"Do you know that even though this general has maintained the superiority of the Terran, the hundreds of warships have never stopped attacking, and besides, their combat equipment has not stopped." Speaking of this, the white hero said with a wry smile, "our 1000 immortal kings are just playing soy sauce."

After hearing the words of white hero, people finally understand why there is no death or injury in white hero?

It's strange if there's death or injury in this kind of bombing?

"How effective are they?" Bai Hongtao calmed down and asked.

"Originally, I didn't think their combat effectiveness was very good, but in fact, they were extremely powerful and could crush us at the same level." White hero said here with a very dignified look, "but when they form a battle, it is even more terrible. This is an unequal massacre."

"I want to know that this Terran slaughtered the sea people. Didn't the one of the sea people show up?" A question suddenly occurred to Bai Yingwei.

"The man appeared, but he was forced back." White hero said in a deep voice.

"The sea god is forced to retreat?" Bai Hongtao's eyes brightened, "speak carefully."

White hero considered the language and said the confrontation between Dinghai needle and the sea god.

"Do you mean that the God of the sea gave God gold and medicine?" Bai Hongtao said in surprise.


Bai Hongtao couldn't help laughing. "Now we can be sure that he is also a level 11 genius."

Bai Yingwei's face became more relaxed.

There is no doubt that the appearance of this Terran will greatly ease the situation of the Terran.

"What is this Terran doing now?" Bai Hongtao asked softly.

"Catching seafood."

"Seafood?" Bai Hongtao was stunned.

"That said the sea people are seafood." With the fall of white hero's voice, there was a feeling of muddleheaded comparison among the high-level people.

They thought that the Lord didn't take the sea people seriously, did they?

Who dares to say that the sea people are seafood?

"The sea people don't care?" It took Bai Yingwei a long time to recover.

"Dare the sea people ask?" Bai Yingxiong looks at Bai Yingwei Dao.

Bai Yingwei thought about it and found out that it was really that.

As long as Ye Hao does not go too far, will the Hai people dare to send troops?

"Yingwei, I will give it to you for the time being." Bai Hongtao said and stood up. "I'm going to meet this group of people."

When he was about to leave, what did Bai Hongtao think of: "Qingcheng, would you like to go with me to meet the leader of this Terran?"

"No interest." Bai Qingcheng refused without thinking.

"Maybe you'll be interested in this one?" Bai Hongtao is very worried.

After a while, baiqingcheng will be in the semi divine state.

But now there is not even a fiance.

What kind of system is it?

But Bai Hongtao is not good at forcing Bai Qingcheng to do what?

The white family is still looking forward to this rise?

Bai Qingcheng turned and left.

Bai Hongtao shook his head helplessly.

What can he say?

He was also helpless.

"Hero, come with me." Bai Hongtao looks at the white hero and says.


When Bai Hongtao came to the coast, he felt the breath of the sky.

And the breath of ten is the most powerful.

"Ten third level." When Bai Hongtao saw this, he confirmed that what Bai Yingxiong said was true.

Not every force has ten third realms.

Bai Hongtao falls down and shows his identity to the garrison officers and soldiers.

Soon Ye Hao, accompanied by Chen Zhongde, came over.

Chen Zhongde is the ancestor of Chen Yuelan. Under Ye Hao's cultivation, Chen Zhongde has stepped into the third realm.

"You are the living God of the Bai family. Do you understand master Hongtao Bai?" Ye Hao said with a smile.

Bai Hongtao takes a look at Ye Hao and then looks at Chen Zhongde.

After seeing through Chen Zhongde's cultivation in the third realm, Bai Hongtao looked at Ye Hao with a smile and said, "I came here uninvited. Please don't blame me."

"Master Bai, I'm serious." Ye Hao said, "please."

After arriving at the temporary reception hall, Bai Hongtao looked around and asked, "is that Taoist friend not here?"

"It's rare for him to come to Tianma land. Now he doesn't know where to play?" Ye Hao certainly won't tell Bai Hongtao that Dinghai needle is practicing in xiaotiandi.

Dinghai needle now belongs to can not see light.

After all, the cultivation of Dinghai needle is there, and the living gods can see it at a glance.

Bai Hongtao's mind moved, "you are not monks in Tianma land."

"No Ye Hao shakes his head.

"Then how did you come to Tianma?" Bai Hongtao was still very nervous when he asked.After all, it is not a continent, and there is not such a strong sense of belonging.

"When I was traveling through the chaos, I met a group of people who were being hunted down." Ye Hao said here to see Zhu Shurong, "that's them."

Bai Hongtao could not help but look at Zhu Shurong.

"I wish you have met your predecessors."

"I remember that there is a Zhu family in the cloud devil kingdom." Bai Hongtao thought for a moment and then asked.

"There is no Zhu family in the cloud devil Kingdom now. Similarly, there is no cloud devil in the cloud devil kingdom." Zhu Shurong was not calm when he said this sentence.

If the Zhu family in those years had such strength, how dare the cloud devil act rashly?

If you don't say anything else, I wish Xijun can drive a warship to break through the cloud devil kingdom.

"The cloud devil fell?" Bai Hongtao was stunned.

"The cloud devil has fallen for decades." Zhu Shurong nodded.

"It's no wonder that the cloud devil Kingdom has been turbulent these years." Bai Hongtao seems to understand something.

"I heard the master of Zhu's family talk about the situation in Tianma mainland, so I came to the rescue with my officers and men." Ye Hao then said the most concerned problem of Bai Hongtao.

Bai Hongtao was overjoyed.

"Thank you very much." When Bai Hongtao said this, his eyes were full of excitement.

If Ye Hao joined the Terran, he would be able to reverse the decline faced by the Terran to a certain extent.

"In three days, we will set out for the great territory nearby." Ye Hao continued.

"You don't join the league?"


"Mr. Ye, I have a heartless request here." Bai Hongtao said with a deep thought.

"You say so."

"The situation in Tianma is very complicated. I'm afraid you can't understand the situation, so I want to leave the hero here." Bai Hongtao considered the language and said, "moreover, it is convenient for us to communicate with each other."

Ye Hao looked at the white hero, pondered for a while and said, "he can stay, but he can't tell."

Hearing Ye Hao say this, Bai Hongtao looked at Bai Yingxiong with a bad look and said, "did you tell me what to do before?"

"No - No The white hero's face was full of embarrassment.

"Say it." Bai Hongtao exclaimed.

Bai Yingxiong had to tell the story that Ye Hao had been advised to kill all the Hai people.

Bai Hongtao hated iron and said, "if we kill all the officers and men of the Hai people, we and the Hai people will not die. Do you think those are all the strength of the Hai people?"

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