There was an envious look on the faces of the monks in the field.

Is this mysterious existence so optimistic about Ye Hao's future?

Can Ye Hao go far in the future?

This scene makes some masters of forces feel uneasy. They are considering whether to postpone the Crusade on the Terrans?

"Now the tribes can leave." The figure swept the audience with both hands on his back and said, "remember what I said. No one is allowed to move within three days."

The faces of the angels and other high-level people were gloomy.

They know it's a rule.

But who dares to violate it?

The answer is that no one dares to violate it?

In recent years, it is not that there is no strong person to challenge the rule, but the strong person who challenges the rule is dead.

There is no exception.

"It's broken."

"The Terrans are going to spend a lot of time on crystals."

"If we don't use it now, will we wait for all ethnic groups to fight?"

"As long as you don't have more than three gods, you can't die in vain."

"Blood debt must be paid by blood. I'm going to invite my grandfather."

Some of the top 100 forces are afraid of it, but the strength of the top 10 is not afraid of it. They have reached an alliance secretly and will be bloodbath of the people.


As soon as Ye Hao and his party returned to Shengde academy, the high-level of Shengde academy surrounded them.

"Ye Hao, how can you be so reckless?"

"Do you know that you are a master of killing all races? Now the ten clans have formed an alliance secretly, ready to erase our people from the map."

"According to the information I have received, there are hundreds of forces involved in this event, and the ten major clans have invited their ancestors from the third frontier."

"Dean, I think we should push Ye Hao out."

"It might calm down the anger of all the races."

The senior officials of the Academy were very angry, so they criticized Ye Hao one by one.

"Shut up." Just then, a thunderous sound exploded in their ears.

The high-level of the Academy immediately looked at the purple emperor.

"What do you mean, Dean?"

"Dean, we are also thinking about the Academy."

"Dean, I know you are going to Ye Hao, but it depends on the actual situation."

"Dean, you can't push the academy to an irreparable position because of your selfishness?"

Before the purple emperor had time to speak, the senior officials of the Academy began to criticize.

"I said shut up, didn't you hear me?" The purple emperor was angry.

And with the voice of the purple emperor, her body was filled with terror.

The face of the whole high-level suddenly changed.

"In short, I can't push Ye Hao out. You can go now if you want to beg for mercy from other people." Purple emperor said coldly.

"What do you mean, Dean?" The four elders of the college said in astonishment.

"That's what I mean." Purple emperor stares at four long old way, "after three days, the Allied forces of all nationalities will attack, and those who want to go can go now."

"You." The top echelons of the college were stunned.

No one thought that the purple emperor would even dissolve the Academy for the sake of a Ye Hao.

Ye Hao looks at the purple emperor in surprise.

Ye Hao knew that purple emperor always wanted to change, but he didn't expect purple emperor's courage to be so great.

The purple emperor actually wanted to solve the problem of Shengde academy once and for all.

After the purple emperor put down this sentence, he took Ye Hao and Heather back to her office.

"Dean, do you think about it?" Ye Hao asked calmly.

"The academies have reached the point of no break." Purple emperor looked at Ye Hao and said seriously, "but then you have to help me."

"I'll give you as many masters as the academy goes out." What the purple Emperor didn't think of was that Ye Hao said this sentence.

"Are you sure you're not kidding?"

"When did I ever joke with you?"

Purple emperor was about to say something, and there was a knock at the door.

"Come in." Purple Emperor God read to sweep once to say.

Soon sun Shengren came in.

"Dean, the college is in a mess now."

"Chaos, then?"

"I noticed that a lot of friars are going to leave saint's college."

"You take the escort and keep a close watch on the whole of St. Germain's college. These students and tutors can leave, but they can't plunder the things of the Academy."

Sun Shengren hesitated for a moment and said, "Dean, I think you can still leave some teachers and students if you persuade them."

"Those who want to leave don't have to stay. Those who want to stay won't leave." Purple emperor said faintly, "let them go!"

Sun Shengren no longer hesitated, turned and left.Sun Shengren just walked to the door and saw the figure of Tiankun.

"Girl, what I want to tell you is that I support all your decisions. Let's go." Tian Kun looked at the purple emperor with a look of encouragement in his eyes.

"Don't you worry about me breaking up the academy?"

"If this is the case, it means that saint's college has come to an end." Tian Kun said indifferently.

Purple emperor's eyes showed a color of gratitude.

On the surface, the purple Emperor didn't care, but how could he?

At this time, Tian Kun looked at Ye Hao and said, "boy, you've done a good job."

"Shall I say thank you?" Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Now that you can laugh, it shows that you have no fear." Tiankun was acutely aware of something, "I'm waiting for your surprise."

Tian Kun said and left laughing.


"The purple emperor insists on his own way, which will push the Academy into the abyss of thousands of feet!"

"Did you call the dean?"

"The Dean didn't show up. He said everything went with the luck."

"What do you mean? How can the Dean still want to shut down at this time? "

"Why don't you go to the dean?"

"It's no use. The dean said he didn't want to take care of it."

"What now?"

"What? Go away! Three days later, the attack of the hundred nationalities united army, even if the Shengde Academy was several times stronger, could not be stopped. "

"If we leave, we can still leave hope for the Terrans."

"Yes, it's a pity that St. Germain's college."

"Don't sigh, pack up and get out."

While the teachers and students of Shengde Academy were packing up their things one by one, in the middle of the air, an old man in a simple Taoist robe showed a bitter look in his eyes.

"Am I wrong?" The old man sighs.

"You are not wrong." Then a gentle voice sounded in his ears.

"Ye Hao, do you know that you caused all this?" The simple old man turned and looked at Ye Hao seriously.

"Then I would like to ask the elder, is this the saint virtue academy that you have worked hard to build?" Ye Hao met the simple old man's eye light and said, "the enemy has not yet come, so we have to clean up and escape. Do you think Shengde academy can protect the people?"

The simple old man was silent and sighed for a long time and said, "what I want to tell you is that this time, three to five gods will be gathered from all ethnic groups. Do you have any idea how to deal with this situation?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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