At the same time, Ye Hao waved his dagger again and cut towards the ore.

"I'll go."

"Still cut?"

"Isn't he worried that the knife will hurt the herbs?"

Stone cutting is also very particular.

Ye Hao's gambling stone is only temporary, but no one knows what herbs it is?

What if the herbs in this ore are ordinary?

But the next moment, the monks were shocked to find that Ye Hao's knife was cut along the medicinal materials.


"The medicinal materials have not been damaged."

"I'll give a hundred thousand for this ore

"Judging from the blooming power of this medicinal material, it must be at least the main medicinal material. Do you think that 100000 yuan can take this medicinal material down? I'll give you 120000. "

"One hundred and thirty thousand. Think about it."

Faced with the price of several buyers, Ye Hao picked up the knife and cut the ore again.

When the public saw a touch of red like chicken blood, their expressions became extremely stunned.

"How do I think this medicinal material is so like dragon blood grass?"

"This is dragon blood grass, OK?"

"Dragon blood grass can stimulate a monk's blood, and has a certain chance to improve the monk's qualification."

"The value of this dragon blood grass is over 300000."

"Big money."

The vendors turned green when they saw this.

But what could he say then?

Can you ask Ye Hao for it?

"This childe, 300000, I bought it."

"Three hundred thousand, the price is easy to discuss."

"Three hundred and twenty thousand. I'm the deacon of Duobao Pavilion."

The friar who spoke just now raised the price immediately.

You can't do it without mentioning it.

If they take this dragon blood grass to auction, it will definitely be more than this price.

However, Ye Hao picked up the dagger and went to the second stone.

"I think you must be curious about what is in this ore?" How precious the peddler looked at, there was only a piece of green jade on the face of the stone

Ye Hao said and cut it on it.

Soon a magnet appeared in front of the crowd.

"Top grade magnet."

"The magnet is the master's favorite."

"How can this magnet get 100000 yuan?"

"Not bad."

"Gambling is up again."

The movement of Ye Hao attracted the attention of the museum and Ni Tong.

When they saw Ye Hao guess what was in the ore, their eyes showed an incredible look.

Because the only one who can see through the minerals is the treasure hunter.


It's a chance!

Most of the time, they can only confirm that there are heavy treasures in the ore, but they don't know what they are.

But now it's broken two pieces of ore.

At this time, Ye Hao came to the third ore.

"This ore will probably hurt your liver and intestines." Ye Hao said with a smile, "this ore is also the most valuable ore in your pile."

Smell speech that peddler's face changes greatly.

Now he doesn't know that Ye Hao must be a treasure hunter.

Treasure hunter!

Who dares to offend?

Just look at the museum and Ni Tong.

How many friars compliment you?

This compliment is partly due to their background, but most of it is because of their strength.

Brush the ground, Ye Hao cut the third ore.

It was a piece of gold material that caught people's eyes.

"It's good enough."

"Is this gold?"

"If it's pure gold, it can sell for over a million."

"This piece of red gold can refine the scroll of xianzun peak, so I think its value should be more than 3 million."

"This piece of red gold can be refined into three or more scrolls. Don't even think about it without five million?"

"It's a blast."

"You've made a lot of money."

The vendor gaped.

In any case, he did not expect that he would have this grade of ore.

You should know that all the ore in front of him is not as valuable as this red gold.

"I bought this ore At this time, Ni Tong's figure appears beside Ye Hao.

Ye Hao glanced at Ni Tong, "don't sell."

Even Ye Hao, a material of this level, has some interests.Because Ye Hao's current array strength is able to use the red gold to build a threat to the Xianwang level strong array.

Ni Tong's eyes immediately showed a cold light.

"I'll give you five million and give me this piece of red gold."

I have to say that Ni Tong's offer is quite good.

But may Ye Hao care about the five million?

So Ye Hao looked at Ni channel and said, "I'll give you five million. You can get out of my sight."

There was an uproar!

Who would have thought Ye Hao was so arrogant?

How dare you be so presumptuous in the face of Ni Tong?

Who is Ni Tong?

The direct grandson of Ni family!

In terms of identity, even Duobao pavilion has some disadvantages.

How dare Ye Hao say such a thing?

"I think you're looking for death." Ni Tong slapped at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao snorted coldly.

Sound wave becomes essence.

Ni Tong's palm is invisibly penetrated by sound waves, and his whole person is even more backward for several steps. The Qi and blood in his viscera are rolling constantly. His eyes at Ye Hao can not help changing.

"What are you? Do you dare to fight against Laozi After brushing the floor, Ye Hao appears in front of Ni Tong and slaps his ear scrapers.

These slaps made Ni Tong's face swollen.

"Dare you hit me?" Ni Tong said with red eyes.

The corner of his mouth was torn, and it was bubbling with blood.

In response to Ni Tong, it is a dozen slaps.

When ye Haosong opens Ni Tong, Ni Tong turns around three times and falls to the ground.

Knocked out.

"Ni's family is not simple. You'd better go quickly." After pondering for a while, the museum sent a message to Ye Hao.

"How easy can it be?" Ye Hao doesn't care, "irritated me and killed his Ni family in minutes."

The look of the museum changed.

Ye Hao's words are extremely confident.

It's not a fake.

Does Ye Hao have a background that connects the sky?

"For the sake of reminding me, the third ore at your left foot contains a stone spirit with the potential to be immortal." Ye Hao looked at the museum and said, "and the eighth ore at your right foot contains a broken medicine king."

Hearing Ye Hao's words, the museum's face changed again.

The stone spirit of xianzun level can't be bought without millions, and the incomplete medicine king needs hundreds of millions of immortal stones to buy.

However, as the museum looked at it, he frowned and said, "there is no trace of any treasure in these two ores."

"You'll find out when you knock open a fine layer of stone on the surface." Ye Hao said faintly.

"How do you see through the stone clothes that cut off the gods?" The museum asked in disbelief. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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