Tiankun's bearing capacity is far beyond Ye Hao's imagination.

Even if you get the 150 value of the liquid medicine, you still look the same.

"Now you are the best in the level nine talents." Ye Hao said that he also handed Tiankun a bag of heaven and earth and said, "I hope you can cross the river when I leave the misty land."

Tian Kun's mind swept, and his face was full of surprise.

He didn't expect Ye Hao also gave him a hundred thousand stone.

In terms of quantity, it also surpassed the purple emperor.

"Did you give too much?" Tian Kun said quickly.

Tian Kun asked the purple emperor and others to look in the past, which also made him look silly.

"Don't you need a divine stone when you get to the divine realm?" Ye Hao said with a smile.

Tian Kun and others just woke up like a dream.

Ye Hao even considered this?

"Ye Hao." Tian Kun looks at Ye Hao with a moving expression.

Ye Hao gave it to him, just like a re creation of grace.

"As a demon, you have been guarding my people for so many years." Ye Hao looked at Tiankun with dignity and said, "the Terran will not forget your achievements in these years."

Saint De, purple emperor's face can not help but change.

Only then did they know why Ye Hao gave Tiankun so much?

Is it because of Tiankun's achievements in protecting the human race these years?

Saint De's eyes show a little guilty color, because Saint de did not consider these things, but now let Ye Hao, an outsider, consider it.

"At this age, with such accomplishments and nature, we should have been frivolous, wanton and arrogant." Saint said with emotion, "but what I see is a graceful young man who is modest and polite and knows when the sky is bright and when it is clear."

"Really want to know who brought him up to this point?" The purple emperor sighed.

"He has no master." Phoebe said at this time. When he saw Saint de and purple emperor looking at him, he said softly, "I once asked him this question. He said that he had several teachers, but the master did not."

"Yes, who is qualified to be his master for such a unique figure?" For a moment, the purple emperor said.

Tian Kun's eyes are full of tears, and his heart is full of fire.

In recent years, Tiankun has long been labeled as a traitor.

It doesn't mean he doesn't care.

But with Ye Hao's words, Tian Kun suddenly felt that everything was worth it.

Ye Hao did not say anything more, but looked at sun Shengren, "I came to the misty land, thanks for your care, I have to send you a gift before leaving."

Sun Shengren's heart slowed down half a beat.

"And mine?" When sun Shengren asked about this sentence, he couldn't speak easily.

"But I don't want you to be robbed in a short time." Ye Hao said softly, "you level 9 genius can be used as a card."

"I still have a lot of Shou yuan? There's no need to rob now. " What did sun Shengren think it was? It's just that he's not allowed to go through the robbery now.

Sun Shengren didn't have the thought of crossing the robbery.

Sun Shengren rubbed his hands.

"I remember that Master Sun seems to be a seven level genius?" Ye Hao's voice changed.

"This - yes." Sun Shengren said embarrassed.

"I'm not sure which level you are in level seven? So if you want to make sure you can step into the realm of the gods, you need to absorb at least two hundred and eight Ye Hao stares at sun Shengren.

Sun Shengren's face changed.

Before Photinia absorbed two hundred and one, it couldn't work. This was done with the help of Ye Hao.

Can I?

"Does this have any sequelae?" The purple emperor asked.

"Breaking the limit can cause mental problems." Ye Hao met the purple emperor's eyes and said, "in other words, this will hurt the original source. After the original source is injured, you can't want to cross the robbery in this life."

"What about that?" The purple emperor frowned.

Judging from the current situation, sun Shengren can't insist.

If we don't reach level 9, will these resources be wasted?

"Forget it." Sun Shengren Mou Guang struggled for a while or sighed.

Sun Shengren did not know how precious the resources at this level were.

It can be said that do not try without 100% assurance.

"There are other ways to be a God." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Is there any other way to become a God?" Sun Shengren's eyes are full of incredible look.

At this moment, sun Shengren was not only shocked, but also the purple emperor and Shengde.

Is this a God?

There's only one way since ancient times, OK?

How come to Ye Hao? There are several ways to do it?

Ye Hao's mind moved and a token appeared in his hand, which was quietly suspended and blooming with noble waves."What is this?" Sun Shengren instinctively felt that this was something to be respected, but even if he racked his brains, he didn't know what it was?

"The fruit of the gods." At this time, Saint said with a look of shock.

Ye Hao looked at Saint de in surprise and said, "I didn't expect you to know."

"What is a divine fruit?" Purple emperor asked curiously.

"Only those who are strong in the divine realm can have such things." After calming down for a while, Saint de said, "after you get the divine position, you will get all the insights of the strong man in the divine realm. At the same time, the energy contained in the divine position will also enhance your qualification and potential, so that you can successfully step into the divine realm."

"Moreover, the position of God also represents the recognition of heaven, so you will not be troubled by the law of heaven in the future."

Sun Shengren finally understood, but he still had a question, "I want to know who can set foot in the divine realm after taking the position of God?"

"Yes." Saint de nodded his head and said, "once upon a time, there was a golden immortal in the realm of hopeless immortal master. After taking the position of God, it didn't take long to cross the path of true God."

Sun Shengren hears here, looks at Ye Hao's hand the spirit fruit position, the eyeball all lights up.

"Are you going to give me the fruit of the gods?" Sun Shengren dry swallow a saliva way.

Ye Hao smiles and pats the fruit of the gods into sun Shengren's body.

Sun Shengren's whole body was stiff, and he immediately felt that his body had undergone subtle changes.

"This change will continue for a long time." Ye Hao said and handed sun Shengren a bag of heaven and earth, "this is for you. It's not good to be said that one is more important than the other, isn't it?"

Sun Shengren took it decisively.

After a scan, he found that there were ten thousand stones in it.

"Why ten thousand?"

"You're going to be in the lower world for a long time, will you?" Ye Hao said with a smile, "so what are you doing with so many divine stones?" At this point, he restrained his face and said solemnly, "there's something I want to ask you."

Smell speech sun Shengren's facial expression immediately dignified, "you say."

"Help me take good care of the poor." Ye Hao whispered, "when I brought them out of Taihang Mountains, I didn't want them to be bullied by others."

"Don't worry about it." Sun Shengren said decisively.

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