
The old ape's heart was dripping blood.

The people were killed one by one.

What can an old ape do?

The only thing he could do was to witness the massacre.

"Grandfather, why don't you do it?"

"Ancestor, why do you want to watch the Terrans slaughter us?"

"Ancestor, have you abandoned your own people?"

No one was caught.

Because it's no use getting caught.

The Terrans are ready to slaughter.

But sometimes it's not just a cavity of hot blood is useful.

It's too strong to kill the demon sect.

Even if they fought hard, it didn't help.

There were dead bodies and a river of blood.

It's revenge. It's a massacre.

The Tongtian ape clan slaughtered the six subordinate forces of the demon sect with their strength, and the six subordinate forces were all killed by the Tongtian ape clan from top to bottom.


There's no need for compassion!

Think of those people who died, the soldiers who killed the demon sect would be even more cruel.

Of course, at the same time, they are robbing their resources.

War needs capital.

The cost of mana and rune costs money.

Otherwise, after several large-scale wars, the beheader will be bankrupt.

What is the purpose of war a lot of time?


Without resources, it is difficult for a clan to move.

Because there are no resources, even if you have Tianjiao in your family?

Can you afford it?

"Enough, enough, enough." In the end, the old ape was in tears.

It is a pity that neither Ye Hao nor long Guangyao showed any sign.

How to say that beheading the demon sect is also a great force of the human race. How many people are there in Tongtian ape clan?

20% is the bottom line.

We will never stop until we get to this number.

The old ape slumped on the ground.

Empty eyes and despair.

Because he noticed that the beheader and the Terran army deliberately killed the master and elite of Tongtian ape clan.

This is to break the backbone of macaque.

"To the ancestral land." Murong Jiaoyue said in a deep voice.

At the command of Murong Jiaoyue, 300000 troops were killed towards the ancestral land of Tongtian ape tribe.

"You can't do this." The old ape stood up.

"You want to break the rules?" he said

As soon as the old ape was about to refute something, he noticed a wave even more terrifying than himself.

Fairy King 12!

The spirit of the old ape was awe inspiring.

It can't help but think of the fallen old devil.

Had to disperse the accumulated mana.


What is the most important thing for a clan.

Ancestral land!

Therefore, the patriarchs of all dynasties will spare no effort to build ancestral land.

Now, what the 300000 army and the 400000 army of the demon clan have to do is to break through the ancestral land of Tongtian ape.

Beheader didn't do it.

Long Guangyao didn't do it either.

Ye Hao also didn't make a move.

So even if the Terrans had 700, 000 troops, it was impossible to break through the ancestral land of the apes.

The premise is that there is no jixianer.

Ji xian'er is also a demon.

Her combat power also stepped into the fifth level of fairyland.

A blow!

Two strikes!

Three strikes!

It has to be said that the mountain protection array of Tongtian ape is extremely powerful.

Ji xian'er's three strikes failed to break through the mountain protection array.

And just when Ji xian'er was resting, Ji xian'er's yuan shen'er took a hand.

After three strikes, the mana in the body of Yuan Shen Fen is almost consumed.

After a while, jixian'er made another move.

After the three strikes, the mountain protection array of Tongtian ape clan was on the verge of falling, and could be broken at any time.

"Until I recover." Jixian'er stops the Terran army's impulse to fight.

The Tongtian ape tribe in the ancestral land has not been damaged at all, and Ji xian'er has noticed that they are well prepared and don't know how much damage they will suffer if they attack rashly.

But when Ji xian'er recovers silently, what no one has thought of is the Tongtian ape clan in the ancestral land.

They took the initiative.

Ji xian'er's face changed, and at the same time, she quickly let her spirit separate.

When she was about to make a move, she felt a wave of terror. Then she noticed that the monkeys who rushed to the front tore the scroll.

Purple Gold scroll!Fairy King level attack!

And just after the spirit body was exhausted and his whole body's mana had just resisted the attack of the scroll, there were several Immortal King level attacks.

When she was about to be drowned, Ye Hao's spirit in the dark gave her a hand.

The three spirits are separated into two parts, one is the other.

Like three steel torrents, it pushed everything in front of them in an instant.

Humph, the most boring people in the front are not even coming.

Jixian'er was angry.

The separation of spirit and soul is related to Ji Xianer's soul.

If the spirit of separation falls, her soul will certainly be severely damaged.

Therefore, Ji xian'er hands with anger.

Five King level masters act as pioneers, even if the number of cards and backhand of Tongtian ape clan is no use.

However, there are many strong people in Tongtian ape tribe. Even if the five masters keep fighting, there are still casualties and the number of casualties is increasing. When Ye Hao saw the fall of thousands of statues, Ye Hao again used three spirits.

With the addition of the three spirits, the number of casualties suddenly dropped.

When the war was over, 3000 or 200 people fell from the Terran side.

There are more injuries.

Up to 40000 people.

From this number, we can see the mightiness of Tongtian ape.

It can be said that if it wasn't for the eight immortals, the Terran army would have been killed by more than half. After all, this is the home of Tongtian ape.

The Terrans left.

It left a lot of pale barbarians to the Tongtian ape tribe.

After that, the Tongtian ape clan counted the loss figures. They sadly found that the elite of the family had been lost, and Tianjiao and quasi Tianjiao fell by 78 / 10, which made it difficult for them to recover.

"Close the mountain." The old ape gave this difficult order after a long time of meditation.

What Tongtian apes need to do now is to recuperate.

Otherwise, in the face of the coming golden age, they will decline completely.


After the Terran army returned to the beheader sect, they were shocked to find that tens of thousands of monks appeared at the gate of the beheader sect.

"Isn't this the master of Miaoyin pavilion?"

"Many people have come to Miaoyin Pavilion."

"Isn't that the owner of the Ge family?"

"How can the owners of the Ge family still have the face to come here?"

"Who said it was not? It's reasonable for the ancient elephant clan to come. What qualifications does the Ge family have to come? "

Listening to more than 400000 generals and soldiers of the Terran coalition army discussing the Ge family, the faces of Ge Yuyang and GE's senior officials are not very good-looking.

It was at this time that the top management of the Ge family knew that they were the only ones who did not give any support.

In addition to the full support of the six forces, the remaining forces have given some symbolic support.

Hearing this, they looked at GE Yuyang in the eyes full of complaints.

In fact, they also advocated symbolic support at that time, but Ge Yuyang thought that the expedition would not succeed at all, so Ge Yuyang flatly refused their request. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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