The representatives of all ethnic groups finally agreed to the behavior of the purple emperor.

St. Peters college made a lot of money immediately.

A group wants to develop.

One is resources, the other is genius.

At present, the resources of Shengde academy have far exceeded the peak. This is because tens of thousands of fairy kings and hundreds of demigods have fallen, and they have massive resources.

All of these resources are cheap at St. Peters college.

Moreover, the dozens of Treasuries that Ye Hao robbed were all given to Shengde Academy.

It can be said that for a long time, St. Peters college does not need to worry about resources.

There's another big blackmail this time.

After that, St. Peters college began to consolidate its territory.

It took ten years to build these sites into iron walls.

And Ye Hao has not been idle for the past ten years.

As long as Shengde academy develops step by step, there will be no problem. In the past ten years, Ye Hao not only helped build arrays for major cities, but also helped build space channels between them.

What's more, Ye Hao is still cultivating hidden alliance.

Naturally, the resources needed by the hidden Alliance came from the big families.

As long as there are no resources, Ye Hao will steal other forces.

Under the cultivation of Ye Hao, the strength of the hidden alliance has increased several times on the original basis. It can be said that the strength of the hidden alliance is already equivalent to half of the Shengde Academy. In fact, the reason why the hidden league can rise so fast is thanks to the fallen gods and gods. Ye Hao refined the bodies of the demigods and the immortal kings into various precious elixirs, otherwise Ye Hao would have to use the holy spring 。

At this time Ye Hao was ready to leave.

Ye Hao has almost done what should be done.

"You can't go." When Ye Hao says he wants to leave, Photinia takes Ye Hao by the arm.

"What's the matter?"

"Now the hidden alliance needs your protection." "Shinan Du mouth way," hidden alliance and no living gods, if encountered a God strong how to do? "

Ye Hao thought about it and found out that it was true.

Ye Hao took out a piece of magic gold and handed it to Shengde. He said, "this gold can refine three decrees. You can refine a defensive one for the hidden alliance. As for the remaining two pieces, let the purple emperor refine them."

"Good." Saint nodded.

With a defensive deity's edict, you can't even break it with a blow from a living God.

As long as you stick to a little bit of time, both the purple emperor and the saint can pass at any time.

As for why we did not let the holy virtue refine the next two decrees, it was because the legal intent of the holy virtue refining was not comparable to the purple emperor who went to the limit.

These two decrees will not waste the purple emperor's refining.

In fact, Shengde academy also has gold.

But this kind of thing is too rare, and there are not many Sainte's colleges.

Other things will be rejected by virtue, but the God of gold.

"I don't want a divine decree." Phoebe was in a hurry.

"I know what you mean." Ye Hao took a look at Photinia, and then a decree appeared in his hand, "this one is for you."

"We don't need gods and decrees." The purple emperor refused.

It is true that St. Peters college does not need a divine edict.

"This piece of divine edict is refined by a superior one. Even the master of the gods can kill it." Ye Hao looked at the purple emperor and said calmly, "this decree is also a combination of attack and defense."

The purple emperor and Saint were moved.

This gift is too precious.

This can be used as an absolute card.

"It is not suitable to push the forbidden area horizontally with your current strength." Ye Hao immediately said, "but when the purple emperor reaches the limit of the third boundary, I think the purple emperor and the holy virtue can push the forbidden area horizontally."

"Can I find you when pushing the forbidden area horizontally?" The purple emperor stares at Ye Hao.

"What do you want from me?"

"Don't worry until you're there."

"I didn't know where it was at that time." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"You're leaving, don't you tell me your coordinates?"

Ye Hao pondered for a while and then detained a wisp of divinity on the purple emperor's eyebrows.

"You just know the location. Don't pass it on casually." Ye Hao said in a deep voice.


"Because my world power is very weak, you can't help your expedition on the misty land."

"Who dares to invade your world with our saint De academy here?"

"Yes, but I still don't want to be disturbed."

"I remember." Purple emperor pondered for a moment or nodded.

"Goodbye." Ye Hao said and called out a warship. After jumping on the warship, he called out Zhu's family.

"I'll take you home."

The face of Zhu family is full of excitement.

Over the years, the strength of the monks in the Zhu family has improved rapidly.Zhu Shurong has already soared to the first level, and Zhu Xijun has also reached the peak of the fairyland. After a while, he will be able to step into the semi divine realm.

Ye Hao has trained Zhu family members, but there are not many resources to smash, but this has shocked the Zhu family.

For example, Zhu Shurong never thought that he could step into the semi divine realm in his whole life. However, Ye Hao used his resources to smash him to the first level. Almost all the people of the Zhu family had reached the middle and high level of the Immortal King.

Three thousand fairies!

Zhu family has never been so strong!

"Mr. Ye, why is this warship not the one before?" Zhu Xijun asked curiously.

"The former warship was in the first place, but the present one is in the second." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Ye Hao is not a man of white practice for hundreds of years.

Ye Hao's utensil road and Dan Road both set foot in the second realm.

However, Ye Hao's battle path is still stuck in the second place.

This makes Ye Hao realize that if he wants to set foot in the third state, he needs to step into the semi divine state. However, Ye Hao has no plan to set foot in the semi divine state.

Because Ye Hao also wants to continue polishing in the fairyland.

"Second level?" Zhu Xijun's eyes widened.

I wish the family were equally stunned and speechless.

In their minds, the warships in the first scene are unattainable, but now they are sitting in the warships of the second.

This feeling can be called a dream.

Fortunately, their accomplishments were promoted to the fairyland, so they could bear the impact.

In the chaos, there is no sky, no land, dark.

However, the warship in the second place is quietly moving forward in the chaos. If you don't see the rapid changes of the surrounding scenes, you will think that the warship has not moved forward.

"This ship's stabilization system is doing great." Zhu Xijun said softly.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "do you want to open it?"

"Is that all right?" I wish you a busy way.

"Yes." Ye Hao said and took Zhu Xijun to the cab. Immediately, Ye Hao said to the spirit of the warship, "give her the right to drive."

"Yes, master." The spirit of the warship said respectfully.

Zhu Xijun got the right to drive excitedly.

This kind of extreme shuttle makes Zhu Xijun ecstatic.

Ye Hao looked for a while and then turned to leave.

But at this time, Zhu Xijun called.

Ye Hao turns to look.

The next moment, Ye Hao saw a huge stone hitting the warship. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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