"He admires you Ji xian'er in Fengming Valley, but he doesn't know what she looks like? So let me bring him in on the sly Lonely pointing to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao's face suddenly turned black.

"Your disciple?" The woman looked at Ye Hao.

"Where am I qualified to be his master?" Loneliness still has some self-knowledge.

He knew that Ye Hao could not teach such evil spirits.

The woman's eyes were shocked.

"At least you are a demigod, don't you need to belittle yourself like this?"

Women really don't understand.

The demigods of the second world!

Even if Ye Hao is a demon, he is qualified to be his master?

"Do you know who he is?"


"It seems that you haven't paid attention to the outside world for a long time."

"I've been healing all these years."

"You can ask jixianer to tell you."

"Follow me." The woman took a deep look at Ye Hao, lifted her feet and walked towards the distance.

The woman became interested in Ye Hao.

She would like to know what kind of amazing identity this lonely man really has?

The woman took Ye Hao and they came to a bamboo forest. After that, the woman pointed to the front and said, "jixian'er is in the bamboo forest. If you want to see xian'er, you can go in by yourself."

Ye Hao swept a glance and said with a smile, "good."

When Ye Hao went to the front, the woman said jokingly, "do you think he can see xian'er?"

"Do you think Ji xian'er's array can stop him?" Lonely ha ha smile way.

With a lonely eye, you can't see that the bamboo forest is full of arrays, and these arrays are all connected with each other. That is to say, as long as you touch one of them, the rest will follow.

"Don't you think you can stop it?" The woman looked at the lonely with astonishment and said, "xian'er has arranged more than a hundred arrays in this bamboo forest, and these arrays are her favorite works. I don't think he can go to the middle of the bamboo forest." As soon as the woman said this, she was shocked to find that Ye Hao walked through the array one by one.

And it's like all of these arrays have failed.


Is it possible?

The woman immediately followed Ye Hao.

After checking, she was sure that all the arrays arranged by Ji xian'er did not fail.

In other words, are they all working properly?

But why can Ye Hao ignore it?

There is only one possibility!

"Don't you tell me that his skill of array has reached twelve grades?" The woman looked at the loneliness around her.

"Twelve grades? Maybe! " Lonely words make the woman some do not understand.

What she didn't know was that Ye Hao's array road had reached twelve grades many years ago, and he was still going further and further along this road.

But it hasn't touched the king level yet.

But even in this way, we can ignore the array arranged by Ji xian'er.

Because Ji xian'er has not yet reached the 12th grade.

How about even if Ji xian'er has reached twelve grades?

Ye Hao can still ignore it.

With Ye Hao getting the gold paper, Ye Hao's battle path has reached an unimaginable level.

This is also the reason why Ye Hao was able to stroll around the court.

Don't care.

Go straight.

Before long, Ye Hao saw Ji xian'er in plain clothes in the middle of the bamboo forest.


This is the evaluation given by Ye Hao.

Even if it is compared with the first beautiful moon of the fifth heaven, it is not inferior.

Ji Xianer is studying an ancient array.

It's a pity that there are several symbols that she has not yet understood.

"Look at your sad face. What don't you understand? Just ask me?"

When Ji Xian er's ear rings this sentence, her whole body's hair explodes.

This is the place where Ji xian'er practices.

Apart from a few, who can cheat her quietly?

But those people are all old monsters of the clan.

And this voice is very young.

Without even thinking about it, Ji xian'er's soul light turned into a competition and chopped the past.


Ji xian'er cut out the soul of the light instantly broken.

At this time, Ji xian'er had already withdrawn from the distance of 100 meters.

She looked suspiciously at a figure in the distance, "who are you?"

Ye Hao said with a smile, "is that how you treat guests?"

Ji xian'er was about to say something when she saw the woman in the distance, "ancestor, who is he?"

"I don't know who he is either." Let Ji xian'er Meng Bi is the ancestor said this sentence."He is Ye Hao." Lonely then said.

"Ye Hao?" Ji xian'er was surprised, "he pushed Ye Hao of the younger generation of jiuchongtian horizontally?"

"Pushing the younger generation of jiuchongtian horizontally?" The woman was shocked to hear Ji xian'er say so.

How strong is jiuchongtian's martial arts civilization?

How can Ye Hao push the younger generation?

"Tell me about him." The woman whispered.

"He is a monk of the same heaven. He has been to the double heaven, the triple heaven, the fourth heaven, the fifth heaven and the Ninth Heaven. However, no matter which one is the one, the younger generation is no match for him?" Ji xian'er thought for a moment and said, "before and after, seven or eight demons were defeated in his hands, but none of them tried to find out his limit?"

"In addition, his array, Dan and utensils reached the level of twelve grades many years ago. It is said that his channeling skills have also reached an incredible level."

As Ji xian'er talks, the woman finally knows why she is not qualified to be Ye Hao's teacher?

Who is qualified for such qualifications?

"Do you know that he ignored your formation just now, just like he came to you in idle court?" The woman whispered.

"What?" Ji xian'er was shocked.

Can Ji xian'er not be surprised?

Over the years, she has been constantly studying the array, and the strength of the array has reached the 11th grade.

She is confident that even if she is not the opponent of the 12th grade, she should not have such a big gap with the 12th grade?

"My array has surpassed the twelve points." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Beyond the twelve grades?" Ji xian'er's eyes showed a startled color, "without rules, how can you surpass twelve products?"

"You can't kill the fairy king if you don't master the rules?"

"That's because my mana is stronger than ordinary immortal kings?" Ji xian'er realized what she said here, "have you found a higher level of deduction of the array way?"

I have to say that jixian'er is amazing.

In a flash, I understood what Ye Hao meant.

Ye Hao said no, "I'm here to ask you to do me a favor?"

"What's up?"

"A friend who had been on several occasions held a tea party in Zuixian building of Xiaoyao City, but the person she invited was robbed by her opponent." Ye Hao whispered, "I don't know anyone in liuchongtian, so I want to ask you to help me."

"As long as you show your identity, who will not give you face in liuchongtian?"

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