Hearing the speech, he was silent.

It doesn't matter if we can wait for thousands of years.

But now don't say wait for thousands of years, even if wait for 800 years, it is possible to fall, OK?

Let's talk about the corpse girl.

If the corpse girl didn't have the protection of Qianjian sect, her cultivation would not be improved much faster.

Can the corpse girl survive when the sky is broken hundreds of years later?

After a long time, he sighed, "go to find thousand swords."


The difference between the super forces and the top forces is that they can mobilize more than a million troops in the shortest time.

With Xu Jinhong's order, more than a million elite troops were assembled in a quarter of an hour. Three hours later, qianjianzong assembled more than three million troops. One day later, the number increased to eight million.

This is still qianjianzong's deliberate control of the scale.

Otherwise, qianjianzong can gather up to ten million.

But after eight million, there is no need to assemble again.

No need!

Just as the eight million soldiers were waiting, an ancient warship appeared at the gate of qianjianzong with a startling momentum.

"So terrifying?"

"King class warships."

"I didn't expect that there was a king class warship in the other side's hand?"

"I'm afraid this king class warship can kill the early existence of fairy king?"

"It's terrible. Even though I'm separated from the mountain protection array, I still have a feeling of fear."

When Xu Hong's high-level warship appeared.

"Ye Hao, do you know what you are doing?" Xu Jinhong looked at a figure on the bow of a king class warship and said coldly.

"I have come here for personal grievances and justice." Ye Hao calmly meets Xu Jinhong's eyes.

"Justice?" Xu Jinhong was stunned.

As soon as Ye Hao waved his hand, one warship after another appeared. These warships formed a battle formation and blocked the whole mountain gate.

"Thousands of warships."

"More than two million troops."

"These are the elite of all ethnic groups."

"If we spell it, we may not be able to compete with these two million elite."

"Unless it's a fool, who's going to fight them face to face?"

"Yes, we have a mountain protection team."

At first, the generals of qianjianzong were afraid to see this scene, but they gradually became calm under the comfort of the leaders.

"Qianjianzong has been arrogant and domineering in recent years, which has caused a lot of damage to the major sects." Ye Hao stares at Xu Jinhong and says, "today I'm going to uphold justice for these clans."

"By you?" A cold light flashed in Xu Jinhong's eyes.

If Ye Hao was growing up, it would be all.

But now you have not grown up and dare to uphold justice for major sectors?

Who does he think he is?

Ye Hao smiles.

He waved.

At the next moment, the mountain protection array of qianjianzong was torn, and the terrible energy fluctuation immediately hit hundreds of soldiers nearby.


"The mountain protection array was torn."

"Isn't the mountain protection array King level array?"

"Who can tell me what?"

At this moment, let alone the generals and soldiers of Qianjian sect, even the senior level of Qianjian sect.

No one thought that would be the result.

"If you have no protection, do you think qianjianzong is still our opponent?" Ye Hao looks at Xu Jinhong, whose face is livid.

"You stole the treasure house of Qianjian sect, didn't you?" Xu Jinhong stares at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao's eyes showed the color of doubt, "what do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb." Xu Jinhong said angrily, "the prohibition of our qianjianzong storehouse has been quietly broken. Originally, I was curious who stole it? Now I know who it is at last? "

"Speak with proof." Ye Hao said in a cold voice, "the reason why I broke your mountain protection array is a magic weapon passed on to me by the array devil. But this kind of breaking is forced to open, and I have no ability to break it quietly."

How could Ye Hao admit such a thing?

Do you want fame after admitting yourself?

"What more evidence is needed?"

"You say it's me, that's me?"

"Not bad."

"I also said that you colluded with the corpse clan to bring disaster to the world."

Xu Jinhong's pupil shrinks.

Immediately, he looks at Ye Hao suspiciously.

Ye Hao's eyes showed a trace of doubt.

What's the situation?What's the meaning of Xu Jinhong's expression at this time?

Qianjianzong will not really collude with the corpse clan?

Qianjianzong can't be so brainless?

"I'm a thousand swordsman. Who do you think will believe you?"

"What a good man to sit upright?" Ye Hao laughed and said, "in this case, why do you thousand sword sect erase the memory of thousands of monks?"

"You don't want to be bloody." Xu Jinhong's face changed.

"Who do you think you can hide from it?" At this time, the body of the old yellow cattle appeared beside Ye Hao, "do you still remember me?"

Seeing the old ox, Xu Jinhong's eyes showed an incredible look.

"How can you still be alive?"

"You wish I were dead." "Xu Jinhong, you erased so many monks' memories a few days ago. I don't know how many people's memories you can erase now?"

"Ye Hao." At this time, a figure tears the space and appears in the air.

Ye Hao looked up at the old man in the air and said, "thousand swords?"

"Shouldn't you honor your predecessors?"

"Whether you want to honor me or not depends on my mood."

"You're crazy."

"All the time."

Qian Jian took a deep look at Ye Hao and said, "go back immediately. I can let go of the past."

"So simple?" Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Give me this old cattle."

Ye Hao shakes his head.

"Ye Hao, there are some things you are not entitled to ask."

"But I just want to ask about the old cattle."

"It will bring disaster for you."

"Is it?" With a clear voice sounded, a man in white appeared.

Tall and straight, aloof as a peak.

Demigod loneliness.

Qian Jian stares at loneliness, "lonely, do you want to ask about this matter?"

"I am Ye Hao's protector, and Ye Hao's business is my business."

"You should know the gap between us." Thousand swords pondered for a moment and said.

Qian Jian looks at loneliness and is in a state of disbelief.

What does he always think is hidden in thousand swords?

This kind of feeling makes Qian Jian dare not rush to do it.

Because it's not easy to start a war at their level.

"You don't know the gap between us." Lonely said here, the power of the body dormant like a nuclear bomb detonated in an instant.

The wave of terror caused a large number of monks to kneel down.

Feeling the wave, Qian Jian's face became ugly.

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