"In this way, both Xianwang and xianzun of Shengde academy will far surpass the peak period of Shengde Academy." Sun Shengren said here for a moment, "when Shengde academy slowly produces some demigods, we can get on the right track."

Sun Shengren's words made the purple emperor and others silent.

The number of demigods in the town before Saint de college reached 33.

But now, the only semi gods are Shengde, Zidi, sun Shengren, Tiankun and Bo Changlao.

The demigod is not born at will.

"Ye Hao, do you have any idea about this?" Heather pulled Ye Hao's sleeve and said.

"What do you think?" Ye Hao takes a look at Photinia.

"Now I think you are omnipotent." Said the heather kindly.

"Just for your words, I will help the Academy create 100 demigods of the first level, fifty of the second level and twenty of the third level. How about that?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

The whole body of Photinia trembled.

There was an incredible look in his eyes.

"Ye Hao, can you really do it?" Purple emperor asked this sentence when the heart was raised.

If Ye Hao can still do this, the strength of Shengde academy will have the strength to crush any one of the ten ethnic groups.

"When did I cheat you?" Ye Hao spread out his hands and said with a smile.

"What else do you have?" Purple emperor asked curiously.

Ye Hao's mind moved and a bottle of 500 ml jade bottle appeared in his hand.

"I got this in the forbidden area." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Purple emperor looked at the bottle for a while, then widened his eyes after a few breaths, "this - this bottle is holy spring?"


Seeing Ye Hao nodding, Shengde and others suddenly became short of breath.

If this bottle is to be a holy spring, isn't there tens of thousands of holy springs?

"Eighty one drops of holy springs are needed to set foot in the first state, and 8100 drops are needed for a hundred statues of first level; 243 drops of holy springs are needed to set foot on the second level; twelve hundred and fifty drops of holy springs are needed for fifty second level; 729 drops of holy springs are needed for stepping into the third state; and 14580 drops of holy springs are needed for twenty third level." Photinia in the heart of a calculation on a startled.

"Do you know how many fountains are needed to do what you say?" The heather took a dry swallow.

Before that, Photinia also felt that there were a lot of ten thousand holy springs.

Because it can create ten thousand fairies.

"It needs 34830 drops of holy spring." Ye Hao looked calm and said, "and in addition to the consumption of fairyland, I think 40000 drops should be enough."

"You have so many holy springs?" Phoebe was astonished.

"Forty thousand drops can still be taken out." Ye Hao thought for a moment and then said.

Isn't it four bottles of 500 ml holy spring?

Ye Hao got a holy spring comparable to a river.

How many bottles of holy spring is this river equivalent to?

Ye Hao can only say a lot.

"My initial plan is to practice in the small world for 100 years, and the effect of this 100 years is absolutely comparable to that of the outside world for 300 years." Ye Hao then said, "and in this 100 years, I will take out another 40000 drops of holy spring. One is to train some monks in hopeless fairyland, and the other is to train a part of Xianwang masters. After all, the academy needs a high level of fairy king and the existence of the peak of fairy king. "

The purple emperor and others were confused.

Another 40000 drops of holy spring?

When did holy spring become so cheap?

"In addition to the holy spring, I will take out 40000 drops of nourishing spirit liquid." Ye Hao stopped for a moment and said, "as for how to distribute these nourishing spirit liquid, it's your business."

"What you're talking about is the nourishing spirit liquid for promoting the origin?" Purple emperor exclaimed.

Ye Hao nodded gently.

"Where did you get so much nourishing liquid?"

"It's from the spirit clan."

"How do I think the Terrans are going to create a great age?" The purple emperor was silent for a while, and his eyes were bright.

"Unprecedented prosperity." Saint's eyes were full of expectation.

"In addition, purple emperor, you need to build a new system on the basis of Saint De academy." Ye Hao suddenly thought of something, "I think you can talk to Yuelan about this new system."

The purple emperor couldn't help but look at a woman beside Ye Hao.

This woman is very quiet, just like a white lotus.

"Master Sun has recommended Yuelan to me many times these days. If she was not your maid, I would like to train her to be my right arm." Purple emperor looked at Chen Yuelan road with appreciation.

Sun Shengren only developed one confidant in the law enforcement hall for such a long time. However, after Chen Yuelan entered the law enforcement hall, he attracted three elders and eighteen disciples.

Chen Yuelan smiles and doesn't care."I'll talk to Yuelan."

"After you have completed the basic structure, I will teach you Dan Dao, Qi Dao and array Dao." Ye Hao said softly, "I am confident that in these three areas, there are few that can surpass me."

Ye Hao said something modest.

As a matter of fact, Ye Hao's array Dao and Qi Dao have reached the second level, and giving Ye Hao some time, Dan Dao can also be deduced to the second level.

In Ye Hao's age group, there is no one with such strength.

"It's a chance for these teachers and students." Purple emperor said sincerely.

Purple emperor is not a fool.

The array arranged by Ye Hao is of the second level.

There is only one Saint de college that has reached this level.

Of course, the supreme elder has left now.

"I will integrate the skills of the academy and leave some of them." Ye Hao said here to see the purple emperor, "so you need to build another space channel."


"Ye Hao, is there any skill you left behind Photinia carries a small face to look at Ye Hao way.

"The skills I left behind are all relatively top-notch ones." Ye Hao said softly, "but you don't need to practice that. I'm going to teach you some secret skills. It's just - "

" just what? " Asked heather.

"The divinities I teach are profound, so please ask me if you don't understand them." Ye Hao looked at Phoebe and said earnestly.

Saint's eyes lit up.

The two magic arts of Shengde academy are just ordinary divine level skills.

Now what Ye Hao teaches is undoubtedly the top one.

After Ye Hao has explained some things, Shinan and others left.

Here are Ye Hao and Chen Yuelan.

"Here you are." Ye Hao said and handed Chen Yuelan a jade bottle.

Chen Yuelan said in surprise, "give me all this bottle?"

"I don't know how many holy springs you can bear, so take them as much as you can." Ye Hao nodded gently.

Chen Yuelan pondered for a while and drank it drop by drop.

A drop!

Ten drops!

A hundred drops!

Thousand drops!

When Chen Yuelan drank 3000 drops, she found that she had reached the limit.

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