no problem." Drunk Mo bit his lips and whispered.

"If it's all right, you can go." Ye Hao waved.

Drunk ink is about to leave, just remember the purpose of today.

"Mr. Ye, the leader of the cabinet has already punished the deacon of Tang Dynasty. Do you think you can spare Chunfeng pavilion?"

"What do you think?" Ye Hao said faintly.

"Mr. Ye." Drunkard pleaded.

However, Ye Hao removed the ban at the door with a wave of his hand.

Then Han Mengqi rushed in.

When she saw that Ye Hao and his drunken ink clothes were in good condition, she looked at Ye Hao angrily and said, "Ye Hao, what do you mean?"

"No meaning?" Ye Hao said calmly, "I'll talk about something with drunken ink."

"What can you talk about?"

"We have so much to talk about?" Ye Hao looks at Han Mengqi speechlessly.

Can't they just talk about it?

Drunk ink see this situation, only leave.

At present, it is impossible for Ye Hao to let go of the situation. Therefore, he may be infuriated if he continues to talk about this matter.

"What did you say you were talking about?"

"I'm comparing drunkard and my wife, who is prettier?"

"Your wife?"

With a wave of his hand, Ye Hao arrested Haoyue from the magic weapon of space.

Han Mengqi was surprised when she saw the bright moon, and immediately her face turned red.

She is very worried about her behavior just now let Haoyue see.

Haoyue greets Han Mengqi very friendly.

I don't seem to know what happened just now?

"Haoyue, do you know who I saw just now?"

"Who is it?"

"The first beauty of the five heavens."

"Which of us is beautiful?"

"I know why." Ye Hao takes a look at Haoyue.

"I don't believe it." Although Haoyue's heart is nourishing, she still shakes her head.

If drunken ink is not beautiful, how can it be rated as the first beauty of wuchongtian?

"I don't believe it either." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Ye Hao." Haoyue said with some taste.

It can be seen from this that even demons are vulgar.

"Are you hungry?" Ye Hao changed the topic.

"Not hungry."

"I'll cuff you lemon flavored chicken wings?"

"Can chicken wings be lemon flavored?"


"Then I'll have five pairs."

"Ten pairs."

"Good." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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