"How can these poor disciples be so powerful in fighting?"

"I've never seen their swordsmanship and boxing."

"These swordsmanship and boxing are top-level magical powers. There is no such sword skill in our Shengde Academy. I have been stationed in the Gongfa Hall of the academy all these years."

"And where did St. Germain get these miracles? They have displayed hundreds of kinds of supernatural powers and metaphysics, and there are less than 30 kinds of top-level supernatural powers in our Shengde academy! "

"In fact, I just want to know how these mud legs learned such top-level magical powers? You don't know how to learn such magical powers without top-notch qualifications? "

"Yes, I didn't realize it until you said that."

"Why do I think these top-level magical powers are brought by Ye Hao?"

"It's possible."

"We don't know the details of the Academy, but now suddenly such changes have taken place. I can't think of any other reasons except Ye Hao? Dean Sainte was clearly a level 9 qualification before, but now he has become a living God? Don't you think it's strange? If there had been a living God before St. Germain's Academy, he would not have been so oppressed by the angel clan 300 years ago? "

"Do you mean Ye Hao brought these things?"

"Otherwise? Now the vice president of the purple emperor has become a living God? Do you think it's really time crystal that can bring it? "

"Who is he?"

"His identity has always been mysterious. Wang chuantian is a level 10 genius, but even he is not the enemy of his moves. Before everyone guessed that he is a level 11 genius, but now think about it, is it really level 11? Can the gap of one level be easily killed in seconds? "

"Level 12 genius?"

"It's hard to say whether level 12 genius is his limit or not."

"I wonder if we're going to fight now?"

"Even if there is no virtue and purple emperor, the coalition forces of all ethnic groups can not win. Now it is a painful opportunity to beat the water."

"Yes. Now I'm going to gather the elite of the clan to help

"Now St. Peters college may not accept us any more. I think we should attack the nearby ethnic groups."

"It's true that these groups have lost so many masters. Now they are in the void."

After seeing this scene, the major forces of the Terran moved their minds one after another.

Some mobilize the forces of the clan to participate in the battle, while others mobilize the forces of the clan to attack the nearby ethnic groups.

What no one knows is that Ye Hao's jiuzunfenshen and Jiuzun Shenhun Fenshen began to loot the treasuries of the major ethnic groups just after the Allied forces of the major forces arrived here.

After plundering the 18 families, Ye Hao's sub body rushed to the next batch of targets.


It is impossible for tens of thousands of fairies to kill all of them.

You have to have more than three times as many troops to do it.

Even if there are such peerless strongmen as Shengde and purple emperor, they keep killing the Allied forces of all nationalities who want to break through.

After several charges, the Allied forces of all ethnic groups still tore a hole.

This wave of demigods reached an astonishing 6000.

After seeing these demigods about to leave, they suddenly found that there were many space traps around them.

"So many space arrays?"

"How could it take hundreds of years to cover this area?"

"Is this the only thing that this master has been doing for hundreds of years?"

"Does he have nothing else to do?"

"Are the space array masters in the second world not practicing themselves?"

"Such a large-scale space trapped array needs top-grade space crystal how to also get 3000?"

"This space trapped array is not the standard of ordinary second environment. It has been infinitely close to the third state?"

When the demigods of all ethnic groups put their hands on it, they realized this fact in horror.

The second level can't be broken in a short period of time. Even if it is broken, there are still layers 2 and 3?

Not to mention the first place.

It's even harder to break at this level.

As for most of the third level fell, even if there is no fall, now there are opponents, but the third level is the focus of the target ah.

The fairy king group is not considered.

"I can't escape."

"God wants to kill me?"

"I don't like it."

"I've just become a demigod. This is my first battle."

"I've just become a fairy king, and I'm going to fall in the twinkling of an eye?"

"I just play soy sauce."

"I'm here to see a play."

The faces of the fairies of all races showed desperation and reluctance.

Ye Hao looked at the fairy kings of all ethnic groups and wailed with grief. He felt very sorry for him, so he threw more than a dozen fire beads at them and killed some of the happiest ones."Ye Hao, we have lost thousands of fairies." Heather all over blood rushed to Ye Hao's side and said solemnly.

Ye Hao glanced at the whole scene, nodded, then raised his feet and walked towards the battlefield.

After seeing Ye Hao, a demon fairy king immediately abandoned his opponent and rushed to Ye Hao.

"I will kill you and avenge my ancestors."

But when the Immortal King of the demon clan rushed to a hundred feet away from Ye Hao, he couldn't move.

Like a puppet, he was forced to the vicinity of Ye Hao.

Ye Hao took a look at the Immortal King of the demon clan, and then he raised his feet and walked in front of him.

Next, all the monks saw a shocking scene.

Where Ye Hao goes, the Immortal King's body in which area is uncontrollably pulled by Ye Hao.

Not long after, nearly a thousand fairy kings were floating around Ye Hao without control, and the situation was like losing gravity. He went up and down with Ye Hao from time to time.

"What are you doing Ye Hao took a look at the disciples of Shengde academy around him.

These disciples, like waking up from a dream, rushed over one after another.




Soon, thousands of fairies were killed like lambs.

After killing thousands of immortal kings, the disciples of Shengde academy joined other battle groups.

Ye Hao turned into a streamer.

When Ye Hao stopped, thousands of uncontrollable fairies appeared near Ye Hao.

There was a look of horror in the eyes of these fairies.

Because at this moment, both the body and the soul are out of control.

In other words, their life and death are in the hands of Ye Hao.

"I surrender."

"I am willing to submit to your Sainte's college, and please give me a way to live."

"After that, I will be the sword of your Sainte college. I will kill whoever you want me to kill?"

"I'm willing to take my family and be loyal to the people."

"Please give me a chance to do justice."

"We elves have always been friends with your people."

But Ye Hao didn't want to change their face.

The disciples of Shengde academy immediately understood what Ye Hao meant.


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