Liu Qingshan was very excited when he asked about this sentence.

This level of top-notch Dan is a price without market.

Two pieces of medicinal materials plus 10 million yuan, this is already a very favorable price.

If you go to the auction house to buy it, you can't get it without two or three times the price.

"Yes." Ye Hao pondered for a moment and then nodded.

Thank you very much Liu Qingshan said excitedly.

"Mr. Ye, I wonder if we can ask for Dan according to the standard you said?" The head of the Sirian clan asked at the right time.

Ye Hao gently nodded his head and said, "any force can seek Dan according to this standard, but I will give priority to refining the elixir of forces that cooperate closely with the Han family."

Han Zhongguo was stunned.

Immediately, the color of ecstasy appeared in his eyes.

There is no doubt that the forces to cooperate with the Han family will be beyond imagination.

In order to get the king level elixir one day earlier, these forces will work hard with the Han family.

Han Chuyi looks at Ye Hao with gratitude in her eyes.

She knew Ye Hao was trying to help the Han family.

"Han Chuyi, moved?" Xiaomao looks at Han Chuyi with a smile.

"It's up to you." Han Chuyi glared at Xiaomao.

"If you're moved, you might as well agree with me?" Xiaomao said with a smile.

"Marry him?" Han Chuyi thought about it carefully and immediately denied it in her heart.

How about Ye Hao refining the second grade King level advanced Dan?

Ye Hao's potential is already there.

This life is destined not to have too high achievement.

Han Chuyi will be able to set foot in the semi divine realm in the future.

Even if it is the first state, it is also a demigod.

Does demigod marry a guy who can't even set foot on the middle level of fairy king?

If so, you can't raise your head all your life?

After Ye Hao enters the hall, he sees Yuchong waiting.

Yu Chong saw Ye Hao, and his eyes were full of expectation. "Brother ye, can you accept me as a disciple?"

Yu Chong doesn't really see the figure that is fighting with Alice, but Yuchong knows that there will be no one else except Ye Hao.

At that time, Yuchong understood why he let himself choose between him and Guangming college yesterday.

Before, Yuchong still felt that Ye Hao was beyond his capacity, but now Yuchong will not have this idea.

Ye Hao, but even Alice was badly hurt.

Who is Alice?

Level 8 genius!

This invincible existence of the same rank is still defeated by Ye Hao.

What does that mean?

How can Yuchong not understand?

In fact, if you think about Yuchong carefully, you will understand some strange things before.

Before shuttling through chaos, whether through lightning storms or through the sea of fire, Ye Hao would mysteriously disappear for a period of time. According to Ye Hao's explanation, is he following the warship?

Before, Yuchong thought Ye Hao wanted to see the wonders of heaven and earth. Now Yuchong realized that Ye Hao was refining something.

Because Ye Hao Xianwang's ten layer cultivation can completely ignore the sea of fire.

Ridiculous, you want to join the bright academy?

"Call me teacher later." Ye Hao thought for a moment and then said.

Hearing Ye Hao say so, Yuchong quickly salutes Ye Hao and says, "Yuchong has seen the teacher."

However, when saluting, Yu Chong's eyes still showed a touch of gloom.

Teachers and masters are very different.

The teacher only teaches and dispels doubts, while the disciple inherits the mantle.

There are essential differences between the two.

Yuchong subconsciously thinks that this is because he did not choose Ye Hao before.

What Yuchong doesn't know is that Ye Hao didn't intend to take him as his disciple.

Ye Hao's qualifications are too high.

How can he be his disciple without the ability to go against heaven?

It's not that no friars want to worship Ye Hao as their master these years, but Ye Hao has not accepted any disciples until now.

"Well, follow me." Ye Hao said lightly.

The Han family has already arranged a room for Ye Hao.

After arriving at the room, Ye Hao looked at him and said, "in the next month, when I am refining alchemy, you will watch by the side. If there is anything you don't understand, ask me. In the rest of your leisure time, you will read books, OK?"

"Yes." Yuchong busy road.

Ye Hao has not been in his room for half an hour. Han Zhongguo and Han Chuyi come to his room.

"Mr. Ye, this is the medicine of Liu family." Han Zhongguo hands Ye Hao a bag of heaven and earth.

Ye Hao swept his mind and said, "I'm only responsible for providing the elixir. As for how to distribute it and who to distribute it to, this is your Han family's business. I think you will strive for the maximum benefit.""Speaking of it, I haven't really thank Mr. Ye yet?" Han Zhongguo said softly.

Ye Hao waved his hand and said, "to tell you the truth, the reason why I deal with the Edwards family is because of Yuchong, so you don't need to have too much psychological pressure."

"Anyway, thank you, Mr. Ye." Han Zhongguo said solemnly.

Ye Hao didn't care.

"Mr. Ye, you'd better not leave here at this time." Han Zhongguo suddenly thought of something, "I'm afraid the Edward family will send someone to assassinate you."

"It doesn't matter. I will be responsible for the safety of Mr. Ye 24 hours a day." Han Chuyi said softly.

"I was just about to say, I will give you the safety of Mr. Ye." Han Zhongguo looks at Han Chuyi.

Han Chuyi nodded!


The Edwards!

The top of the Edwards family looked glumly at Edward Langdon lying in the hall.

Edward Langdon is the leader of the Edwards generation.

But now it may be abandoned.

So how can the Edwards not be angry?

"How about second When a middle-aged man had been examined, Edward jedon asked.

"That spirit spear pierced through Langdon's elixir field, not to mention, the terrifying mental power also smashed most of his meridians. If you want to drive away the spiritual power in his body, you can only do it by asking the ancestor." Two elder Edward - jenan deep voice.

"My grandfather is still closed now." Elder Edward Jessie said in a deep voice.

"If elandon's current injury is delayed, his whole meridians may be completely destroyed, and even if the ancestor does it, he may not be able to get rid of it?" The second elder Edward jenan looked at the patriarch.

Edward jedon was silent for a while and then stood up. "I'll go and ask my grandfather."

After a long time, a tall old man accompanied by Edward - Jiedong came to the hall.

The tall old man was no one else. He was the demigod ancestor of the Edwards family.

Edward arwa went to Edward Langdon's side, examined it carefully, and his face became dignified.

"Lao Zu, can't you help it?" Asked Edward jenan, the three elders, in astonishment.

"The one who made the move belongs to the absolute existence in the fairyland." Edward arwa said in a deep voice, "of course, my cultivation can be forcibly expelled, but it will hurt the fragile Langdon." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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