Who is the old man in front of you?

The ancestor of the burning demon clan!

The existence of demigod!

Even in jiuchongtian, it is a very strong existence!

But now he says he has no ability.

Are you kidding?

"There's a name I don't think you're new to." The old man said, "Ye Hao."

"Ye Hao?"

"It's a familiar name."

"Is it the Lord?"

"Only the Lord can make the ancestors fear?"

"Did the man break into the sky from five to six?"

"It's a little difficult."

The high-level of the burning demon clan changed their faces one by one after hearing that it was Ye Hao.

Ye Hao is so famous.

As the transcendental force of the sixth heaven, how can they not know?

Loneliness is his protector.

Cai Qilin is his righteous sister.

Taixuan of wuchongtian has a close relationship with Ye Hao, and he is also the son-in-law of Yunxiao palace.

On the surface, Ye Hao was guarded by four and a half gods.

Don't forget that jiuchongtian still owes Ye Hao a lot of gratitude.

How to do it?

How to do it?

"Don't we do anything?" The wife of the burning demon clan leader lamented.

"I'm now studying the ancient curse, and I've got an initial grasp of its power." The ancestor of the burning demon clan shook his head slightly and said, "give me some more time and I can break through. After I break through, Ye Hao will fall."

"Lao Zu, are you going to break through?" The high-level of fire demon clan said with surprise.

"It's on the edge of a breakthrough." The old ancestor of the burning demon clan nodded his head and said, "so don't disturb me during this period of time."

Who dares to disturb?

The ancestor is already the first existence!

If there is another breakthrough, it will be the existence of the second environment.


At the time of the 300000 soldiers who killed the demon sect, the 400000 allied forces of the Terrans were attacking the city and plundering the land.


Kill the enemy!

Within three days, the 300000 army that killed the demon clan attacked the ancestral land of the green demon clan.

At this time, the green demon clan officers and men are no longer high above, their eyes showed a thick color of fear.

They did not want to surrender, but judging from the beheading of the demon sect, they would not have given them a way to survive.

So why does the immortal have dignity?

"Kill." As long Guangyao cuts out a sword at the mountain protection array of the green demon clan, he yells with red eyes.

Three hundred thousand troops turned into thirty torrents of steel and rushed forward.

In the process of the 300000 troops charging, one after another of the terrorist attacks fell on the green demon's mountain protection array.

What shocked long Guangyao was that these attacks reached King level, and the intensity of these attacks was not inferior to himself.

There are three Fairies in the dark?

Long Guangyao thought of this and looked at Ye Hao.

Besides himself, there is only one Immortal King, the three elders.

And the three elders' cultivation is only one level of fairy king.

In terms of cultivation, the difference is too far.

Therefore, these three immortal kings must be subordinates of Ye Hao.

It has to be said that the mountain protection array of the demon sect is really strong. Even though the three spirits of long Guangyao and Ye Hao have not broken one after another, seeing that the 300000 army will rush to the kilometer place of the mountain protection array, a pair of old hands are shooting towards the mountain protection array like a mountain.


Even though the mountain protection array of the green demon clan has been operating for many years, it is still broken in an instant.

And the residual strength of those big hands did not know how many green demon monks were killed.

At this time, Ye Hao also made a move.

Ye Hao's side appeared one after another battle sword, each of which was filled with earth shaking waves.

The monks in the field looked at Ye Hao one after another.

Because they were terrified by the swords.

"Chop." Ye Hao is holding a sword formula.

Thousands of swords cut through the sky in an instant and went to the master of the green demon clan.

Ten thousand swords!

This is the magic power of group attack.

Ye Hao can't make ten thousand swords at once, but thousands of swords are terrible.




The sound of one after another screamed through the whole world.

Those who fall are the leaders of the green demons.

The formation of the green demon clan is in chaos.

At this time, the three spirits of long Guangyao and Ye Hao were separated.

The ancestral land of the green demon clan has been operated by the green demon clan for many years, among which there are still many masters hidden. Ye Hao and long Guangyao also prevent a large number of deaths of the masters who cut the demon clan.And what do you want to do?

Are you worried about what the ancestors of the green demons left behind?

With the passage of time, the more forward the green demons resist, the more tenacious they will be. Ye Hao believes that if he and long Guangyao were not forced to open the way in front of them, relying on the 300000 elite who cut the demon sect, they would not be able to break through the evil sect.

But now the green demon's resistance is doomed to be futile.

How to resist the fairyland?

All the way back, all the way blood.

The war lasted for three days and three nights, because there were too many soldiers in the green demon clan, and Ye Hao finally killed the half-time break.

After ransacking the green demon clan, the beheader moves towards the city near the green demon clan.

There are too many good things in the green demon's treasury.

Both quantity and quality are not inferior to them.

In addition to the Treasury, there are good things on the green demon soldiers.

All these things have been obtained by the officers and men of the demon sect. The quantity of these things will not be less than that of the imperial treasury.

In a word, chopping the demon sect made a lot of money this time, but the soldiers still didn't want to go back to the sect.

Who wants to go back?

With the patriarch, the powerful Immortal King, their danger has been reduced to the limit.

Keep robbing.

The destruction of the ancestral land of the green demons does not mean that the green demons have no power to resist.

There are also some cities controlled by green demons on the territory of green demons?

This is the goal of this trip.

In fact, the 400000 troops of the Terrans were fighting against these cities. Originally, the 400000 troops of the Terrans also wanted to participate in the battle of ancestral land, but Ye Hao refused.

The resources of ancestral land are too rich.

And now the most needed is resources.

Half a month later, the once magnificent green demon clan collapsed. However, neither the beheader nor the Terran coalition army left. Instead, they plundered the demons on the territory controlled by the beheader.

The territory controlled by the green demon clan is as high as three large areas. The two sides did not want to kill them all, because it would cause the anger of other forces of the demon clan in addition to the unreality.

Looting is a long process.

Because the staff are too scattered.

But both the Terran coalition and the beheader are happy.

In this way, three months later, 700000 troops plundered the three regions and then returned to the beheader sect.

"Is there any reward for this Looking at Ye Hao with a smile.

Ye Hao is about to say something. I don't know why he has a bad feeling in his heart.

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