Dinghai needle is very clear what a big chance this is?

But when his big hand touched the ball, he instinctively wanted to let go.

But then the needle held the ball tightly.

What Ye Hao said just now is still there. How dare he let go?

Ye Hao's eyes are always fixed on the value displayed on the energy ball. When the above value is reduced by 150, Ye Hao tells Dinghai needle, "OK."

Dinghai needle quickly released.

This time of torment can make him very sad.

Fortunately, it's over.

"Feel it now." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Dinghai needle felt for a moment, then his eyes showed an incredible look.

It felt that it was more closely connected with the road of heaven and earth, and it also found that its limits had been broken. Before it was only one step away from the limit, it came to the end, but now Dinghai needle can not even see the end.

The more you can't see Dinghai needle at the end, the more excited you will be.

This shows that I can go further in this realm.

"In the next time, you should focus on improving your accomplishments, because you will have time to improve your powers." Ye Hao looks at Dinghai.

Dinghai needle nodded heavily.


"One more thing for you." Ye Hao said, and then threw to Dinghai needle ten law purport way, "refine five attack and five defense law purport."

"What is it to refine so many decrees?"

"Next to me."

"What kind of body do I need?"

"Send someone off?" Ye Hao stares at Dinghai needle.

"Then you don't need to refine ten?" Dinghai needle stares at Ye Hao and says, "the semi divine edict of the third state needs three common black gold decrees to merge."

That is to say, refining the ten Dharma decrees of Dinghai needle requires 30 ordinary demigod decrees.

"Why do you talk so much?"

"Don't I think it's too wasteful? Black gold is a strategic resource. How can my semi divine Dharma aim compare with what you will refine in the future? "

"BLACKGOLD is no longer a strategic resource for me now." Ye Hao said faintly.

"You got a lot of black gold?"

"How much?"

"A thousand." Ye Hao said casually.

Dinghai needle could not help but take a cold breath.

It finally knows why Ye Hao doesn't care?

In the process of Dinghai needle refining, Ye Hao is out of the small world.

When he first appeared in the room, he found that the warship was shaking violently, and then the sound of warning sounded in his ears.

Ye Hao tears the space and appears in the cab.

"What happened?" Ye Hao asked in surprise.

"Just now I saw a lake in front of me. I thought that there was no lake in the chaos, so I drove the warship to rush over." When Zhu Xijun said this, he looked flustered, "but who would have thought that the warship was out of control."

"Spirit, have you detected anything?" Ye Hao motioned to Zhu Xijun not to worry and then asked.

"There are terrible magnets under this lake, and the powerful magnetic field caused the warship to fail." "Now the warship is sinking gradually. If you can't stop the sinking, the warship can't fly out any more."

Ye Hao took a look at the lake below and called out Dinghai needle from the small world.

"Drag the ship away."

Dinghai needle just appeared under the warship, and his face was changed.

"What a strong magnetic field."

When dinghaizhen put his hands under the warship, he was shocked to find that he could not take the warship out of this area.

"There must be a huge amount of geomagnetism buried in the lake below." Dinghai needle changes color.

Ye Hao's mind moved and took out an array plate.

When Ye Hao pulled the array out of the array plate and filled the whole warship, dinghaizhen felt a little lighter.

"I can walk." Just as Dinghai needle said this, the array plate in Ye Hao's hand made a crack. Looking at the sound, Ye Hao was surprised to find that the array plate had cracks.

"What a terrible magnetic field."

In fact, many arrays are the further deduction of magnetic field.

Ye Hao took the warship into his own world without much hesitation. Then Ye Hao was suspended on the top of the lake like Dinghai needle. At this time, there were cracks in the array plate of Ye Hao's hand.

"I think it's very likely that there will be a real magneto below." Dinghai needle said in a deep voice, "otherwise, it's impossible for me to walk all the way."

"Just go and see." Ye Hao said with a smile.

As soon as the words fall, Ye Hao and Ding Haizhen no longer block the attraction of terror and fall downward. It is not long before Ye Hao and Dinghai needle sink to the bottom of the lake."These are magnetic particles." Dinghai needle swept around.

"These magnetic powders are of very high quality." Ye Hao squatted down and picked up some. After careful inspection, he said in a deep voice.

"The mind is affected here." Dinghai needle felt for a while and then said.

"It seems that if you want to mine the magnetite here, you have to grope bit by bit." Ye Hao pondered for a moment and then said.

"I don't know if the fairy king can bear the pressure?"

"Try it." Ye Hao called out a high-level monk of fairy king from the world.

As soon as the monk appeared here, he was in a daze, and then his whole body was absorbed to the ground uncontrollably.

"Mr. Ye." The monk was a member of the Chen family. He asked in shock.

"You run mana to see if you can get rid of this attraction?"

After hearing the words, the monk ran the magic power in his body. After a long time, the monk stood up, but his face still showed some painful feelings.

"You go back." Ye Hao said softly.

After the monk left, Ye Hao called out a monk of the eighth floor of the Immortal King.

This monk is more than twice as powerful as the Immortal King's seven layers.

"I can barely walk here." The friar on the eighth floor of the Immortal King felt it and said.

Ye Hao's heart suddenly had a number of times, and then he called out the fairy kings who were above the seventh floor of the Immortal King.

"Your mission is to find magnets here." Ye Hao preached to the monks.

After expansion, the number of monks in xiaotiandi has reached a staggering 100 million.

Ye Hao did his best to cultivate these friars.

Up to now, there are 100 statues in the third state, 300 in the second, 900 in the first, 3000 at the top of the fairy king, and 9000 in the high-level.

Therefore, there are tens of thousands of people who have been summoned by Ye Hao to search for magnets.

But the tens of thousands of monks are nothing compared to this lake.

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