The void caused the big bang.

Manic energy swept through nine days and ten places.

Alice's pupils shrank as she saw this scene, and a crown appeared on her head, and the old bible songs were recited in her mouth. Each Lyric had unimaginable power, which was added to the sword one by one.


The sword and the sword collide again.

The horror of the collision made Alice's throat sweet, a mouthful of blood spurted out at the same time fell towards the rear.

"What's the situation?"

"Alice's vice president failed."

"Who is the young man in the blue shirt?"

"The one who deliberately conceals his appearance can't see it clearly at all."

Just as the teachers and students of Guangming college exclaimed, a thunderbolt like voice exploded above Guangming college.

"Even the vice president of Guangming college dares to hurt me. I think you are impatient to live." As the voice fell, a pair of old hands grabbed the young man in green shirt. When he was about to catch each other, the young man in blue started a picture.

When the picture unfolded, it was in full bloom of supreme majesty.

With a bang, the big hands were flicked open by the dignity of the painting.

"Demigod Dharma."

Ye Hao looked at an old man in a white robe and said, "is it too shameless to sneak attack as a senior strong man?"

"Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am?" Ye Hao said calmly, "are you Guangming college going to give me an explanation?"

"You hurt the people of Guangming college, but now let me tell you?" The old man in white is Edmund, the president of Guangming college.

"You can ask Alice what happened." Ye Hao said, his face sank down, "I will give you an hour. If you don't give it after an hour, don't blame me for ruining your Guangming college."

With these words, Ye Hao took hold of the semi divine Edict and walked towards the distance.

And walk on the road into a line of light will dissipate.

"Spirit and soul separate?" Said Edmund, startled.

Then Alice came to Edmund's side and asked in a puzzled way, "what kind of spirit is it?"

"The one who fought with you just now is just a spirit." Edmund's eyes were full of shock as he said this.

"Spirit and soul separate?" Alice's heart trembled.

"That person's original cultivation should also be on the 10th floor of the fairy king. Is that a genius of level 9?" What struck Edmund.

Alice only felt her heart slow by one beat.

"You - what do you say?" Alice couldn't speak easily.

"I want all the information about that one." Edmund looked at Alice and said earnestly.

As soon as Alice waved, she took Ye Hao's case into custody and handed it to Edmund.

Edmund glanced at it and said, "that's half a page?"

"That's half the page." Alice nodded.

"Tell me about Ye Hao in detail." Said Edmund, after a pause.

Alice said it in short words.

"In this way, the reason why Ye Hao made a move was that Edward Langdon beat Yuchong in public?"


"Did James tell the secret?"


Edmund thought for a moment and came out of the dark.

"Dean." James saw Edmund and said bitterly, "you must avenge me."

"James, from now on you are no longer my guardian knight." Alice then said, "as for your position, there will be arrangements for bright college."

"Miss." Exclaimed James.

"You know what you did." Alice looked at James way coldly.

James opened his mouth and said nothing at last.

"Edward Langdon." Edmund looked coldly at Edward Langdon and said, "I would like to ask, who gives you the right to beat a classmate far below you in full view of the public?"

Edward Langdon met Edmund's eyes and said, "Yuchong is the remnant of the royal family."

"But he is your classmate at Guangming college." Edmund said coldly, "now you can roll up your bedding and roll."

"Dean, you - what do you mean?" Edward Langdon was a little flustered.

"You've been expelled from Guangming college." Edmund's words surprised the whole audience.

Who is Edward Langdon?

The strongest in martial arts.

But now Edmund fired Edward Langdon at one word?

"Dean." As soon as Edward Langdon said this, he was interrupted by Edmund, "now you can go."

After several students left with Edward Langdon, Edmund looked at Yu Chong and said, "what happened today is the dereliction of duty of the college. In order to make up for it, the college will let you go to the temple of light to practice for a year."Yuchong is silent.

"Yuchong, what are you doing Alice saw Yu Chong not language busy way, "don't thank the Dean quickly."

"I owe it to the man who stabbed Edward Langdon?" Yuchong looked up at Alice and said, "if it wasn't for that one, who would have asked me about my life and death?" Yu Chong's face was full of ridicule when he said this, "when Edward Langdon beat me, the students and teachers of the college all saw it, and under their word of mouth, almost all the teachers and students of Guangming college knew about it, but did one of them come forward to ask me?"



"So I decided to quit Guangming college."

With Yu Chong's words falling down, the teachers and students in the field were all shocked.

There are two concepts of College dismissal and active withdrawal.

We don't say anything about the former.

But the latter is the face of the Academy.

"Yuchong, do you know what you are talking about?" Alice said in a fright.

"Of course I know what I'm talking about?" Yu Chong calmly met Alice's eyes and said, "Ye Hao once told me that there has never been a so-called city of light in this world. It is the rule of the jungle."

"The city of light says that all beings are equal, but why do you live in a high position and enjoy the worship and incense of the world?"

"The so-called fairness is only relative." With these words, Yuchong limped toward the entrance of the college.

"Stop." Exclaimed Edmund.

Yuchong turns and looks at Edmund.

Edmund said with a sullen face, "the academy has punished Edward Langdon for you, and you are not satisfied to make up for it and let you study in the hall of light?"

"I think I made it clear." Yu Chong sank his voice.

"Since the establishment of Guangming college, none of the students voluntarily quit." Edmund gazed at Yu Chong and said, "if you walk out of the gate of Guangming academy today, you will be the enemy of the whole family of angels."

Smell speech Yu Chong's face changed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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