"Why do I think you look at me in the wrong way?" Ye Hao asked suspiciously.

"Do you have any?" Long Guangyao said with a blank face.

"Well, No Ye Hao said helplessly.

He remembered that long Guangyao was not like this before.

How long has it been like this?

"Go and get jade level fighting equipment?"

"Any amount of it?"

"Don't tell me that you killed more than 400000 jade class fighting equipment of demon sect?"

"There are 600000 jade class combat equipment in the library."

"Why so many?"

"Before, we swept the seven and eight forces attached to the green demon clan."

Ye Hao's face turned green.

He finally knew why the green demons had to wipe out the evil clan regardless of their own losses?

Do you dare to revenge?

Seeing the blush on long Guangyao's face, Ye Hao waved helplessly and said, "I'll exchange as much as you can take out."

After getting Ye Hao's promise, long Guangyao left in a hurry.

After long Guangyao gave Ye Hao the gold level combat equipment in the Treasury and the soldiers, Ye Hao found that the number reached an astonishing 700000.

"Don't you have all your gold level war preparations for killing the demon sect?" Even if Ye Hao's heart had already made psychological preparations, he was still surprised to see so many gold level war preparations.

"No - no - there are still some." How can long Guangyao admit it?

"I'll give it to you in a few days." Ye Hao said and disappeared in place.

Muran city!

This is an important economic town of the Green Devils.

It is also the city that green demon clan defends emphatically.

On that day, the officers and soldiers of Muran city saw a large number of soldiers of the green demon clan who had fled.

"Open the gate."

"I am Hao Lian Changbai, commander of the Fourth Army."

"If you don't open the gate, I'll do it."

Seeing this scene, the officers and men of Muran city went to invite the Lord of Muran city.

After knowing this, the Lord of Mo ran City inquired about it, and then mobilized the intelligence department to get accurate information.

Green demons defeated?

Three cities are broken?

Less than 300000 of the 2 million soldiers who killed the demon sect in the expedition?

After seeing the information written on the intelligence, the Lord of Muran city was moved.

Is this true?

When did you have such strength?

But he knew that his priority was to deal with the 300000 soldiers who had fled.

Just then a figure appeared quietly beside him.

Wait to see who is when Mo ran City Lord facial expression not from ground a change way, "patriarch."

This is no one else, but the patriarch of the green demon clan.

The green demon clan chief's face is pale, this kind of pale is a kind of morbid white.

When he and ape three attacked long Kuan Yao, he was taken care of by him

This makes the clan leader of green demon clan not recover even after taking big medicine.

"Open the gate."

"How to arrange them?"

"Let them prepare the whole army and be ready for the battle at any time."

"Will you kill the demon sect?"

"Do you think that beheading the demon sect will give up such a good opportunity?" The chief of the green demon clan said leisurely.

"I'll reinforce the line at once." Muran City Lord deep voice.

"I've arranged for 100000 of my clan's combat readiness troops to come." The green demon clan chief just said here, the whole city sounded a harsh sound of alarm.

"Enemy attack." Mo ran City Lord's face changed wildly.

The chief of the green demon clan tore up the space and appeared above the gate. In a moment, he saw 30 warships filled with terrible waves.

Grand warship!

Any one of the top class warships is sky high.

Even if it is the peak period of the beheader sect, are there 30 ships in between!

Three hundred thousand soldiers who cut the demon sect looked at the city of Mo ran coldly, and the clan leader of the green demon clan saw the decisiveness in their eyes.

Long Guangyao was wearing a golden sword and holding a golden sword in his hand. He looked at him coldly and said in a cold voice, "Green Eagle, didn't you expect this result?"

"How can you still have such a strong fighting capacity when you kill the demon sect?" Green Eagle was about to say something when he noticed that the 300000 soldiers were all elite.

How could it be?

If the peak period of the beheader demon sect has such strength, it can be understood, but how can they still have such fighting power?

After all, before the green demon clan but all hit their mountain gate!

The Green Eagle didn't understand, and didn't understand.

But do you need to wrestle with that now?"Kill." As long Guangyao's voice fell, thirty warships spewed out terrible energy light, and the thirty energy lights immediately flooded the green demon soldiers who fled below.




Do you still have a class of warships?


How much?


That is to say, the 30 high-level warships driven by the beheader are actually Ye Hao's.

Ye Hao's high-level warships are all of the highest level.

That is to say, even the top ten of xianzun can't resist the strike of energy light.

Is there a lot of this level?

This makes the tens of thousands of demon soldiers who fled here to become ashes no matter how high their accomplishments are.

When the dust fell to the end, two-thirds of the soldiers under the city gate lost more than two-thirds.

"Come again." The Dragon shines in the cold voice.

To activate the energy cannon, you need to consume immortal stones.

Long Guangyao still doesn't care about these immortal stones.


With the 30 energy light, it turned Muran city into a ruin.

There's nothing left.

"Dragon shining, is that enough?" The head of the green demon clan said with red eyes.

"If we don't uproot you green demons, do you think we can give up?"

"I admit that you are well equipped, and I also admit that you are powerful." The head of the green demon clan stared at the dragon and said, "but if you want to destroy my green demon clan, you will have to pay for it by beheading you."

"I don't think I need to pay for the beheader." As a cold voice cut through the sky, a huge object appeared in the air.

It's as black as ink, just like pouring with cold iron.

The black warship, like an ancient beast, is dormant between heaven and earth.

King class warships!

Looking at a figure on the warship, the green hawk's eyes showed a deep chill.

The green demon's intelligence system is not a dry meal.

Through the dark line, they know that Ye Hao is the driving force behind the defeat of the green demon clan.

"Who are you?"

"This is not convenient to tell you."

"It's none of your business, is it?"

"It's boring to say that now."

"As long as you quit my green demon clan now, there will be a good reward."

"You should know something about me, too." Ye Hao said faintly, "I don't think you can take out anything?"

"This one." Green Eagle said, hand appeared a volume of ancient scroll.

"Forever." When Ye Hao saw the name on the ancient scroll in the Green Eagle's hand, the storm surged in his heart.

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