But then they thought of another thing.

How can anyone who can afford clothes worth two or three billion dollars be mediocre?

Tianjiao, who mocked Ye Hao just now, looked at Ye Hao's expression and became afraid.

Ye Hao jokingly looked at Tianjiao, "have you ever heard a word?"

"What words?"

"Low key is the best show off." Ye Hao finished and patted Tianjiao on the shoulder. "Don't think Tianjiao is great. In this golden age, even a giant is nothing?"

As the voice dropped, Ye Hao lifted his feet and walked toward a piece of ore in the distance.

Misty young master was stunned.

Ye Hao doesn't know the rules, right?

Just now I helped him out, but he didn't even say thank you?

"Ye Tian, do you want to express your gratitude to Misty young master?"

What the museum didn't expect was that Ye Hao pointed to a piece of ore in front of him and said, "you buy this ore

"What?" When the museum was stunned, a surprise appeared in its eyes.

Is there a treasure in this ore?

The museum ran over in a hurry.

"Boss, how do you sell this ore?"

The chubby boss said with a smile, "all the ores here are marked with price. The ore you like is 32 million."

The boss didn't ask exorbitant prices.

He wants a reputation for this kind of store.

Moreover, no one wants to offend the treasure hunter.

"Here you are." The museum handed the boss a bag of heaven and earth.

The boss swept his mind and asked, "do you need to cut it?"

The museum looks at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao's mind moved and drew several lines on the ore.

"Cut along the line above." Ye Hao said calmly.

In fact, Ye Hao's mind can be cut.

But this ore was purchased by the museum.

It's not appropriate to cut yourself.

The Museum held a knife in his hand and cut it along the line that Ye Hao said.

At the next moment, one flame after another came out around.


"This is the best flint."

"If it's a whole piece, it's going to sell hundreds of millions."

"According to the lines above, this flame stone has two-thirds, but even two-thirds is worth 70 million yuan."

"Double that."

"I made thirty or forty million dollars in an instant."

At this moment, Tianjiao in the field is full of envy.

Can you not envy?

How long has it taken them to make hundreds of millions?

However, people's museums have made thirty or forty million yuan in an instant.

When the museum cut off all the rocks around the flame stone, he found that the lines drawn by Ye Hao were extremely accurate.

It's as if Ye Hao could see through the location of the flame stone.

Just how can it be?

You can't see through the rocks, OK?

The museum can only be attributed to Ye Hao's treasure hunting skills, far above himself.

"Miss Museum, I'd better sell this flame stone to me." The chubby boss said with a smile, "if this Firestone is auctioned, it will fetch 130 million yuan. How about if I give you 132 million yuan?"

The museum was stunned, "you don't have to give such a high price, do you?"

"To tell you the truth, there is a clan that needs the Firestone very much. I can make a little money by turning my hand." Chubby boss said frankly.

Naturally, the museum doesn't believe what the boss said. He can only earn a little money.

But it had little to do with her.

She only knew she made enough.

When the museum hesitated, Ye Hao said, "are you going to sell this flame stone?"

"I'm thinking about it." The museum said truthfully.

"If it's only two or three times the rate of return, do you think I need to take you to so many places?" Ye Hao shook his head slightly.

The museum's face changed.

But no matter how she studied it, she found that it was just a piece of flame stone.

Seeing the expression of the museum, Ye Hao comes forward and smashes the flaming stone with a slap in the face of the audience.

Lao Zhang's mouth jerked hard.

He wanted to ask Ye Hao if he had a headache?

Hundreds of millions of firestones are destroyed when they are destroyed?

What do you think?

In fact, not only does Lao Zhang think so, but every monk in the field thinks so.

"Mr. Ye, you are." The museum is confused.

After the museum asked about this, she suddenly found that the energy was separated from the broken flame stone, and then the energy gathered into a human shadow at the speed visible to the naked eye.The moment the figure formed, it was filled with a towering power.

This momentum makes Tianjiao in the field change color.

"The flame stone gave birth to life."

"Fire spirit."

"This fire spirit has grown to the high level of immortal."

"How do I feel that this fire spirit's life essence is higher than me?"

"Will the future achievements of this fire spirit be higher than mine?" Tianjiao in the field exclaimed one after another.

Ye Hao pointed to Huo Lingdao, "there is no problem for this fire spirit to grow to the middle level of Xianwang in the future, but now it has grown to the high level of xianzun. How much do you think this fire spirit is worth?"

How much is it worth?


"Miss Museum, how about selling this fire spirit to me?" Misty childe whispered, "you can open the price."

Museum gently shook his head and said, "involving the fairy king, I'm sure I won't sell it."

Not to mention that this fire spirit can grow to the middle level of Immortal King in the future.

The value of this fire spirit theory must be more than 10 billion yuan.

"Don't you need money to gamble?" Ye Hao was stunned.

"But this is the fire spirit of fairy King level." Museum light voice.

"You mean you won't sell it?"


"Did I help you choose for nothing?"

"This one."

The museum doesn't know how to answer?

Is she going to say you're a white sheep?

"Come on, I'll do my best." Ye Hao said, pointing to a piece of ore not far away, he said, "you bought this ore

The museum quickly looked at the boss.

The boss was about to say the price when a voice rang out in the audience.

"Boss, I bought this ore

The boss looked at the visitor in dismay.

I saw the man wearing battle armor, waist hanging sword, accompanied by a scar man, slowly came over.

His eyebrows are delicate and his eyes are bright. He is full of authority and tyranny between his actions and actions.

"Zhu Yun." The museum frowned.

The boss's face changed even more.

Who is Zhu Yun?

The son of the Lord of Xiaoyao city.

Who dares to offend Xiaoyao city?

"What? Not for sale? " Zhu Yun saw that the boss did not speak, and his eyes filled with a sharp edge.

"Sell." The boss said in a hurry.

The identity of the museum is very noble.

The problem is that it's a free city.

What's more, it's better to offend a gentleman than a villain.

The museum doesn't stab itself secretly, but the rosefinch stabs itself every minute.

"Mr. Zhu, this ore is my first choice." The museum also knew that the boss was not to blame for the incident, so they targeted Zhu Yun.

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