Magic weapon of chaos!

This is the innate magic weapon born in chaos.

Any jade can cause a sensation.

"The monk in the box has been bidding with you? Did he recognize the magic weapon Haoyue asked, narrowing her eyes.

"How could he have spent a billion if he hadn't recognized it?" Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Don't you worry about him poking out the news about the treasure of chaos?"

"He will not."


"Because he probably has a gourd in his hand." Ye Hao looked at Haoyue and said, "if you fuse a gourd again, this chaotic treasure should be able to kill the high-level master of Xianwang."

"Fairy king high rank?" Han Mengqi was scared. "I want to know how many gourds there are in total?"


"What if we merge five?"

"Should be able to threaten demigods."

"I thought I could kill a demigod?" Jin Xuan patted her chest and said.

"It's not easy to kill a demigod at that level. However, if a demigod holds the treasure of chaos, there should be no problem killing the existence of the same level."

"In this way, the news of chaos treasure can never be disclosed?" When Haoyue said this sentence, it was more like reminding several people on the spot not to divulge the news of swallowing gourd.

"I won't say anything like that." Jin Xuan is busy expressing her innocence.

"I'm going to kill you, so let's talk about it." Ye Hao looked at Jinxuan and said with a smile, "such a good girl, how wasteful to die."

"Then you don't take it?" The bright moon dimples like flowers.

"It's better not to delay other girls."

"I'm not afraid of delay." Jinxuan looks at Ye Hao with big eyes and blinks.

"Don't tempt me so much." Ye Hao avoids Jin Xuan's hot eyes.

Seeing Ye Hao's expression like this, Jinxuan's eyes show a touch of disappointment.

How could Jin Xuan, who is so excellent as Ye Hao, not feel it?

Otherwise, how can Jin Xuan express herself in full view of the public?

"The next thing to auction is a king level pet." At this time, the voice of the host rang in the hall.

"King level war pet?" There was an uproar.

The king level war pet represents the fighting power of the Immortal King level.

When the host's voice dropped, people saw a golden dragon appeared in the air.

"Golden Dragon."

"Gold is a bit complicated, not a golden dragon."

"No wonder Qibao Pavilion is willing to auction?"

"Three billion dollars for even that?"

When the host saw the atmosphere of the whole venue ignited, he said, "this is a golden dragon. The bottom price is 3.2 billion, and the price increase should not be less than 100 million."

"Do you want to film it?" Asked Haoyue.

"Of course it's going to be filmed." What Ye Hao lacks most is immortal stone, so Ye Hao who can buy it with immortal stone doesn't care.

"Six billion." Haoyue immediately said.

All the eyes of the audience fell on Ye Hao's box.

Do you have such a bid?

"6.1 billion!" The owner of the Yin family bid.

"Seven billion." Bright moon light way.

The Yin family advocated opening the mouth, but there was no bidding in the end.

Bidding for a piece of wool?

Haoyue, this is put clearly, does not care about the immortal stone.

Since you can't take pictures here, why let the other party pay more fairy stones?

No one wants to offend Ye Hao.

The question is, can you beat Ye Hao even if you are willing to offend him?

Xiaojinlong is taken to Ye Hao's box by the Deacon.

Xiaojinlong looked haughtily at Ye Hao and others and said, "who would like to sign a contract with me?"

Ye Hao didn't, but he didn't look at little Jinlong. He handed the Deacon a bag of heaven and earth and said, "have a look."

After taking over the bag of heaven and earth, the Deacon said with a smile, "no, Mr. Ye, can't you do that kind of short weight thing?"

After the Deacon left, little Jinlong frowned and said, "didn't you hear me?"

"Do you have a voice here?" Ye Hao glanced at xiaojinlong lightly.

"What do you say?" Xiao Jinlong looks at Ye Hao angrily.

"Do you think your royal blood is very strong?" Ye Hao looks at Xiao Jinlong Dao with a smile.

"Isn't it?"

Ye Hao smiles and shakes the space with a wave of his hand. Then he catches xiaojinlong in the small world.

When little golden dragon struggled to get up, his hair was blown up. Then he saw a strange ugly local dog coming slowly. In this local dog, it felt the pressure from the blood level.

Xiaojinlong suddenly realized that his blood was higher than his own."Roar!" Tiangou roared at the little golden dragon.

Xiaojinlong only felt that there was a turbulence in the sea of knowledge, and then he fell away towards the distance. Before he got up, a head came over.

"The green winged beast." Little Jinlong's face changed wildly.

The blue winged beast will become the peak of the Immortal King in the future.

Xiao Jinlong ran towards the distance with a whoosh, but one bumped into a figure carelessly.

Xiao Jinlong looks back hard.

What comes into view is a dragon head.

But his dragon breath is more powerful than himself.

"Canglong beast." When xiaojinlong saw who it was, he shivered.

"You're proud, little one." Canglong Beast asked with a smile.

Little Jinlong was about to say something when he saw a huge figure falling from the air.

"The rover." Xiaojinlong has a feeling of crying.

How perverted is this guy who bought his own?

"Are you all the pet of that man?"

"We are not qualified." Canglong beast said while pointing to the small seven in the distance, "this is the master's pet."

"Fox?" Xiaojinlong is stunned.

"Nine turn Linglong beast."

"This - this." Little Jinlong really doesn't know what to say.

But the next moment, the space around xiaojinlong is broken, and his figure appears in the box like lightning.

"What do you want to say now?"

"In the future, I will follow your lead."

"Don't worry, I'll help you find a good master in the future." Ye Hao said lightly.

Xiaojinlong also knows that Ye Hao can't sign a contract with him.


"The next thing to auction is a piece of gold paper, but we don't know what material it is made of." The host said that there was a gold paper behind him, and there were dense words on the golden paper.

"What language is this?"

"I don't know."

"Is it a record of amazing secret arts?"

"Even if it's secret arts, what can it do? You don't know how to read?

"It makes sense."

When the golden paper appeared, Ye Hao's eyes did not move away.

"Do you know the rune above?" Haoyue asked curiously.

"This is the rune on the array."

"This is what the Rune of array Dao looks like?" Don't say Haoyue feels incredible, the field all feel very shocked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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