"Telepathy, if forced, affects its power." Murong Jing looks at Ye Hao and whispers.

"Then you should not submit to the demon clan." Ye Hao said indignantly.

"You're too human." Murong Jing is a light tunnel.

"And you?" Ye Hao looks at Murong Jingdao.

"I think it's too much." Murong Jing was silent for a while.

"I'll teach him to be a good man later." Ye Hao's eyes twinkled with a dazzling luster.

"Don't do it too hard." It has to be said that murongjing is very dark.

What do you mean, don't do it too hard?

Is this to let oneself not too light?

At this time, Bingji stood up. She glanced at the audience and said slowly, "today is the finals of the zhanchong contest. Now I will announce the rules of the game. The rules of the game are that there are no rules, any means can be used, as long as you can beat the opponent Speaking of this Bingji, pointing to the middle of the challenge arena, said, "who is the last to stay in this arena is the first prize in the contest."

"Scuffle?" Taixuan looks at Bingji road in disbelief.

"Not bad." Bingji nods.

"But in a scuffle, how can the second and third place be determined?"

"You don't need a second place or a third place in a pet contest." Bingji said faintly, "the first place will get all the rewards from the top ten."

Taixuan's eyes showed dissatisfaction.

"Bingji, what do you mean?" How does taixuan not know that hongluan's strength is extremely strong, because murongjing has already had a fight with hongluan.

"Taixuan, do you have no confidence in your people?"

Taixuan was silent.

Bingji, this is the Terran army.

"I want to know what reward will be given to the first place?" Ye Hao asked.

"You seem to have a lot of confidence in yourself." Bing Ji looks at Ye Hao with a slight irony in her eyes.

"The reason why you put the second and tenth prize all belong to the first, don't you think that hongluan can get the first place?" Ye Hao said faintly, "even if I don't have a chance, but if I look forward to it, there's no problem?"

Ye Hao's words caused an uproar.

The friars of the Terran look down upon Bingji.

As a demigod strong man, but still such a calculation?

Loss of identity?

When hongluan saw this scene, there was a ray of murder in her eyes.

"I've always felt that it's a woman's instinct to have sharp teeth and sharp lips."

"I've always felt virtuous is a woman's instinct."

Hongluan satirizes Ye Hao as a talkative woman.

Ye Hao satirizes that she does not understand women's morality.

"You." Hongluan points to Ye Hao angrily.

"You what you?" Ye Hao glanced at hongluan. "I'm talking to your master. What can I do for you?"

Bingji saw hongluan's impoliteness and said, "hongluan, there is no meaning in the quarrel of words."

In other words, fists are right.

"Hongluan has been taught." Hongluan lowered her eyebrows and followed her eyes.

"Ye Hao, don't you want to know what is the reward for the first place?" Bingji said in a flat tone, "in addition to one month's Enlightenment in front of the Taoist tablet, the first prize will get a battle pet that can reach the king level in the future, a war pet that can reach the king level in the future, a war pet that can reach the king level in the future, one can reach the war pet at the early stage of the king level, and seven will come to the battle pet that can reach the peak of xianzun."

"That's all?" Ye Hao asked lightly.

To tell you the truth, these things really can't move Ye Hao.

"Isn't that enough?" Bingji looks at Ye Hao in disbelief.

Not to mention the three fairy kings!

"Just make do with it." Ye Hao shook his head slightly.

Ye Hao's vision is not comparable in the past.

The king level war pet can't move Ye Hao any more.

Hearing Ye Hao say so, Bingji has an impulse to kill Ye Hao.

Doesn't he know the value of these things?

"The friars in the final can bring your favorite to the stage." Bingji said faintly, "but I want to emphasize that life and death do not matter on the challenge arena."

Bingji's words let some friars beat the retreat drum.

It's not for fun.

However, none of the friars withdrew from the competition.

Who is not the strong one who can make it to the final?

It can be said that without the power of xianzun level, how can we get to this step?

When Ye Hao's mind moved, Xiao Qi's whole body was filled with a mass of terrible flames, and jumped onto the challenge arena.

"Burn the sky." Murong Jing called out the burning skylark, "go and fight with Xiao Qi."

After the finch called, it fell on the side of Xiao Qi.

Seven examined the sky burning bird for a while before taking back the proud eyes.

How big and small are the blood vessels of each other that seven won't fight side by side?The war pets on the Terran side surround Xiao Qi and huotianque one after another.

They can see that the strength of these two statues is extremely terrible.

They are confronted by the Terrans one by one, and the breath of the Terrans is equally terrifying.

One of these men, a blonde man of great stature, had a towering head and an explosive smell all over his body.

"This guy is not easy." Ye Hao said in a deep voice.

"Well, this guy suppresses my Skylark." Murongjing's soft voice.

"I don't believe he's the opponent of Xiao Qi and the skylark." Ye Hao thought about it for a while and then passed on the voice to Xiao Qi and the Phoenix, "when you hand, remember to be alert around. The other party may have a second hand."

Bingji is too calm.

This calmness is a strong confidence.

"Let's go." With Bingji's voice falling, Xiaoqi rushes forward first.

Xiao Qi's body is filled with thick fire light, and has the impulse to burn all the sky.

The blonde man's spine is like a dragon. When Xiao Qi rushes to his side, he swings his fist at Xiao Qi.


The blow of the blonde man is like hitting a mirror, and the void breaks into pieces.

And at the next moment, a furry paw came out of the void and patted him on the shoulder.

The blonde man faltered a step, and his eyes were filled with majestic brilliance.

"Dare to hurt me?" Growled the blonde man.

"What about hurting you?" Seven disdains to say.

Xiao Qi masters the art of space against the sky.

At that time, Ye Hao and the supreme immortal used many means to stop Xiao Qi.

But now Xiao Qi has broken the blood vessel, his space skill is more terrifying than before.

"Then I'll tear you." The blonde man said and grabbed at Xiao Qi.

Xiao Qi was about to dodge when he was surprised to find that he was locked by the blonde man.

No matter how you shuttle through space, you can't get rid of each other's lock.

"Space chop." Since you can't dodge, fight.

Xiao Qi's voice fell and the space centered on him was all broken. Then the space debris turned into a blade of space. When the edge of space took shape, there was a tremendous opportunity to kill.

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