The fleshy woman gave the table a thump.

"What do you say?"

The other tutors in charge of the audit took a look at the woman and quietly did something else.

Epiphyllum can't help but step back, but immediately stopped the neck way, "if in terms of cultivation, I am higher than her; if in terms of combat strength, I am better than her; if in terms of appearance, I am better than her."

"The only thing I don't like is that she has a good father."

"I want to know that can also be used as a standard of assessment?"

"If so, we have no background, don't we never have a chance to get ahead?"

I have to say that Epiphyllum is very inflammatory.

It immediately aroused the resonance of many monks present.

The woman's face became gloomy. She pointed to tanhuadao, "arrest the woman who disturbed the registration order."

In fact, there are already two soldiers standing around Epiphyllum to maintain order.

After hearing that woman's words, two generals quickly pressed Epiphyllum.

Epiphyllum desperately struggle, but no help.

"It's revenge."

"I'll take revenge on myself. What do you want me to do?" The fleshy woman snorted coldly.

"I'm going to sue you at yanhuangzong headquarters."

"Sue me?" The woman laughed and said, "if you have the ability, you can sue."

"So arrogant?" At this time, a speechless voice sounded in the audience, "are you a fat woman with great power?"

All the friars looked at the speaker.

The woman's eyes startled angrily pointed to Ye Hao and said, "take him down for me."

As soon as the two generals and soldiers came forward, Ye Hao's shoulders shook, and the two soldiers planted an upside down one.

"This woman is wanton. Are you just watching?" Ye Hao looked at the friars who were responsible for the examination and approval, "it seems that you have forgotten the rules of the Yellow Sect. In that case, all of you will put down your work and accept the investigation. "

As soon as Ye Hao's voice fell, the monks' faces suddenly changed.

"Who are you?" The woman with a face full of flesh and blood looks at Ye Hao in disbelief.

As soon as Ye Hao raised his hand, a token fell on the woman's face.

The woman's face turned pale when she saw the three ancient seal characters on the token.

"Burning yellow order."

The monks were shaking with fear.

Yan Huang Ling is not everyone can have?

If you see the emperor, you will see the Lord.

"Do you know me?" Ye Hao looked at the woman.

The woman flopped to her knees.

"All I can tell you now is that you and the people behind you are finished."

"Special envoy, her brother is the new Tianjiao of zongmen." A monk couldn't help saying.

"Tianjiao? It's abandoned. " Ye Hao said lightly.

Ye Hao's words startled the monks.

Tianjiao also said that the waste will be abandoned?

"Yunziming has been arrested. If the crime is serious, it may be abolished." Ye Hao said lightly, "not to mention a Tianjiao."

There was an uproar!

Only then did they realize the toughness of the special envoy.

Even the magnate Yunzi has been captured.

At this time, Ye Hao casually picked up a form and handed it to tanhuadao, "Congratulations, you have been admitted."

"Ah." Epiphyllum startled.

"Just fill in your information on the form." Ye Hao said faintly, "then tell the examiner that I recommend you." Speaking of this, Ye Hao looked at the rest of the examinees and said, "yanhuangzong headquarters will come soon, when it will be open and fair audit."

After leaving here, Ye Hao went to the headquarters of yanhuangzong.

After arriving at the headquarters, Ye Hao found Kong Yinger for the first time.

Kong Yinger is practicing quietly in her study.

After Ye Hao appeared, Kong Ying'er opened her eyes.

When he saw that it was Ye Hao, Kong Ying'er rushed to Ye Hao's arms excitedly.

"Young master."

Ye Hao caresses Kong Yinger's hair.

He can feel Kong Yinger's surprise.

This kind of surprise comes from the heart.

Ye Hao hugs Kong Yinger tightly.

For a long time, the two talents were separated.

"Young master, when did you come back?"

"Just now."

"Are you going back this time?"

"Stay for a while."

Hearing the speech, Kong Ying'er's eyes could not help but fade down.

"There's something I want to talk to you about."

"What's the matter?"

Ye Hao told the story of Yangcheng again.

Kong Ying'er's eyes showed the color of surprise and anger."I have known Yunzi Ming's disorderly behavior for a long time, but I didn't expect him to be so careless?"

"You know."


"Then why don't you deal with it?"

"Yunziming has never done too much, and his master is Liang Haichao." In fact, it is difficult for anyone to handle such a matter.

"I don't think I'm good enough." Ye Hao continued.

"Well." Kong Ying'er hesitated for a moment or nodded, "even if the childe promoted my qualification to Tianjiao, but there was still a lot of difference between me and the giant."

"Follow me." Ye Hao said and took Kong Yinger to the small world.

Kong Yinger looked around in doubt.

She didn't understand what Ye Hao called her to do here?

Ye Hao's mind moved and arrested a ray of divine light into Kong Yinger's body.

Divine light can change a person from inside to outside.

In the final analysis, divine light is a higher level of power.

So this change does not cost the friars themselves.

Kong Ying'er felt that the blood of his whole body became boiling, and his whole body felt as if he were refining in the melting process.

Kong Ying'er knows that this is a metamorphosis.

By the end of the transformation, I will be stronger.

So even if it hurts again, Kong Ying'er sticks to her teeth.

The energy contained in this ray of divine light is too vast. An hour has passed and Kong Yinger is still in the process of transformation.

"Yinger, what do you think?"

"I feel like my chains are breaking." Kong Ying'er gasped back.

"Then I'll push you to the top of the giants." Ye Hao said and then detained a ray of divine light into Kong Ying'er's body.

After Kong Yinger got this ray of divine light, the shackles in his body were suddenly broken, and the rolling energy flooded into Kong Yinger's four limbs.

Kong Ying'er ran Xuangong in a hurry and consumed this magnificent power.

Little by little, the time passed.

After Kong Ying'er has consumed most of the divine light, Kong Ying'er feels that she is more than ten times stronger than before.

"Feel the chains?" Ye Hao asked.

"I feel the chasm." Kong Ying'er looked at Ye Hao and said, "I don't think this energy can help me break through to the demon even though it is strong."

"Demigods are already taboo in the way of heaven." Ye Hao said in a soft voice, "it's hard to step into this realm." When Ye Hao said this, he took out a piece of Zen incense.

"What is this?"

"This piece of Zen incense can help you break through the realm of evil spirits." Ye Hao said and lit the incense. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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