In the eyes of many monks, this is a contest without suspense.

Where is Ye Hao's cultivation?

Can it be against the weather?

But with Ye Hao refining alchemy, the monk's face changed.



But there is mystery in simplicity, subtlety in cruelty.

Ye Hao's method of quenching and alchemy gives people a dazzling feeling.

In a flash.

"Ye Hao's Alchemy must have reached the middle level."

"Medium? Have you ever seen such a powerful medium class? "

"This is mostly a high-level Wang Dan Shi?"

"Ye Hao is in the shade, Edward Jeter."

"Yes, I was cheated by Ye Hao just now."

"The last king of the Edwards family will be buried in this competition."

As the saying goes, once an expert makes a move, does he know if there is one?

Ye Hao refining the elixir is simple and crude, Edward Jeter is careful, no matter how you look at it, Edward Jeter can't win.

In fact, it is.

When Edward Jeter entered the link of warming up the elixir, Ye Hao took a shot at the furnace and nine pills rushed to the sky.

"Nine pills."

"It's all Dan."

"Just don't know how many are left?"

When the monks in the field discussed, the thunder robbery came.

After the first one came, the second came again.

At this time, the monks in the field didn't feel anything.

After all, it's nothing strange to be able to refine a pindan. But with the advent of the triple thunderbolt, people's looks changed.

"The best elixir."

"Ye Hao even refined nine elixirs?"

"Why do I think it's possible for Ye Hao to refine the best products?"

"The best? Is it impossible? "

"Just look at it."

There was no blood on Edward Jeter's face when the four robberies appeared.

"The best elixir." The words came out of his throat with difficulty.

What does the elixir mean?

Edward Jeter knew it.

I can't even refine the best Dan.

The results are self-evident.

In such a state of mind, Edward Jeter was so careless that the furnace exploded with a bang.

Edward Jeter was bombed to the ground, the whole person was in place for a long time speechless.

"It's a blast."


"Edward Jeter is not supposed to make such a low-level mistake, but after Ye Hao refined the elixir, he has no intention to continue this competition."

"What's the point of refining it again?"

"Suddenly I felt poor Edward Jeter."

"Poor wool, how arrogant I was when I calculated Ye Hao just now?"

"So it is." When the monks in the field discussed, the four thunder robberies slowly dispersed, and then the nine rare elixirs fell into the jade bottles that Ye Hao had prepared in advance.

Ye Hao then slowly walked to Edward Jeter's side, raised his hand and slapped Edward Jeter's head, and then arrested Edward Jeter's soul in his hand.

"Ye Hao, what do you do?" Exclaimed Edward jedon.

Ye Hao did not pay attention to Edward - Jiedong, but took out a dim sky lamp, the next moment put Edward - Jeter's soul into it.

Edward Jeter immediately screamed, and the shrill scream made everyone's scalp numb.

Edward Jardon is the middle class of the fairy king.

What pain did not experience?

But now they cry out in spite of the image, which makes them have an incredible look.

It was at this time that they realized how painful it was to light the sky lamp?

At this time, they look at the smiling Ye Hao, and they are alert.

It seems that people and animals are harmless, but it is absolutely beyond imagination to be cruel.

"Ye Hao, my Edward family is at odds with you." Edward Jiedong stares at Ye Hao and roars.

Ye Hao said faintly, "is the Edwards family or the Edwards family now?"

The family of Edwards has almost been killed, and the resources of the family have been robbed. Now the Edwards family is no longer a force of six levels.

Edward jedton's eyes turned red.

"Ye Hao."

Ye Hao did not even look at him, but swept the whole monk's eye and said, "now continue to the unfinished business before - selling elixir."

Hearing Ye Hao say this, the power in the field reminds me of the purpose of this trip."I have said that we are going to auction 18 first-class King level consolidation pills and 18 second-class King level advanced pills, but six of them will be auctioned to the forces that have made friends with the Han family." Ye Hao said faintly.

The forces in the field realized that Ye Hao wanted to support the Han family completely.

There is no doubt that after the auction of Xiandan, more forces will cooperate with the Han family.

The take-off of the Han family is just around the corner.

After Ye Hao auctioned out the 18 King level advanced pills, Ye Hao gave a second grade King level advanced Dan for free.

And this second class King level advanced Dan fell into the hands of a small power master.

The leader of the small power almost didn't jump up in excitement.

This time, he mortgaged many things in his family in order to buy the second grade King level Dan.

Unfortunately, they didn't get it in the end.

But who could have thought of another village where the flowers were hidden in the willows and flowers were bright, and he was given a free elixir.

In this way, I can successfully set foot in the second situation.

Before Ye Hao left, he calmly said, "I know you want to buy the top-notch five level Dan. What I want to tell you is - or follow the previous rules."

"Go back to buy the medicine of Wupin advanced pill immediately."

"Even if some of the treasures in the Treasury are auctioned, you will get a five grade advanced Dan."

"The top-notch five grade Dan has not appeared for three years, but the one that appeared three years ago has been fried to the sky high price."

After returning to the courtyard arranged by the Han family for Ye Hao, the people of the Han family salute Ye Hao under the leadership of Yuyuan.

"Mr. Ye, on behalf of the royal family, I thank you for your help." Yu Yuan said in a deep voice.

With a wave of his hand, Ye Hao lifts Yuyuan and others with a gentle force.

"I help you mainly because of Yuchong." Ye Hao looks at Yu Yuan and others.

"We want to thank you anyway." Yu Yuan shook his head.

Ye Hao said nothing more.

"Brother ye, can you help the eight grandfathers?" At this time, Yu Chong pleaded, "their accomplishments have been abandoned."

Ye Hao glanced at him and said, "their accomplishments have been abandoned, even their bodies have been abandoned. It is doomed that they can not do anything in this life." Ye Hao said here for a moment, "but I'm sure I can cure them."

"Ah." Yu Yuan was surprised and said, "Mr. Ye, do you have a way?"

"Do you doubt it?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"To tell you the truth, I am a king level high-level Dan master." Yu Yuan hesitated for a moment or said, "my wound can only be cured by the king level top Dan Shi!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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