There are various dangers in the mine.

So, unless it's a slave, who wants to come?

And now there's a chance in front of them.

"My Lord, is this news true?" Asked the middle-aged man called Lao Zhang excitedly.

"Do you think I dare to talk nonsense about such things?" Said the young man in blue with a smile.

Hearing this, the three hundred miners all cried out with excitement.

Break away from the base!

Who doesn't want it?

When the blue shirt youth left for a long time, they could not calm down.

At this time, Lao Zhang noticed that Ye Hao's face was calm as usual. He asked curiously, "are you not happy?"

"Why be happy?" Ye Hao looked at Lao Zhang and said, "I want to leave and I can leave at any time."

Hearing Ye Hao say this, Lao Zhang's face changed greatly, "do you know that we are branded with the mark of slaves? It's no use escaping to the ends of the earth. "

"Slave brand?" Ye Hao said, with a sweep of his mind, he saw a slave word on Lao Zhang's arm.

This slave word is bloody and can't be eliminated at all.

Ye Hao also noticed that the word "slave" was connected with Lao Zhang's own blood.

It's hard and hard to get rid of this mark unless you have a way to unlock it.

However, this is nothing for Ye Hao. Ye Hao's cultivation of array road has long surpassed the twelve grades.

"It's fate that you and I meet." Ye Hao said faintly, "I'll help you erase it." When Ye Hao said this, he opened Lao Zhang's sleeve and put his big hand on his slave mark. The next moment, the slave mark on Lao Zhang's arm disappeared.

Lao Zhang was staring at the scene, his eyes were shocked.

"You - how did you do it?"

"Is it difficult to do this?"

"I heard that even the Taoist master of the immortal level can't crack it."

"The slave mark on you is not so complicated." Ye Hao gently shook his head and said, "the master of array Taoism at the immortal master level can still crack through a little research."

"Why do you know that?"

"Because I am a Taoist master."

"How did you get here?"

"I just showed up here when tearing the space."

"Ah." Lao Zhang was really surprised.

Ye Hao is not a slave.

But soon Lao Zhang thought of something.

"This is the Xiao family's mine. How can you explain your identity if you rush in rashly?"

"Just break out."

"There are strong guardians of xianzun level nearby." Lao Zhang slightly shook his head and said, "what's more, the mine cave is related to the lifeblood of a family. How many experts are there secretly?"

Ye Hao was about to say something. Lao Zhang said, "in this way, you can mine here temporarily. In another month, we will have a holiday."

"Will you have a holiday

"Normally speaking, miners don't have holidays, but the eldest lady Renyi gives us three days off every year at the end of the new year." Lao Zhang said with a smile.

"Who is the first lady?"

"Xiao Yuhan, Miss Xiao."

"Is Xiao Yuhan powerful?" Ye Hao chuckled softly.

"The eldest lady is a natural pride."

"Tianjiao." Ye Hao rubbed his chin.

Once Tianjiao was really powerful.

But now Tianjiao is nothing.

"But now you have to accompany me in the mining." Lao Zhang looked at Ye Hao and said seriously, "just now you also heard from that one. If the ore excavated in the mine here reaches the first, then we may get out of the humble position." After a pause, Lao Zhang then said, "to tell you the truth, I want to get out of my humble family."

"How to dig the ore?" Ye Hao pondered for a moment and then said.


That sounds interesting!

In fact, there is nothing special about Ye Hao's coming to liuchongtian.

Idle is idle?

It's better to dig the ore.

"The mineral resources contain the power of heaven and earth, so it is impossible to see through the spirit. Moreover, there are many evil spirits in the mineral resources. Therefore, we should be careful when excavating them." Lao Zhang then took out a shining hoe and dug toward the wall, "see? This is the ore

"So simple?" Ye Hao was stunned.

"The ore is exposed and normally wrapped." Lao Zhang shook his head gently.

"How do you find out where there is ore?"

"It depends on your luck." Lao Zhang said helplessly, "we can only dig carefully, so no one knows how much we can dig."

Ye Hao thought for a moment and then used his eyes to see the micro.But in Ye Hao's eyes, a vast scene appeared.

The thick rock layer disappeared in Ye Hao's eyes, and then Ye Hao saw the shining ores.

These ores either contain powerful spiritual power, or contain a medicinal herb, or contain a stone spirit.

After seeing this, Ye Hao started digging.

Lao Zhang also found a place to dig.

What shocked Lao Zhang was the speed of Ye Hao's excavation.

Lao Zhang quickly stopped, "can't be so fast, in case of digging out evil will not be good."

"Evil spirit?" Ye Hao again used the eye of Jianwei. Soon, he noticed that there was a blood red eye in the depth of the mine. The difference is that this eye has no color.

"This is --" Ye Hao frowns.

Ye Hao can feel the powerful evil force in this eye.

Without the power of xianzun level, it can't compete at all.

Ye Hao made a little meditation, and his strong and powerful spirit forced his way through the thick rock.

This is diamond rock.

It's hard to pierce even the strong mind of the immortal.

However, Ye Hao's divinity has already reached the king level.

Therefore, Ye Hao's mind was easily pierced.

The moment Ye Hao's mind touched the eye, the eye suddenly burst into incomparable cold light, but in the moment when the cold light diffused around, Ye Hao's mind burst out the energy of destroying the heaven and earth.


The eye was broken by Ye Hao's mind.

But the next moment that eye son again gather.

Ye Hao was stunned.

What's the situation?

Isn't this eye broken by itself?

Why did it coincide again?

Ye Hao did it again.

This time, the eye was broken again.

"If you have the ability, you can gather it for me." Ye Hao uses his mind again to shatter the eye.

But after this time, that eye son is no longer aggregate.

Ye Hao's mind carefully checked, and then confirmed that the eye completely fell, then left here.

"Amazing resilience." Ye Hao's mind moved and his mind turned into a virtual shadow and came to the small world.

"Master, do you know anything about liuchongtian?" Ye Hao asked in a deep voice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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