"How many resources did you spend?" Purple emperor some dizzy ground says.

Before these 300 million friars, what qualifications did purple emperor have?

It is because of knowing clearly that purple emperor knows how much resources need to be spent to achieve this step?

Zi Di believed that even the resources of Shengde academy could not do this.

"Elder Bo, I wonder if these poor disciples can offset those teachers and students who have left?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

Bo took a deep breath, "do these poor families listen to the academy?"

"As long as the academy is sincere to them, they will certainly treat the Academy wholeheartedly." Ye Hao looked at elder Bo in a deep voice.

"But I'm afraid they'll listen to you!" As soon as elder Bo said this, Tian Kun yelled, "Bo Changlao, don't talk nonsense."

"I'm also thinking about the future of the college." Bo Changlao was silent and said, "after all, the dean of the college is the purple emperor."

"I can understand your concern." To his surprise, Ye Hao said this sentence, "and I have no interest in the right of Shengde Academy."

"I don't believe it." Bo Changlao decided to take the black face down.

Tiankun does not say, purple emperor does not say, then who says?

There is no doubt that the children of aristocratic families will lose their right to speak in academies, but these poor disciples were trained by Ye Hao himself. Can they listen to Ye Hao?

"Bo Changlao, do you know I wish Ye Hao was interested in power?" The purple emperor sighed.

How clever is the purple emperor? How can he not understand elder Bo's meaning?

It's just that Bo Changlao really wants more.

"If Ye Hao wants to be the dean of Saint de college, I can give up the position of the Dean now."

"Dean." Elder Bo exclaimed.

"Do you know what level of genius Ye Hao is?"

"Eleven floors?" Elder Bo thought for a moment and said.

If Ye Hao wasn't on the 11th floor, how could Tyrannosaurus Rex be like a dog?

"Do you think you can do this by a level difference?" The purple Emperor didn't go on.

Bo Changlao's heart can not help but set off a storm.

Is Ye Hao a level 12 genius?

Think of this elder Bo understand why the purple emperor said such a thing?

There is no doubt that if Ye Hao is a level 12 genius, who will be his opponent after Ye Hao has set foot in the third level?

Sweeping the forbidden area is very casual, OK?

At this time, Ye Hao said slowly, "it won't be long before I leave the misty land."

"What are you going to do?" Bo Changlao's face changed.

"I'm not a man of your ethereal land. What am I always doing here?" Ye Hao glanced at Bo Changlao.

Bo Changlao's mind trembled.

She said subconsciously, "you can't go."

Elder Bo now realizes the value of Ye Hao.

How can such existence let him go?

Would it be a great loss to St. Paul's college?

"I said before that I had no interest in St. Peters college. I would have been too lazy to come if the purple emperor had not asked me to be a special tutor." Ye Hao looked at Bo Changlao and said calmly, "I know you must be curious why I spare no effort to help the Terrans in the misty land. Then I can tell you now, because we have the same blood

Elder Bo's eyes suddenly changed when he looked at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao's eyes were clear when he said this.

In other words, this is Ye Hao's sincere intention.

"Is there such a pure man in the world?" Bo Changlao has some regrets in her heart. She didn't dare to slander Ye Hao just now.

Some words can't be said.

She knew that Ye Hao would not stay in St. Petersburg too much after she said that.

"Sorry." Elder Bo bowed deeply to Ye Hao, but he avoided him.

Thin long old eyes show a bitter color.

Ye Hao's avoidance shows that Ye Hao doesn't want to forgive her.

"Dean." Elder Bo looked at the purple emperor.

The purple emperor shook his head gently.

Ye Hao what character, through this period of time together, purple emperor also touched a general.

This one looks gentle, but actually he is superior to everyone else.

Then Ye Hao opened the space channel of xiaotiandi.

The teachers and students of Shengde academy, including 300 million poor monks, entered the small world.

Ye Hao gave Jia 1 and Jia 2 the matter of arranging accommodation for these monks.

Ye Hao took the high-level of the Shengde academy to his courtyard.

"Purple emperor, your big hand covers this energy bead." Ye Hao took out the bead of energy that Xiao Rongguang gave him and sank his voice.

Purple emperor's heart pounded.

Is this the beginning?After three breaths, the purple emperor put Jade's small hand on the energy bead.

The next moment, the purple emperor's face showed a look of pain.

"Hold on." Ye Hao said, "if you can't help it, you'll give up all your efforts."

Hearing Ye Hao say this, the purple emperor is busy holding the energy bead tightly.

At this time, Ye Hao saw a number on the bead.

Three thousand three!

At the next moment, the number of 3000 will gradually decrease.

Ye Hao's eyes widened.

"Three thousand three does that mean that the energy value of liquid medicine here is three thousand three?" Ye Hao guessed in his heart.

As time went on, Ye Hao affirmed that this value was the total amount of energy.

Before that, Ye Hao was worried that the card could not be used at this time point.

Now Ye Hao doesn't have this worry.

Did not expect Xiao Rongguang to be so careful?

Ye Hao couldn't help giving Xiao Rongguang thirty-two compliments.

When the above value was reduced by 100, Ye Hao did not let the purple emperor leave. Instead, he waited until the number was reduced to 150 before he said, "OK."

The purple emperor quickly released his small hand, and his face showed a look of relief.

"Feel it?"

Purple emperor closed his eyes and felt a little bit. When he opened his eyes, his eyes were full of shock. "I think the connection between me and heaven and earth has doubled more than once."

"Your current qualifications should be between level 11 and level 12." Ye Hao said softly, "just now I was worried if you didn't upgrade to level 11, so I let you absorb more."

"Ah." Purple emperor did not expect to have this unexpected joy.

"Heather, it's your turn." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Phoebe pondered for a while and said, "Ye Hao, this kind of resource is very rare?"

"Well, it's rare." Ye Hao nodded.

"I'd better not." Phoebe looked at Ye Hao seriously and said, "anyway, as long as I step by step, I can step into the divine realm."

"What so much nonsense?" Ye Hao glared at Photinia, "come and absorb quickly."

"Don't I worry that you are not enough?" Phoebe said wrongly.

"Come here." Ye Hao exclaimed.

Phoebe pursed her mouth and said, "isn't this coming?"

Phoebe said the little hand put on the energy bead, and in the moment she put it, the small hand would be released, but at this time Ye Hao's hand was holding her down.

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