"The Lord is healing." The face of the three elders is full of wrinkles, but this time he is older.

"I'm going to see the Lord." Murong Jiaoyue raised her feet and walked towards the master's study.

When Ye Hao was about to follow him, a dozen experts tried to stop him.

But he was stopped by the three elders.

"Six elders, you are in charge of this for the time being. Eight elders, Li and sun will follow me." The three elders preached in secret.

Soon the three elders with three masters catch up with Ye Hao and Murong Jiaoyue.

Ye Hao is surrounded by three masters.

The three elders are ready to attack in the dark.

Ye Hao understood the unfriendly act of beheading the demon sect.

It's time to kill the devil sect. We can't be too careful.

After a long time, Ye Hao and his party came to the study where the master of the demon sect was killed. At the door of the study, there were two maidens who looked around with dignity.

Ye Hao, the master of the two maids, saw it at a glance.

The sixth floor of xianzun.

If you can achieve such accomplishments at such an age, even if it is not Tianjiao, it will not be too far away.

Ye Hao also noticed that there were four young men hidden in the dark, and their accomplishments were also six levels of xianzun. However, these four young men practiced the art of concealment, so even those with eight levels of immortal Zun might not be able to find out.

And there are many masters on the ninth floor of xianzun?

The existence of such a level is trying to strike the fairyland, OK?

After the announcement, Ye Hao and his party entered long Guangyao's study.

Seeing long Guangyao at first sight, Ye Hao realized that long Guangyao couldn't live much longer, because long Guangyao didn't look like a king of immortals. On the contrary, he looked like an old man on the verge of decay.

Ye Hao still knows something about long Guangyao.

Long Guangyao should be a hero now, right?

After all, long Guangyao is not very old!

"Bright moon." Long Guangyao called weakly when he saw the arrival of Murong Jiaoyue.

After saying this, long Guangyao trembled violently, and then coughed hard. When it calmed down a little, the palm of his hand was full of blood.

"Lord, you must not act rashly and do not speak." At this time, an old man in a red robe said.

"Master Liao, how are you now?" Murong Jiaoyue ran to long Guangyao's side and asked with a worried face.

"When the oil is exhausted, the lamp is dry, and it is not far from death." Before the old man in danpao said anything, Ye Hao's voice rang out in Murong Jiaoyue's ear.

"What do you say?" An old man guarding the Dragon light yelled.

"Elder, don't be unreasonable." Murong Jiaoyue saw that the elder wanted to make a move and stopped the way.

"Little patriarch, do you know that he just cursed the patriarch is not far away from death?" The elder said angrily with red eyes.

"Do you know what Mr. Ye has done for us to kill the devil clan?" Murong Jiaoyue stares at Dachang Laodao, "three thousand kilometers away from killing the demon sect, there are 400000 elite troops, all of which are the elite of more than 30 Tianjiao forces."

"What do you say?" The elder was surprised.

"Four hundred thousand elite troops have been assembled 3000 kilometers away?" The three elders were also shocked.

"All of these 400000 troops were invited by Mr. Ye. In addition, in order to make these friars contribute, Mr. Ye also sent out 450 billion worth of combat equipment." Murong Jiaoyue said immediately, "the worst combat equipment they have in their hands is the main level, and even some of the Zun fighting equipment."

All the masters in the field, including long Guangyao, were shocked and didn't know what to say.

"Jiaoyue, you have to know that even if we cut the main level fighting equipment of demon sect, it is only equipped with 30000 sets." The elder couldn't help but say, "and these 30000 sets are accumulated over the years to get together."

What the elder meant was that you should not make such a joke, OK?

"How many more than 30000 sets of fighting equipment are there to kill the demon sect?" Ye Hao looks at the elder and asks.

"Less than eight thousand." When the elder said this, his eyes were full of vigilance and said, "what do you want to do with this?"

"I want to do a business with you." Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"What business?" The elder asked suspiciously.

"If you take out a set of gold class combat equipment, you can exchange it with me for a set of primary combat equipment."

The big elder is confused.

Normally speaking, a set of primary combat equipment can be exchanged for ten sets of gold level combat equipment, but in fact, the gap between the two is dozens of times.

Only if you're a fool?

"Do you know it's a free gift?" The elder looks at Ye Hao.

He thought there was something wrong with Ye Hao's head.

"You said it was a free gift." Ye Hao said here, with a wave of his hand, 3000 sets of primary combat equipment appeared in the shining study.Long range throwing spear, domineering and sharp crossbow arrow, round shield and flexible artillery.

All kinds of combat readiness are available.

"In fact, I can give them to you, but since you are not very friendly to me just now, you must exchange them with gold level combat readiness." Ye Hao looks at a shocked old Taoist.

"Are you sure we can exchange gold class combat equipment?" The elder is very clear about the situation of beheading the demon sect. In fact, it is the war of attrition.

What is consumed?


Both human resources and strategic resources belong to one kind of resources.

If the beheader can get a number of main combat readiness, it can not be said that the current situation can be reversed.


The elder took a look at longguangyao, who nodded to him.

The elder pondered a little and asked, "if I could take out 30000 sets of gold level combat readiness?"

"Then I'll change you 30000 sets."

"100000 sets?" The elder's eyes lit up.

"Do you still have 100000 sets of gold level combat readiness after you kill the demon sect?" Ye Hao asked suspiciously.

During the peak period of the beheader sect, there were 180000 combat equipment, which Ye Hao could understand. But now that they have fought to this point, how can they still have 100000 sets of gold level combat readiness?

Are you kidding?

"I just asked." The elder asked, somewhat embarrassed.

Do you want to kill the devil sect now?

"I'm still saying that, I'll exchange you as many sets of gold level combat readiness as you have as many as the main level combat readiness?" Ye Hao said calmly.

"Just a moment." When the elder finished this sentence, she ran to the storehouse.

Gold level combat readiness exchange for primary combat readiness?

The elder estimates that Ye Hao is the only one in jiuchongtian who will lose money like this.

The elder is not in the mood to care about Ye Hao. Why should he do this?

What he cares about is that he can't get out of the predicament by killing the devil sect after exchange?

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