The corners of Zhou Xian's mouth jerked.

But what else could he say?

You can't just sing when you're in the box.

But when Zhou Xianyi looked at the prices of red wine and fruit, he had an impulse to turn around and go.

Spicy next door.

The cheapest bottle of red wine costs 3000.

Steal money?

Zhou Xian has five thousand cash and eighteen thousand bank cards.

But it seems that the current situation is not enough.

"Raffi." Zhou Shuai's eyes lit up when he saw Raffi. "I've heard how good Lafite is before. I must try it today."

"Raffi, a bottle of five thousand." Steve was busy.

"How about 3000 bottles of red wine you just drank?" Zhou Shuai said with a straight face, "why, do you think you are not qualified to drink well?"

"No Steve was busy.

"Two bottles of Lafite." Zhou Shuai's words made Zhou Xian's face black.

Two bottles of Lafite exceeded the total amount of Zhou Xian.

Immediately Zhou Shuai ordered some more things.

Zhou Xian calculated in silence.

Twenty five thousand!

Ye Hao looked at the scene quietly and didn't say anything.

Ye Hao had heard Zhou Xian's murmuring about himself with Shi Bo.

So now when Zhou Shuai pits Zhou Xian, Ye Hao is happy to see it.

Blue butterfly carries a drink and hands it to Ye Hao, and sits beside him.

"Why don't you sing with us?" Blue butterfly asked softly.

"Can't sing." Ye Hao took the drink and said with a smile.

"I remember when you were a sophomore, you were very lively. How come you have become so dull now."

"Because I've been through a lot."

Blue butterfly Miao Mu looked at Ye Hao and said, "is it convenient to talk about it?"

"You won't believe it."

"How do you know I don't believe it if you don't say so?"


"Intuition is the word of a woman."

Ye Hao is about to say something when Zhou Xian's voice rings in the box.

"Stop, gentlemen."

When Zhou Xian saw that all the eyes of the audience fell on him, he looked at blue butterfly with burning eyes and said, "I believe everyone knows that I like Xiaodie since high school."

Speaking of this, Zhou Xian walked towards blue butterfly.

Blue butterfly's face showed a color of amazement.

"Today, I solemnly ask Xiaodie to be my girlfriend in the presence of all of you." When the last word falls, Zhou Xian goes to blue butterfly and kneels in front of blue butterfly on one knee, holding the ring in his hands.

"Diamond ring."

"Set love diamond ring."

"How romantic."

"Butterfly, promise."

"Xiaodie, promise quickly." "I don't know," shouts Shibo and Nian Rui.

Blue butterfly pondered for a moment and then shook her head gently.

"Sorry, I can't promise."

"Why?" Zhou Xian's face changed.

"Because I always regard you as a friend, it is doomed to be impossible between us." LAN Xiaodie said that she was determined.

"Which couple didn't develop from friends?"

Blue butterfly just shook her head.

"Do you like Ye Hao?" Zhou Xian stands up and looks at Ye Hao coldly.

Ye Hao is confused.

How can you lie down with your gun?

"Yes." Out of the expectation of Ye Hao and the whole class, LAN Xiaodie said this sentence.

"Did Ye Hao get better grades? What else can he compare with me Zhou Xian looks at LAN Xiaodie angrily.

"You are wrong."

"What's wrong with me?"

"Girls don't have to choose good grades, they have to choose what they like."

"What do you like?"

"I like good grades."


Zhou Xian felt a lot of pain in his heart, as if he had been stabbed several times.

Ye Hao heard that there was an impulse to run away.

How can you get involved in yourself?

"I'll go to the bathroom." Ye Hao said he was about to leave here.

As soon as Ye Hao gets up, LAN Xiaodie blocks Ye Hao's way. She grabs Zhou Xian's ring. She looks at Ye Hao and says, "can you be my boyfriend?"

There was an uproar.

Who did not expect blue butterfly to be so fierce?

Zhou Xian felt more stabbed.

"No way."


"I don't like you."

"Ye Hao, I tell you, after this village." Blue butterfly looks at Ye Hao and says in a deep voice.Ye Hao is a pine in his heart.

Blue butterfly can't speak better.

"I'll wait for the next time in the village

Ye Hao suddenly felt some pain in his heart.

Zhou Shuai is a mouthful of red wine spray out.

No one would have thought that blue butterfly was so excellent?

"I'll go to the bathroom." Ye Hao said this sentence and fled the scene in a hurry.

Ye Hao went to the toilet, folded himself and walked towards the door.

After a good walk, Ye Hao saw Zhou Wanqing.


Zhou Wanqing turned and saw a smile on Ye Hao's face.

"Why are you here?"

"High school reunion, and you?"

"Our sisters are singing here?"

"Can you sing, too?"

"I can not only sing, but also dance?" Zhou Wanqing glanced at Ye Hao and said, "I look down on who."

"I don't know if I'll have a chance to see it?"

"It depends on whether my sisters agree or not." Zhou Wanqing said with a smile.

"It's not something you can get." Ye Hao said confidently.

"My sisters are not as simple as you think." Zhou Wanqing opened the door of the box.

Several beautiful young girls are singing love songs in the box.

Ye Hao's eyes soon fell on a girl.

This is a valiant woman with short hair, full of President fan who controls everything.

"Ning Xuan."

Ning Xuan looked at Ye Hao in surprise and said, "Wanqing, do you know Ye Hao?"

"Do you know each other?" Zhou Wanqing was surprised.

"I believe that now." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Which sentence?" A girl with mushroom head asked curiously.

"Wan Qing told me that none of her sisters was easy." Ye Hao looked at the mushroom head girl and said, "for example, I have sensed the murderous spirit in your body."

Mushroom head girl's eyes can not help but squint up, "Wan Qing, your friend is not simple."

"You don't want to test him, mister." Zhou Wanqing knows what kind of person her sister is.

"He's very good?" He looked up and down at Ye Hao.

"Born master." Zhou Wanqing said slowly.

"How can there be such a young inborn master?"

"What if I told you that I had seen a master of the later stage of the mountain of regret, which was about the same size as me?" Ye Hao said with a smile.

"No way."

Ye Hao's eye light actually fell on a quiet virgin wearing a white shirt on the body.

The girl is very quiet.

Like a white lotus.

"This is --"

"Why, you're going to have the idea of my sister in light clothes?" Zhou Wanqing chuckled. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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