"Just in time." After coming to the misty land, Ye Hao said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Zhu Xijun, standing beside Ye Hao, asked.

"I promised a friend that I would go to a trial." Ye Hao said softly, "and today is the day of trial practice."

"Are we going to try with you?"

"I'll send you to a holy land of practice." Ye Hao said and opened a huge space crack.

Zhu Shurong asked curiously, "Mr. Ye, what is this place?"

"Go in and you'll find out." Ye Hao said with a smile.

I wish Shurong's eyes are more curious.

Then he asked the people to go in order.

He didn't worry that Ye Hao would harm them.

If Ye Hao wanted to hurt him, he would have done it. There's no need to go around such a big circle, right?

When everyone entered the space crack, what they saw was a magnificent and vigorous world.

"This is --" Zhu Shurong asked in shock.

This is the holy land of supreme practice.

Zhu Shurong has not never seen the practice ground of the top power, but no matter which holy land of practice can't compare with this.

The spiritual power here is so strong that it is hard to imagine that it rains in many places.

It can be imagined that practice here will achieve twice the result with half the effort.

"Then you will practice in this area." Ye Hao then divided a region for them, "of course, you can communicate with the rest of the monks, but no fighting is allowed. If there is a fight, you can go to the center to find A-1 or A-2 solution."

At this moment, a broke through the void and came.

Ye Hao told Jia Yi the identity of Zhu Shurong.

"First, you are responsible for arranging them."

A lightly nodded his head and said, "give it to me."

Ye Hao has always been good with his maid. He has been training A-1 and A-2 all these years, and now both of them have become independent figures.


The space-time domain is one of the most chaotic regions in the misty continent.

Because there are veins of space and time in this area, all kinds of killing are staged here every day.

Today, however, the killing in this area has all stopped, because today is the day when the forbidden areas of time and space are opened.

"I don't know how many space and time crystals have been mined in this century?"

"No matter how much mining, we have to hand in 70% of the forbidden area."

"You say that we are working hard to open up mining stones. Why should we hand over 70% to the forbidden area?"

"Is it not stipulated by the ten major ethnic groups?"

"Tell me?"

"Originally, this area was jointly controlled by ten major ethnic groups, and no ethnic groups other than the ten ethnic groups were allowed to come to mine. But in this way, other races will definitely not do it. So they formed an alliance to negotiate with the ten major ethnic groups. The result of the negotiation is that all ethnic groups can mine here, but the mined crystal stones can not be taken out without permission. After a hundred years' statistics, 30% of the mined stones can be taken away. As for the seven achievements, they can be used as a reward for the students of all ethnic groups to practice. This sounds fair, but is it actually fair? Are the disciples of other races the opponents of the ten great clans? "

"How can the major races agree?"

"This condition is also beneficial to the top 100 ethnic groups. Therefore, when some forces of the top 100 ethnic groups compromise, the bill will have to be implemented."

"I want to know that none of those miners dare to buckle the space and time crystals?"

"Every miner has a set of recording device on his body. Do you dare to buckle the crystal? The arbitration institutions of the ten major ethnic groups will frustrate you. "

When the friars on the spot kept discussing, the purple emperor's eyes showed a faint anxious color.

Because the experience is about to start.

But Ye Hao did not come.

"Dean, you don't think Ye Hao will appear again, will you?" Small gun king you Fei said with a sarcastic face.

"Shut up." Photinia stares at you Fei with a bad look.

"Am I not saying the truth?" You Fei retorts, "Wang breaks the sky here, Ye Hao dare not appear."

"Idiot." The heather hums coldly.

Photinia and Ye Hao contact is not once or twice.

What a proud Lord Ye Hao is?

How can you be afraid that the king will not appear?

"Heather, do you just mess around?"

"Who's messing around?"

"You know if you've been messing around." Youfei said here for a moment and said, "and you'd better flatter Wang Tiantian now, or no one will protect you after entering the forbidden area."

"Flattery?" Phoebe sneered, "you fly, you are really mean."

"Heather." You Fei roared, "you don't know good people."

"Get out of my way." Photinia glanced at Youfei.You Fei was just about to say something when he was stopped by a figure. "Heather, now you are guarding the front of all the students in the college and say Ye Hao is a person who is fishing for fame and reputation. I will give you shelter when you enter the forbidden area."

"Don't even think about it." Stone Nan angry voice way.

"I'll give you one last chance." The figure's face sank in a cold voice.

"What I said just now is not clear?" Phoebe stares at Wang, breaking the sky and says word by word.

"Good." Wang Shatian said here and then looked at the purple emperor, "Dean, I want to make a deal with you."

"Deal? You say The purple emperor looked at the king with astonishment.

"You know the danger of going to the forbidden area. I have no reason to protect them." Wang chuantian stopped here.

"What do you want?" The purple Emperor didn't know that Wang broke the sky. He wanted to benefit.

"I want luozhuyu." Wang broke the sky, his eyes burning at the purple emperor road.

"What?" Purple emperor could not help but frown.

In any case, the purple Emperor didn't think that the king wanted this.

"I don't like Luo Zhuyu, but she likes me after all. I have to save her in love and reason." Wang broke the sky, looked at the purple emperor calmly and said, "I want you to release Luo Zhuyu from the dark guard, and let Luo Zhuyu participate in this trial."

"Are you threatening me?" Purple emperor looks bad.

"I know I'm not your opponent, but you can't force me to do something?" Wang chuantian said, pointing to the students of Youfei and other academies, he said, "do you have the heart to bury them in the college?"

The purple emperor was silent.

It has to be said that Wang has played a good hand.

"Miss." Cried the heather with some worry.

Purple emperor's eyes showed the color of struggle.

And just as the purple emperor was about to say something, a gentle voice sounded in her ears.

"Dean, when are you going to be silent about such students who dare to force you?"

Purple emperor's eyes showed the color of surprise.

"Ye Hao."

As soon as the purple emperor's voice fell, a figure appeared quietly beside him.

"Ye Hao, how dare you appear?" Wang broke the sky staring at Ye Hao and said coldly.

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