Ni Tong represses the ecstasy in his heart, picks up the knife to cut carefully, and soon a complete green soul fruit appears in people's eyes.

Green fruit!

Ni Tong is confident that this green fruit can be auctioned at least 3 million yuan.

Ten times the return!

This kind of reward, even Ni Tong, will not often encounter.

Holding green soul fruit in his hand, Ni Tong looked at the museum with a smile and said, "Museum, it's your turn."

Show off!

The museum despises it.

But there was not much on her face.

She picked up the cutter and cut a knife at the ore designated by Ye Hao.

A lotus like jade arm suddenly appeared in people's eyes.

"Shi Ling."

"I just don't know what level of Shiling is in this ore?"

"Shiling is also divided into three, six and nine grades. The probability of the museum winning is not very high."

What people don't know is that the museum is full of shock at this time.

If you want to distinguish whether there are treasures in the ore, you need to analyze the texture and color of the rock layer.

That means it takes a lot of time.

But Ye Hao glanced and told himself that there was a stone spirit in the ore.

So what a profound treasure hunting and cultivation he has to have?

After a few breaths, the museum picked up the knife and cut it again. Before long, a stone spirit appeared completely in front of the public.

"All white."

"This stone spirit can reach the immortal realm in the future."

"It's impossible for the stone spirits in the immortal realm to have millions."

"Shi Ling is loyal. I estimate that if this stone spirit is auctioned, it can be sold for twenty or thirty million yuan."

Ni Tong saw this scene, and his eyes were shocked.

In any case, he didn't expect that the stone spirit of xianzun level was cut out in the museum.

"How about your green fruit?" The museum said with a smile.

Ni Tong cold hum a way, "win a game does not explain what."

"Don't you think this sentence is suitable for the arrogant you used to be?" The identity of the museum is slightly inferior to Ni Tong.

But it's just a little worse.

The museum is not afraid of him.

"I hope you can say that again later." Ni Tong said as he went to a huge ore and said, "I choose this ore

Seeing Ni Tong choose this ore, people's eyes can not help but show the color of expectation.

This ore is one of the treasures of this shop.

The price of $60 million has deterred many treasure hunters.

In fact, many treasure hunting masters say that there are heavy treasures in this ore, but no one can guarantee that the value of the treasure is 60 million.

If you lose money, it's almost the same.

Ni Tong has studied this ore before, but he is also not sure. If Ni Tong's master had not told him that there was a treasure in it, Ni Tong would not have chosen this ore.

This is a big gamble!

The master of treasure hunting won't gamble too much.

A knife to heaven, a knife to hell.

Who has nothing to do with heartbeat?

"Bold." Even though the museum couldn't get used to Ni Tong before, when he saw that Ni Tong had chosen this ore, he couldn't help saying.

Of course, if the museum knew that Ni Tong had chosen this ore under the instruction of his master, he would not have said that.

Ni Tong took a knife and cut the ore according to his master's command.

A touch of gold diffused around.

"This is --"

"Star gold."

"If it were a whole piece of star gold, wouldn't it be worth hundreds of millions?"

"I made it." The monks around him exclaimed one by one.

Ni Tong represses the ecstasy in his heart and cuts again with a knife.

The golden glow came out again.

Ni Tong looked at the museum with some pride.

Because Ni Tong cuts through the other side of the ore, that is to say, there is a whole piece of star gold in this ore!

In other words, Ni Tong made at least 40 million yuan this time.

The master of treasure hunting is very valuable.

But no matter how rich it is, it is not so rich that we can not use forty or fifty million yuan as money.

The museum looks calm.

Because even if Ni Tong cuts out a complete star gold, there is nothing.

What about hundreds of millions?

Ye Hao pointed out to himself that there is a broken king of medicine.

The value of the incomplete medicine king is greater than that of the star gold.

What's more, the price of this mineral is only 200000 yuan.

The price of the ore selected by Ni Tong is as high as 60 million yuan.

That is to say, even if they cut the same value, they still won."Pretend to be calm." Ni Tong saw the museum didn't say ha ha with a smile.

Immediately Ni Tong picked up the knife and cut towards the other side.

The next moment, Ni Tong was stunned.

There is no golden glow.

What's the situation?

At the same time, Ni Tong continued to cut the face with a knife.

Still no gold.


"It's not even half a piece."

"Empty joy."

Ni Tong's face became ugly.

The monks around him said everything, but Ni Tong couldn't get angry.

Because some guys are very senior.

As the debris fell, soon a gold star appeared in front of the crowd.

However, this star gold is only three-quarters of the previous speculation.

Ni Tong's tense face is slightly slow.

Because this star can sell for 70 million yuan.

In other words, there is still money.

"It's your turn." Ni Tong looks at the museum.

The museum chuckled, "I want to know how much you want to price this star gold?"

"80 million."

Ni Tong said this is a little shameless.

Star gold is not such a rare thing.

No one will pay too much for it.

This star gold may fetch 80 million yuan at auction, but the market price is about 70 million yuan.

"Why don't you say 100 million?" The museum said speechless.

Ni Tong didn't even want to win.

"I think this star gold is worth 80 million." Ni Tong's face is not red, heart does not jump to say.

The museum did not say anything to Ni Tong, but went to a piece of ore.

Ni Tong was stunned again when he saw the ore selected by the museum.

"Are you gambling?"

The reason why Ni Tong said this is because there is no precious texture on the ore.

Isn't it gambling that the museum chooses this ore now?

Can you make a big bet?

However, in Ni Tong's opinion, the museum is not likely to win.

The big explosion is a small probability event.

And the museum has exploded once before, OK?

Want to explode again?


The museum took a look at Ni Tong and carefully cut it.

The museum is very thin.

Because Ye Hao has already reminded the museum that there is a incomplete medicine king in this ore.

If it's broken, the value will be greatly reduced.

Because the cutting of the museum is too thin, it is still the rock stratum.

"Museum, do you think there are really treasures in this ore?" Ni Tong laughed, "is it necessary for you to be so careful?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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