Ye Hao shrugged his shoulders and said, "you can do it if you want to."

"The best duerdan, and the top ten noble Dan. Do you have it there?" Han Chuyi thinks that we should confirm this matter.

"As long as you can provide medicinal materials, I can refine them in the first time."

"But are you sure it's a rare one?"

"I'm confident about that."

Han Chuyi pondered for a while and then said, "it's better to wait until you refine it and I'll spread the news."

"It's OK."

"Boy, do you think these three elixirs can defeat my Edwards family?"

"There's a long way to go." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Edward John took a deep look at Ye Hao and said, "many people who have offended me over the years have died."

"If you have seed, you can do it now. If you don't, you can get rid of it." Ye Hao said, pointing to the door and sneering.

As soon as Edward John was about to start, several thoughts fell on Edward John.

Edward - John knows this is the Han family master to his warning.

Edward John snorted and turned away.

"This childe, please." Han Chuyi whispered.

After that, Chu Yi comes to the warehouse with her eyes.

"I didn't expect that the collection of a six level Dan family is so rich?" Ye Hao sighed for a while and then swept away the high-grade herbs in the warehouse.

Ye Hao, a low-grade herbal medicine, did not buy it.

Because the twenty-four regions under yanhuangzong are planted with large areas of medicinal materials.

You don't have to buy all of them, do you?

After that, Han Chuyi made statistics and found that the price of medicinal materials purchased by Ye Hao was as high as 63 billion.

After Ye Hao paid the immortal stone, he told Han Chuyi that he wanted high-grade medicinal materials.

"If you want everything, I can find hundreds of billions of herbs for you." Han Chuyi hesitated and said.

Ye Hao said carelessly, "these are for you first."

With a glance at the bag of heaven and earth in her hand, Han Chuyi was stunned.

What did Han Chuyi see?

She saw 300 billion.

This is not a 300 billion lower grade immortal stone, nor is it a 300 billion medium grade immortal stone, but a 300 billion top grade immortal stone.

"You - you're not afraid I'll swallow your 300 billion?" Han Chuyi looked at Ye Hao and couldn't help asking.

"You're not that kind of person." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Han Chuyi's eyes were moved.

But Han Chuyi immediately thought of one thing.

"I don't know if it's convenient for you to refine du'erdan and ten grade advanced Dan?"

Ye Hao's mind moved and two figures appeared beside him.

These two figures are the same as Ye Hao's father.

"The two of you refine duerdan, and the other refine the ten grade advanced Dan." Ye Hao gives orders to the two branches.



After the two separate voices, they began to refine.

The two methods of separation and refinement are as savage as Ye Hao.

This shocked Han Chuyi.

Han Chuyi is a master of eight grade Wang Dan.

In her opinion, Ye Hao's body can't make alchemy at all.

However, Han Chuyi did not ask any questions because of her good quality.

But fortunately, Han did not question.

Because soon Han Chuyi realized that Ye Hao's spirit in refining du'erdan and ten grade advanced Dan far exceeded her own.

The more savage, the more powerful.

Especially alchemy, which requires skill.

As the eighteen elixirs burst out of the furnace, one after another of the auspicious clouds appeared in the air, and immediately these auspicious clouds were engraved on the 18 elixirs.

"Eighteen unique pills." Han Chuyi exclaimed.

It's shocking.

In recent years, Han Chuyi has only refined the best Dan, but Han Chuyi has never refined it.

Therefore, Han Chuyi knows how difficult it is to refine the unique pill.

But now two heats of eighteen unique pills have been refined under Han Chuyi's eyes.

This greatly exceeded Han Chuyi's expectation.

"Keep refining." Ye Hao said lightly.

After the two parts should have a sound, they continued to refine.

Han Yi was shocked by the second time Chu Yi's eighteen pieces were refined.

When Ye Hao's body was refined again, Ye Hao asked with a smile, "can you inform now?"

"I will use all the channels of the Han family to publicize this matter." Han Chuyi breathed a deep sigh of relief.

"Remember to make one thing clear when publicizing it.""What's the matter?"

"No matter it is the purchase of the top-notch nine grade Dan, du'erdan or ten grade advanced Dan, it is not allowed to have any involvement with the Edward family of the blood clan in the future." Ye Hao said softly.

"If so, you will have offended the Edwards thoroughly?" Han Chuyi said in a deep voice.

"I want to know if you Han family care?"

"If you hadn't bought so many herbs, we Han family would have been bankrupt." Han Chuyi said there was a cold light in her eyes, "so there is nothing we dare not do in the Han family."

"Then go." Ye Hao said lightly.

"One thing I don't know if you've thought about it?"

"What's the matter?"

"If there is a conflict between Dan masters, you can fight for life and death."

"What do you mean?"

"It means that after you have angered the Edwards, the Edwards will send Danshi to challenge you." Han Chuyi met Ye Hao's puzzled eyes and said, "if you don't accept it, you will have to bear the humiliation of the Edwards family, and if you accept the Edward family, you will be forced to fight for life and death."

"In the challenge of life and death, do you care about life and death?"


"I've long been unhappy with the Edwards."

"You don't worry at all."

"What do I need to worry about?"

Han Chuyi was stunned.


What should Ye Hao worry about?

Who is his opponent in the same rank?

Generally speaking, there are no high-level or low-level challenges.

High level challenges, low-level challenges are offensive.

Han Chuyi went to the Han family headquarters.

When she arrived at the headquarters of the Han family, Han Chuyi walked towards the assembly hall of the Han family.

What surprised Han Chuyi was that all the senior members of the Han family were here.

"What happened?" Han Chuyi asked curiously.

"There is a suspected seven level genius in Guangming college today." Han Zhongguo looks at Han Chuyi and whispers.

"Seven level genius?" Han Chuyi was startled at the word.

What does level 7 genius mean?

It means that in the future, the other party will be able to set foot in the second place.

Han's ancestor is only a sixth level genius, OK?

"Can you tell me more about it?" Han Chuyi asked with interest.

"Do you know Edward Langdon, Ganwei, xuanming Chengzhi, Jones?" Han Zhongguo thought for a moment and then asked.

"You know, these four represent the highest achievements of this session of Wudao, Dandao, Zhendao and Qidao respectively." Han Chuyi nodded, "the four of them are known as the four dragons of Guangming college." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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