Thousand sword sect!

One of the Terran superpowers.

In the face of demons, only the presence of demigods has an effect.

The strong below the demigod cannot even get close.

Tang pianpianpian's force was a tribe in the Archaean period, whose duty was to suppress the demon God.

The origin of the demon can be traced back to the time of the creation of the earth. In order to suppress this demon God tribe, many powerful people have fallen down. The two elders, the three elders, and the fourth eldest elder have exhausted their original sources and died one after another. The five elders and six elders fell into a coma because of the damage to their origin.

Elder Qi is responsible for the security of the tribe.

Therefore, the patriarch of the tribe would let the eight elders accompany Tang pianpianpian to the major forces for help.

Tang pianpianpian's luanjia is a worn-out ox cart, which exudes a rotten smell. Driving the cart is an old ox with bald hair. The old ox lies lazily on the ground, sleeping, and its tail is raised from time to time.

"Lao Huang, it's time for us to go out." Tang pianpianpian walked to the side of the old yellow cattle, and whispered.

Hearing the speech, the old ox opened his turbid eyes.

The eyes are dim.

After a while, the old ox slowly stood up.

"Eyes." The old yellow cow gave a cry.

Tang pianpianpian looked at the old yellow cattle, and his eyes showed a trace of sadness.

The old yellow cattle are too old and have come to the end of their lives.

It's not that the tribe didn't want to extend the life of the old yellow cattle, but after three times, they gave up.

The origin of life can not be continued.

It's breaking taboos.

Therefore, it is possible to survive unless it is a great creation.

After one life extension, the creation needed for the second is several times of the first.

Only this mysterious tribe has a lot of good fortune. Otherwise, the old yellow cattle would have fallen in ancient times.

"There is life and death." Eight elders stood beside Tang pianpianpian and whispered, "no one can live forever. Only by stepping into the semi divine realm can we break the limit of life." After a pause, the eight elders then said, "but the limit that demigod breaks may not be eternal. I guess if I want to be truly eternal, I only have to step into the realm of God."

"The realm of God." Tang Pian said leisurely.

Tang pianpianpian knows how difficult it is to step into this realm?

"We don't have this chance. We'll wait for the saint to step in."

"The divine realm is not so easy to set foot on."

"Your Highness, your God blood factor has been resurrected, and now it has transformed into a real God body." Eight elders said with a smile, "plus you have got the inheritance of our tribe, there should be no problem in the future to step into the divine realm."

In fact, the whole tribe does not think so, but the whole tribe.

"If anyone in this world can become a God, I think my husband may." Tang pianpianpian looked at the eight elders and said.

"Your Highness, don't make such a joke." The eight elder shook his head slightly, "how noble are you? Who is worthy of you in the whole nine heavens? "

"My God's blood is given by my husband."

"Do you know what it means that your God's blood is effective for that demon?" Eight elders said helplessly, "it shows that your God's blood level is higher than that demon God. You say your husband gives you God's blood, unless your husband is a God himself

"Is the question possible?"

Tang pianpianpian's eyes showed a thick bitterness.

She didn't know how to explain it?

Because nobody believed it.

Tang pianpianpian fell into this tribe after flying to the celestial realm. Coincidentally, Tang pianpianpian fell into the forbidden area of the tribe.

Spring of life!

The spring of life is called the origin of life.

Extremely precious.

There is not much that can be compared with the spring of life.

It can be said that this is extremely against the heaven.

Tang Pian didn't know what it was at first. She only knew it was a great chance.

So Tang pianpianpian absorbed it without fear.

What she did not know was that even the descendants of this tribe could not be absorbed like Tang Pianpian.

And in the process of Tang pianpianpian absorption, she suddenly found a figure under the spring.

Tang pianpianpian instinctively felt that it was a good thing.

So Tang Pian ran after him.

After tracking for three days and three nights, Tang Pian finally found the figure.

It's a cloud that doesn't seem to have much consciousness.

Tang Pian reaches out and touches it.

Because Tang didn't feel any threat on that cloud.

And in the moment Tang pianpianpian's finger touched the cloud, the cloud group got into Tang Pian's body, that is, at that time Tang Pianpian knew what she had absorbed before?The spring of life.

As for the cloud, it is the spring of life, which has been gestated through endless years.

It's just that before she was born, how much wisdom was absorbed by Tang Pian pian.

It was at that time that Tang Pianpian's body got unprecedented transformation.

This transformation directly stimulated Tang Pianpian's blood.

Blood factor recovery.

Tang pianpianpian's blood all transformed into God blood.

Then the guardian of the tribe found Tang Pianpian.

At first, they wanted to kill Tang Pian, the intruder who stole the spring of life.

In fact, they did the same.

But what shocked them was that after killing Tang Pian Pian, she came back to life.

All of a sudden, the whole tribe was shocked.

It was at this time that Tang Pian told them that they had the blood of God.

The word "God blood" touched the nerves of this tribe.

After discussion, the tribe decided to let Tang Pian Pian be the holy daughter of their tribe, because they thought that Tang Pianpian's presence in their tribe was not a coincidence, perhaps it was predestined in the dark.

The status of the saint is second only to the guardian.

Therefore, Tang pianpianpian was fully trained by this tribe.

All kinds of panacea, all kinds of supernatural powers, all kinds of fortune were given to her.

Tang pianpianpian did not fail to live up to the cultivation of the tribe. No matter how difficult it was, she could learn the magic power. Gradually, the whole tribe felt that she was hoping that Tang pianpianpian could step into the divine realm in the future.

God realm!

If Tang pianpianpian set foot in the realm of God, he could kill the devil.

The mission of this tribe can be accomplished.

Moreover, if Tang Pianpian became a God, even if the whole nine heavens were broken, their tribe would survive.

"Let's go." Tang pianpianpian jumps onto the shelf car.

Eight elder didn't say anything more, but sat by the carriage.

The old cattle moved their hooves and walked in the direction of qianjianzong.

The action of the old cattle is very slow.

It just looks slow, of course.

But it didn't take long to reach the Qianjian sect.

There are many monks in and out of the mountain gate I of qianjianzong.

When the eight elders appeared at the mountain gate driving the old ox cart, it immediately attracted the attention of many monks.

"Ox cart?"

"Is it really a bullock cart?"

"How many years have I not seen a bullock cart?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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