"What am I going to do Ye Hao glanced at the white hero.

White hero opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but at the thought of his officers and men, he swallowed what he wanted to say.

If the current situation of the white family can get such a fresh army, it will greatly ease the plight of the white family.

So how could the white hero be willing to offend?

"I know that you sea people were instigated by the demon clan to join this battle." Ye Hao's eyes immediately fell on the sea god. "That's why I don't kill all of them. But I put my words here today. If you sea people dare to join in the fight against Terrans again, even if you pay all the lives of these generals and men under my command, I will erase you from Tianma land."

The sea god's eyes coagulated.

He could feel the determination in Ye Hao's words.

In other words, they do.

"This time, our sea people were inspired by the incandescent people to go out of the sea." The sea god pondered a little, then looked at Ye Hao and said in a deep voice, "over the years, the sea people and the Terrans have always maintained a good relationship."

Hearing the sea god say so, many of the Terran friars showed disdain.

Good relationship?

Good, your sister?

The struggle between the two ethnic groups has never been over these years.

"I don't think you sea people will take the initiative to do such a thing." Ye Hao nodded seriously.

Seeing Ye Hao and the sea god compliment each other there, white hero is speechless.

Is that too fake?

"I'm sorry for this misunderstanding, but it's the so-called" no fight, no acquaintance. " Ye Hao has a gentle smile on his face. "We are friends now, aren't we?"

"Yes, we sea people are your friends now." Said the sea god with a smile.

"This time, our officers and men have lost a lot. We need to cultivate here. Don't know if it's convenient?" Ye Hao immediately said.

The sea god's face was black.

Ye Hao's tone sounds like a request, but if you think it's really a request, it's a big mistake.

"How could it be?" Soon the sea god's face returned to a smile, "it's just that we need to transport the dead and injured people away."

"How can this be done?" As soon as Ye Hao said this, he saw the sea god's face look ugly. Then he said, "in order to make up for our mistakes, we need to help you treat them. When they are cured, we will send them back."

The sea god's eyes were full of wonder.

Would you be so kind?

Of course, he couldn't say that.

"No more trouble for you." Poseidon refused.

"Do you not believe in my character or the friendship between the two races?" Ye Hao's face suddenly sank.

The sea god was stunned.

How can this turn over?

After thinking about it again and again, the God of the sea slowly nodded his head and said, "that's troublesome."

"It should be."

Then the sea god looked at the rest of the people.

One glance swept away his heart and gave him a severe blow.

All the 100 demigods who came this time have fallen, even the head of the deep sea whale clan, who is responsible for this operation, has also fallen.

This is normal.

The 300 demigods sent by Ye Hao this time all master the top magical powers.

At the same level, the Hai clan is no match for Ye Hao.

In addition, Zhu Shurong's one second level warship and one hundred first level warships, the hundred demigods did not insist on it for a long time.

Talk about the fairy king!

This time, the sea people sent 3000 immortal kings.

But the Immortal King on the side of the Terran has reached 13000.

So many fairies were able to crush them, and as the demigods of the Terrans joined the battlefield, they became more and more reluctant, not to mention the 101 warships that came with fireworks from time to time.

Therefore, in a short period of time, the 3000 immortal kings lost more than 2000.

Now there are less than 300 fairies left.

And even the remaining three hundred are still injured.

The number of celestial beings and immortal masters is too large, but even this has lost three quarters.

The sea god took the rest of the soldiers and left here.

After three minutes, Ye Hao waved his hand and said, "clean up the battlefield."

Zhu's family members turned to Zhu Shurong.

Zhu Shurong shook his head slightly.

"Go ahead. You wish your family a hand." Ye Hao said with a smile.

I wish you a thousand fairies.

How much booty can you get?

Zhu Shurong pondered for a while, and then passed on the voice to the Immortal King of Zhu's family, "don't touch the corpse above the Immortal King's high rank."

I have to say that Zhu Shurong still knows the rules.After nodding in secret, the king of Zhu Jiaxian went to clean up the battlefield.

A man is rich without wealth, and a horse without night grass is not fat.

What can be compared to cleaning up the battlefield?

The fairy king of the Bai family is very hot.

But Ye Hao didn't invite them. It's not easy for them to clean up, right?

After all, their role in this war is to play soy sauce.

White heroes don't even ask to clean up the battlefield.

The white family still have inner pride.

But the white hero was very excited.

These are resources.

Whether the Bai family has so many resources is unknown.

After Ye Hao's subordinates cleaned up the battlefield, Chen Yuelan came to Ye Hao's side, "childe, how do you deal with the wounded?"

"All back to the little world." Ye Hao said faintly, "those who are seriously injured will be dealt with on the spot, and those who are slightly injured will be kept for a period of time."

"Processed?" Chen Yuelan is not sure what Ye Hao means by "dealing with it.".

"These are all seafood, OK?" Ye Hao looked at Chen Yuelan and said with a smile.

Chen Yue's eyes widened when she was Langdon.

"Isn't that good?"

"Do you still want to send the wounded back?" Ye Hao smiles.

"All right." Chen Yuelan nodded her head and said, "these seafood bodies contain powerful Qi and blood. If you take them, you can strengthen the origin."

"So let's eat more seafood for a change." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Soon Ye Hao ordered him to go down.

Soon, one by one master hunted the sea people in the nearby sea area.

When the Sea God heard the news, he was so angry that he broke the table. But when he thought of the strength of Dinghai needle, he had to send an envoy to discuss with Ye Hao.

"Mr. Ye, if you capture it again, the people of our sea people will be extinct." The emissary looked at Ye Hao and begged.

"We're just hunting in this area, OK? What's more, we only catch some fish and crabs. " Ye Hao said faintly.

Fish and crab?

Hearing Ye Hao say so, the emissary has an impulse to tear him apart!

Is it fish and crab? Are you so blind?

"Mr. Ye, I beg you to give us a way to live." Said the messenger, with red eyes.

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