"Master, I don't know how to exchange points for crystal stones?" At this time, a young man in golden armor asked.

"One point can be exchanged for a piece of inferior space crystal, but this is only for the top 100 friars." The figure said faintly.

"What about the space crystal?" The young man continued.

"Those below 50 are eligible to exchange for the second grade space crystal, but the exchange proportion can only account for one-third of your points. By the way, five points can be exchanged for a piece of medium grade space crystal." In other words, only when you have reached 15 points can you exchange a piece of medium grade space crystal stone. If you can't reach this number, you can exchange it honestly.

The figure stopped here and said, "the 11th to the 50th are eligible to exchange for top-grade space crystal stones. The exchange ratio should not exceed one third of your points, and 25 points can be exchanged for a piece of top-grade space crystal stones."

"Those from the fourth to the tenth place are eligible to exchange for inferior time crystal. The exchange ratio shall not exceed one third of your points. Fifty points can be exchanged for one inferior time crystal."

"Those from the first to the third place are eligible to exchange for the second-class time crystal. The exchange ratio shall not exceed one third of your points. One hundred points can be exchanged for a piece of intermediate time crystal."

"The friar in the first place will get an extra high-quality time crystal."

"And the friars at the top of the list enjoy all the benefits that follow." The figure swept the whole audience and said, "for example, after the top ten monks have exchanged for the medium-class time crystal, they can also exchange the second-class time crystal, the first-class space crystal and the second-class space crystal."

"Is there anyone else who doesn't understand now?"

This one has made it very clear.

If you don't understand it, there's something wrong with your head.

"Well, you can go now."

As soon as the voice fell, the monks in the field went to the forbidden area in groups.

"You let Tianyi leave, OK?" Phoebe said with some worry.

"My part is following him in the dark." Ye Hao said with a smile, "as long as Tianyi is not targeted by the top strong, I don't think there will be any problem."

"What if you're caught up in the eyes of the best?"

"My self-identity is enough to hold on to my own coming." Ye Hao said confidently.

Ye Hao and Heather casually find a direction and walk in the past.

The area of this space has been folded, which is not inferior to a large area. Otherwise, how can these guys toss about?

Ye Hao and Ye Hao were stopped by more than 30 mechanical soldiers before they went far.

"Two fat sheep."

"Look at their costumes. They're students from Saint's college."

"What's wrong with the students of St. Peters college? Would the fury of the mercenaries be afraid of her

Ye Hao was stunned, "the fierce mercenary regiment?"

"The fierce mercenary regiment is very strong in the misty continent. It is said that the head of the frenzied mercenary regiment is the first place." Shinan and Ye Hao explained, "the fierce mercenary regiment has three deputy commanders, all of whom are the peak of the Immortal King."

Phoebe said here, Ye Hao interrupted Phoebe's words, "do you have the confidence to kill them?"

Looking at the more than 30 soldiers, Phoebe pondered, "some difficulties."

"I'll help you with the battle." Ye Hao said lightly.

The Photinia answered and then took out a sword. When the sword was drawn out, the wave of terror came out.

"The king's top sword."

"It's a bit of a hit."

"Tie up."

The members of the fierce mercenary regiment have experienced many battles and immediately chose to join hands after seeing this scene.

"Pear blossom rainstorm." The Battle Sword in Shinan's hand instantly cut out hundreds of sword lights, each of which emitted extremely amazing fluctuations, and they poured out in all directions.

At the same time, she turned into a streamer and appeared in front of a mercenary. Qianqian Yu hand patted the mercenary's heart.

With a bang, the mercenary fell apart.

"Startling wind."

"Damn it."

"Kill her."

The rest of the mercenary regiment stormed out.

However, the body method of Photinia is erratic, it is difficult to be locked by them, and several people died in the process of their siege.

"I'll fight with you." A mercenary who could not live suddenly burst out, and the terrifying energy turned into a towering shock wave and diffused around. Even though Photinia tried to dodge, he was still injured.

When the rest of the mercenaries saw this scene, they did not know that it was a good opportunity. They were like wolves, biting at the heather one after another.

Phoebe's eyes are cold, holding a sword to fight against these guys.

Photinia is not without other means. For example, she has the armor refined by Ye Hao in her heaven and earth bag, but she has no use until now?Photinia is very strong in the realm of the 11th floor of the fairy king, and its combat power has obviously reached the 12th floor of the fairy king. However, there is one Immortal King on the 12th floor of the mercenary regiment, and there are two fairies on the 11th floor, not to mention the high-level cooperation of the rest of the fairies. Therefore, no matter how strong the Zhenyuan in her body is, she is gradually exhausted.

When Phoebe cuts off a mercenary's arm with a sword, a heavy hammer hits her back heart. She spurts blood from her mouth and rushes forward. She knows that if she is still in place, she will be surrounded.

She took a look in the distance, and Ye Hao looked at it quietly, without any intention of making a move.

Phoebe takes out an excellent healing pill from the heaven and earth bag. After taking it, he continues to rush forward with the sword.

Time went by like this.

Until Photinia killed a mercenary again, the remaining eight mercenaries finally showed fear in their eyes.

They looked at each other and ran away.

How does Photinia look like the end of a strong crossbow? The problem is that it looked like it before.

If we go on fighting, we may lose the whole army.

Looking at the eight mercenaries escaping, a heart that Phoebe carried gradually fell down.

Because she has reached the limit.

Now it's just trying to hold on.

At this time, Photinia saw Ye Hao wave, and then she saw the eight mercenaries turning into ashes.

"You - how did you do it?" Phoebe has long known that there is a gap between her and Ye Hao, but she did not expect the gap to be so large.

He tried his best to keep eight top mercenaries, but Ye Hao waved and killed them.

"The mystery of emptiness." Ye Hao said lightly.

Up to now, Ye Hao's mystery of emptiness has become more terrible.

Even if the existence of the same level, as long as it is not that difficult, there are few can be blocked.

"No wonder the lady asked me to follow you." Photinia takes a deep look at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao smiles, "let's go."

"I want to heal." Photinia stares at Ye Hao.

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