Long Guangyao's words shocked Murong Jiaoyue.

"I don't know if this kind of liking is worship?" Murong Jiaoyue bit her lips and said in a daze.

"Go after it if you like." Long Guangyao whispered, "Ye Hao has many confidants around her. As far as I know, she is good at confidants."

Murong Jiaoyue looks at long Guangyao. Her eyes are full of shock.

"After the battle of the psychic apes, we will have a rest by cutting the demon sect." Looking at Murong Jiaoyue, long Guangyao said, "it is certain that we will not talk about war in a hundred years, but there is one thing we have to prepare for in advance."

"What's the matter?"

"You can see the scene of jiuchongtian's breaking up. The strong of jiuchongtian have no intention to resist." Long Guangyao sighed, "well, when the eight heavy days are broken, the strong ones will not resist. We have to follow the general trend to cut down the evil sect, from the sixth heaven to the fifth heaven, and then from the fifth heaven to the fourth heaven, and finally we will come to the first heaven."

"The result of such a stack of days and days is that when it comes to the sky, there will be unprecedented spectacles."

"Do you know what that spectacle will be?"

"Only those who possess the power of demigod are qualified to stand on the same sky."

"Otherwise, in a heavy day, we don't even have the right to speak."

"Yanhuangzong has several demons. Once they grow up, which force dare not give face?" Speaking of this, long Guangyao's face showed a solemn look, "beheading the demon sect needs to hold this pair of thighs of yanhuangzong, but there are too many people who want to hold yanhuangzong. If we want to stand out, maybe you are the key."

Long Guangyao's words are very straightforward.

But Murong Jiaoyue knew that was the truth.

"Let me see." Murong Jiaoyue did not agree with long Guangyao for the first time.

"Well." Long Guangyao didn't force him.

He knew that this kind of thing was not accepted by any woman.

After all, this is a purely utilitarian approach.


After Ye Hao tore up the space, he came to the small world.

Ye Hao threw the medicinal materials and materials to his spirit.

Ye Hao didn't have so much time to refine so many elixirs and materials.

Just throw it to your soul.

Then Ye Hao came to the Daobei.

"Here you are, master." Ye Hao handed a volume of ancient scroll to loneliness.

A lonely glance at the name on the scroll revealed a shock in his eyes.

"Did you find the medium volume?"

"Just a fluke."

"It's not a fluke." Lonely gently shook his head and said, "how long did you find the medium volume when you came to Liuzhong? This is closely related to your bad luck."

Ye Hao didn't answer this question, but said with a smile, "I've memorized the above content in my heart. Can I succeed in these three years?"

With the foundation of the upper volume, the practice of the middle volume becomes simple.

"It would be perfect if I could find the second volume." Lonely looking at Ye Hao road.

The middle volume only reaches the peak of fairy king.

And loneliness is now a second state.

It's no use practicing alone.

But loneliness still decides to practice.

Because of loneliness, I can't find the second volume because of Ye Hao's nature against heaven.

As for Ye Hao, he is not worried about this problem now.

Strictly speaking, Ye Hao's accomplishments are only seven levels of immortal worship, so this immortal volume is very useful to him.

A year has passed!

Two years have passed!

Three years have passed!

On that day, Ye Hao opened his eyes. His eyes were like stars, penetrating the space in front of him in an instant.

Looking at Ye Hao lonely.

"Did you succeed so soon?" Lonely surprise is that he has not yet succeeded in cultivation, and Ye Hao, the immortal realm, has succeeded.

"Well." Ye Hao said in a soft voice, "the combination of the upper volume and the middle volume makes the level of this soul skill reach the five grades of heaven level."

"If you can find the second volume, you will be able to reach the eighth grade of heaven level forever." Lonely nodded his head and said, "it's a pity that it still hasn't reached the great perfection in the legend."

"Is there a great consummation of Soul Art in history?"

"Yes." Lonely whispered, "Taigu is the first strong one in ancient times, and his soul skills created by Taigu have reached great perfection. In addition, there are three powerful ones who have also achieved great perfection." Speaking of this, he looked at Ye Hao seriously and said, "don't think there are few strong people in this world. In fact, these old guys are dormant, and their descendants have not been born. Once they are born, they will shake jiuchongtian."

"This is a great world."

"With the continuous breaking of gaochongtian, the result is that jiuchongtian is reunited, and the friars become stronger and stronger."Ye Hao nodded slightly.

Ye Hao understands that loneliness is a warning that he must not feel like he is the first in the world among the younger generation.

In fact, the strong man between heaven and earth is beyond his imagination.

In any case, we should keep a humble heart.

After leaving xiaotiandi, Ye Hao told the 400000 people's alliance and the soldiers who killed the demon sect to attack the Tongtian ape clan in a month.

The monks present didn't think it was abrupt.

Because Ye Hao had said before that he would destroy 30% of the Tongtian ape clan.

A month passed quickly.

On this day, 700000 troops, with 70 high-class warships, boldly killed the Tongtian ape clan.

Tongtian ape is a very strong race in the demon clan.

On the strength is not much weaker than the green demons.

As 70 high-class warships approached the territory of the Tongtian ape people, three figures blocked their way.

These three figures are filled with a terrible breath.

In particular, a figure in the middle made the whole monk's soul tremble.

"Stop coming." A figure covered with golden hair spoke.

Ye Hao looked at the figure and said, "old ape, do you think inviting a demigod can stop me?"

"Ye Hao, this matter has nothing to do with you. Why do you have to go through this muddy water?" The old ape murmured.

Hearing the old ape tell his identity, Ye Hao's eyes are not surprised.

The old ape may not know, but the one standing by his side certainly knows.

"Can I say I can't stand it?" Ye Hao said lightly.

"There are so many things you can't stand up to, and how much can you manage?" As Ye Hao's voice dropped, a sarcastic voice sounded in the air, and then a golden figure with a stick suddenly appeared.

"Golden ape." Long Guangyao was surprised.

The explosive ape is the most powerful branch of the ape family, and the golden ape is the most precious in the blood of the explosive ape, and will not appear for many generations.

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