What happened?

In an instant, the dragon's injury was cured?

Long Guangyao glanced at the elder and said, "Mr. Ye just used the power of time."

Hearing the power of time, the great elder and other people's surprise slightly calmed down so some.

"Mr. Ye, I don't know if it's convenient for you to tell me how you cured the patriarch?" Liao Enming couldn't help asking.

Liao Enming knew that he was very bold to ask such questions.

But he really wanted to know about it.

Ye Hao looked at Liao en Ming and said, "it's not convenient."

Liao Enming's eyes showed disappointment.

But there was nothing more to say.

There is no doubt that this is a top secret inheritance!

Who can easily tell others?

Because if you put yourself in a position, you won't tell others.

"Lord, have you recovered?" Murong Jiaoyue is concerned about the situation of the patriarch.

"Well, it's healed." Long Guangyao is in a good mood.

Can the mood be bad?

Before long Guangyao was actually waiting to die.

If it's heart worry, Zong Menglong Guangyao would have died.

And now the cultivation and combat power of dragon Guangyao have reached the peak.

"Three months ago, the patriarch of the green demon clan and the patriarch of the Tongtian monkey sneaked on me, but they were also attacked by me on the verge of death. I think they have not recovered much now." Long Guangyao said here, his eyes twinkled with a fine light, "while now just can hit them a surprise."

"Take out 20000 combat equipment, and we will knock them out of our sphere of influence." It has to be said that long Guangyao is very courageous, and immediately starts to fight after his strength recovers.

"Three thousand miles away, there are still 400000 elite soldiers waiting to go out." Murong Jiaoyue said softly.

"With the cooperation of these 400000 elite soldiers, we have a greater probability of success." When long Guangyao said this, he looked at Ye Hao and said, "can you command the 400000 generals and soldiers with full authority?"

"It's OK to give the 400, 000 officers and men the part to attack the difficult points." Ye Hao said softly.

"Fighting hard means a lot of death." Long Guangyao hesitated for a moment or said, "if they lose too much, we will probably become the target of public criticism."

"My men will attack in secret, there will be no massive casualties." Ye Hao said with a smile, "what's more, they all have master level combat equipment in their hands. They throw out hundreds of pieces at once, even if it's xianzun."

"Let's look at the route of the move now." As long Guangyao said, he opened a map and marked it.

After the arrangement, Ye Hao and Murong Jiaoyue left the evil sect.

After returning to the king class warship, Ye Hao issued one battle order after another.

"Don't save such things as combat equipment. You should know that your life is the most important thing." Ye Hao glanced at the 400000 soldiers and said, "OK, now you can leave."

Four hundred thousand friars moved silently towards the battle site.

What they don't know is that under normal circumstances, this will definitely be found by the demons, because the demon masters have been patrolling nearby.

But Ye Hao's body and spirit body all went out, and they secretly protected the soldiers of this branch.

After more than 400000 soldiers arrived at the battle site, Ye Hao filled the energy cannon of the king class warship with 10 million top grade immortal stones.


With a flash of fire, the whole space trembled.

At this moment, both the demons and the Terrans all look up.

They saw a light.

The light is so bright that it can't be seen directly.

But the next moment the master in the camp of the demon clan roared desperately.


"Move back quickly."

"The attack was aimed at us."

"Run quickly."

Hearing the roar of the demon master, Ye Hao's mouth showed a touch of irony.


Where to run?

The top strike of this warship can even be killed by a strong person on the Xianwang level.

Even if it is the second floor of the Immortal King, it can be severely damaged, and the third floor of the Immortal King can resist.

With an earth shaking explosion, people felt that the senses had been removed by force. When they gradually recovered some senses, they were horrified to see tens of thousands of soldiers completely turned into ashes.

Whether it's a monk at the golden immortal level, a master at the immortal master level, or a strong one at the immortal level.

There are no exceptions.

All fall.

The next moment they saw a dark warship in the distance.

At this time, they saw a bright energy light as bright as stars.

Run!I don't know who said a word. All the officers and men of the demon clan all ran towards the distance in desperation.

Seeing that the energy light was about to fall on the demon position, a middle-aged man in battle armor tore up the space and forcibly devoured the energy light.

"No matter who you are, I will tear you to pieces." The middle-aged looking at Ye Hao on the warship said coldly.

"If you have the chance." At this time, a cold voice sounded behind the middle-aged.

The middle-aged man's face went wild.

He's a fairy king on the third floor.

But now I'm being bullied behind me.

The figure standing behind the middle-aged gave his hand with a bang, and the terrible fist meaning with devastating energy exploded out.

The middle-aged turned around in an instant.

When you see who it is, the pupil will not shrink.

"Long Guangyao, how could it be you?"

The middle-aged thought it was incredible.

Long Guangyao was attacked by surprise and fell down.

To say the least, even if there is no fall, it is impossible to have the combat power of the peak period.


This is a middle-aged, bloody man.

Fall feebly into the distance.

Long Guangyao himself has four levels of cultivation of Immortal King. In addition, long Guangyao is a sneak attack. How can this middle-aged person resist it?

What makes Ye Hao's eyes slightly dignified is that the middle-aged body is not broken.

Kill him while he is ill.

Long Guangyao also understands this.

Just when long Guangyao was ready to shoot again, there was a wave in the space behind him. Then a stick disturbed the whole world and smashed it at his head.

"Dragon glory, go to death."

Long Guangyao dodged the blow with a flash.

However, the chance to kill the middle-aged demon was completely lost.

"Ape three." Looking at this figure, long Guangyao showed a trace of surprise in his eyes.

On that day, the Dragon Guangyao fought to the death, which not only severely damaged the clan leader of the green demon clan, but also severely damaged the ape three.

But now it seems that ape III is back to its peak.

"He just pushed himself up to the top." Just then a figure appeared beside the dragon.

"Who are you?" Ape three looks at Ye Hao in disbelief.

"You don't need to know who I am." Ye Hao said calmly, "what you need to know is that I will take your life."

"By you?" Ape three laughs.

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