"There is a super volcano near Pearl Island, so there can't be a big fight here." Chen Yuelan whispered, "if there is a master to attack us, the master of the sea clan will appear to stop."

"Is this volcano very energetic?"

"If this volcano erupts, it will bury the sea in a very short time." Chen Yuelan met Ye Hao's eyes and said, "I noticed that there are several demigods patrolling all the time in the depths of the sea."

"The sea people have no malice towards us?"

"The demigods of the sea people are also concerned about what happened in Guangming city. Therefore, I negotiated with several demigods on the sea floor. Finally, they agreed that our secret alliance would be stationed here, but we should also be responsible for the safety of the submarine volcano."

Ye Hao's eyes lit up.

"Well done."

The open camp of the league is bound to be hit by many parties.

But what about the strength of the hidden alliance?

The idle forces dare not do anything.

No one dares to do anything but the top forces.

At that time, the hidden alliance will be able to block it with the help of experts from the sea tribe.

Of course, if you can't stop it, just withdraw.

With Ye Hao's current array strength, even the semi God strong can not be broken in a short time.

"If the strong man in the third place is blocked, is the space transmission array still useful?" Dinghai needle asked.

"No use." Ye Hao shakes his head.

Where is Ye Hao's accomplishments.

It would be nice to have a demigod who can limit the first state.

Do you want to limit the demigods of the third state?

"Isn't there a demigod's decree?" Ye Hao looked at Dinghai needle and said, "the protection and attack laws of the third territory are all left on this island. I don't believe it. Who is better than me in the existence of the third boundary?"

With Ye Hao's details, it's almost as good as being invincible in the world.

Moreover, as long as he can persist for a period of time, Ye Hao will be able to come with the divine decree.

When the time comes, God will block and kill God, and the devil will block and kill the devil.

"I forgot about the demigod's decree." After really stepping into the second realm, Dinghai needle found that there are more masters in the world than he imagined.

"So we'll be here for the next 100 years." Ye Hao said softly.

"Will we not go back when we send the sixth heaven burial?"

"When there is loneliness, they are there, and nature is indispensable." Ye Hao said with a smile, "what we have to do is to fight for the nature here."

"All right."

"Is the island still being expanded?" Ye Hao looks at Chen Yuelan Dao.

"I'm going to set up a commodity market on the western side of the island." Chen Yuelan whispered.

The corner of Ye Hao's mouth took a puff, "you this idea is too wild some?"

"We have all made public the location, so it is reasonable to set up a commodity exchange market."

"It's up to you."

"I'm going to expand the island ten times."

"Then I'm going to set up the formation."

Later, Ye Hao arranged his formation on the island.

Seeing that a month was coming, Ye Hao called Chen Yuelan to his side and said, "now I have established three layers of defense and one layer of attack. These days, you will train the disciples of the hidden Alliance on how to receive people and treat things. Because after three days, it will be the period of January. At that time, taking advantage of the hot moment when I sell Dan, the hidden League will announce the address of the station. I believe it will be time Pearl Island will be crushed and exploded. "

"I've trained people." Chen Yuelan whispered, "I'll attack again these days."

"Thank you."

"Young master, it's a heavy word."


Han family!

The top management of the Han family has been on the edge these days.

Because it is approaching the end of January, Ye Hao still did not show up.

The problem is that the news spread out somehow, making some of the forces that originally cooperated with the Han family to withdraw.

"Master, Liu Qingshan is here again." Han Zhongyi walked into the study and said helplessly.

"Asking for medicine again?"


"Give him the medicine." Han Zhongguo said angrily.

"But if we give the medicinal materials to Liu Qingshan, wouldn't it be revealed to the outside world that Mr. Ye really left our Ye family?" Han Zhongcheng said in a deep voice.

This is not a matter of simply returning medicinal materials.

This will be the end of Ye Hao's departure.

Hearing this, Han Zhongguo was silent.

At this time, a gentle voice sounded in Han Zhongguo's ears.

"Return the medicinal materials to liuqingshan."

After hearing this voice, Han Zhongguo's eyes showed a look of ecstasy.

"Mr. Ye."

As soon as Han Zhongguo's voice falls, Ye Hao's figure appears beside Han Zhongguo."Mr. Ye, where have you been

"Do something." Ye Hao said here for a moment, then said, "during this period, who came to return the medicinal materials are all returned."

There are too many resources in the misty continent.

There are other ways Ye Hao wants resources.

"I'll do it." Han Zhongcheng said with a smile.

When Ye Hao comes back, Han Zhongyi has a backbone in his heart.

Han Zhongcheng walked out of the study and came to the reception hall.

There are dozens of influential leaders in the reception hall.

"What about Han Zhongguo?" Liu Qingshan said with pity.

"This is the medicine of your Liu family." Han Zhongyi directly threw a bag of heaven and earth to Liu Qingshan, "you can go."

Liu Qingshan was stunned.

"What do you mean?"

"Didn't you always ask for your Han family's herbs?" Han Zhongcheng said faintly, "now our Han family has returned the medicinal materials to you."

"Do you know what I'm paying for these herbs?"

"How much you pay has nothing to do with our Han family. I only know that it's you who ask us to make pills for you."

"You." Liu Qingshan angrily pointed to Han Zhongyi and said, "do you Han family do this?"

"Then tell me, how should we do things in the Han family?" Han Zhongguo walked in from the outside and said coldly.

"You Han family should compensate me for the loss." Liu Qingshan's cold voice.

"Yes, you have to pay for the damage."

"In order to collect all the herbs, we even mortgaged the shop. You Han family must compensate us for the loss."

"Aren't you afraid of arousing public anger?" The leaders of these forces have denounced it.

"Don't say that you won't be compensated for your loss. Even if you don't return the medicine, what can you say?" At this time, Ye Hao's figure appeared in the hall.

After seeing Ye Hao, the leaders of these forces were shocked one by one.

"Ye Hao, how can it be possible?"

"Didn't Ye Hao leave the Han family?"

"Liu Qingshan, my sun, your ancestor."

"Huo Jiaqiu, your uncle." The leaders of these forces have broken a big curse.

Can they not scold?

Obviously, their behavior angered Ye Hao.

"Give them back their herbs and don't cooperate with them in the future." Ye Hao glanced at them and said coldly.

As soon as Han Zhongguo waved his hand, the bags of heaven and earth appeared in front of them.

"Mr. Ye." Huo Jiaqiu looks at Ye Hao in a pleading way.

Ye Hao turned around and left.

"Mr. Ye."

"Mr. Ye."

"Mr. Ye." The leaders of these forces rushed to catch up.

It's just that Ye Hao disappeared before he could chase him for a few steps.

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