"Now you're still quibbling?" The devil said coldly.

"Your blood clan has mobilized so many immortal kings. You won't tell me that you don't know?" The spirit family's half God Spirit bead one face sarcastically said.

"How could it be so secret without your cooperation?" The wild people's eyes are full of cold.

When the high-level people of all ethnic groups expressed their opinions one by one, the head of the Alexandrian clan gradually sank down.

As he pondered over how to explain the language, the Immortal King standing beside him said with red eyes, "demon, demon, spirit, bone, and wasteland, you've been deceiving too much."

"Do you regard my blood as a lamb to be slaughtered?"

"Even if we damage a royal family, you can't bully us wantonly?"

"Kill these guys."

"Dare to make trouble in our blood clan's territory? You have to show them colors? " With the opening of the Immortal King one by one, all the soldiers of the whole blood clan were infected.




One by one, the soldiers stationed at the city wall hurled battle equipment at the top of each clan.

Patriarch Alexander's face suddenly became bloodless.

The Allied forces of all ethnic groups were immediately angry when they were attacked.

"The blood clan is looking for death."

"It seems that the blood clan has a lot of resentment against us."

"Then there's no need to keep blood."

"Take this opportunity to uproot the Alexandrians."

"Not bad."

After realizing the deep hostility of the Alexandrians, the Allied forces of all ethnic groups immediately decided to wipe out the Alexandrians while the blood clan did not respond.

As a result, the high-level officers of all clans ordered the legions stationed near the bloodthirsty area to come quickly.

After the arrival of these legions, it did not take long to break the defense of Alexandria. However, the Allied forces of all ethnic groups paid a great price to break the city of Alexandria, because the blood clan took out all the fighting equipment in the storehouse in order to stop them.

This is the battle of life and death.

How could it be hidden?

When the soldiers of the blood clan saw that the city was broken, their eyes turned red.

So they are even more fearless.

They knew that their relatives would be mercilessly killed if they were allowed to rush into the city.

In the dark, Ye Hao quietly collected a magic incense.

"The power of MI Xiang is really overbearing." Dinghai needle said with some emotion.

"You are wrong." Ye Hao shook his head. "Mi Xiang's greater role is to guide and guide the hatred and desire in your heart. The generals and soldiers of the blood clan hate the Allied forces of all ethnic groups. How can this hatred be suppressed

"Where are you going now?"

"We have to greet the blood clan's treasury?" Ye Hao looked at the center of the city and said slowly.

"So it is."

Ye Hao is now getting unimaginable resources.

But no one thinks too much of their own resources, do they?

As one of the three royal families of the blood clan, the power of jiuchongtian, the resource of their treasure house, is not comparable to that of jiuchongtian.

So how could Ye Hao give up?

Ye Hao and Ding Hai Zhen Na Ying sneak into the mansion and find that the one who is stationed in the mansion is the peak of a fairy king.

This is not common sense.

It is reasonable to say that these forces should be stationed in the Treasury of a demigod.

But considering that the city is about to be broken, how can the demigod strong not fight at this time?

After Ye Hao solved the other party easily, he cleaned up the resources in the Treasury.

Then Ye Hao and Ding Haizhen quickly left here.

Just as he left the city, Ye Hao noticed that a scout of the blood clan was stopped by hundreds of demons.

"Want a tip off?"

"Our men have blocked this city for a long time."

"You Alexandrians are doomed today."

"Kill them."

The scouts saw this scene with a determined look in their eyes.

"For the sake of the clan, gentlemen."

These scouts charged with their lives, but they could not break through the defense lines of the other side.

Seeing the number of people getting smaller and smaller, their faces showed an unwilling look.

They are not afraid of death.

But they want to get the information out.

At this time, a terrible force came, killing hundreds of demons.

"Evil spirit."

"Demon clan."

"What's the situation?"

The remaining dozen scouts were all startled.

How can the demon clan rescue them?

"You go and deliver the information." Then a dark voice sounded in their ears."Who is the elder?" A scout asked in a deep voice.

"My identity is not easy to reveal." The voice was silent for a moment and then said, "all I can say is that I have a good personal relationship with your patriarch. I don't want him to be buried. OK, leave quickly."

Thank you very much The Scout arched his hand.

"I'm responsible for helping you. Leave as soon as possible."

The natural opening is Dinghai needle.

Ding Haizhen and Ye Hao escorted the eight scouts out of the city.

It has to be said that the Allied forces of all ethnic groups are ready to strangle the Alexandrians completely.

As soon as the scouts arrived outside the city, they were all killed by Ding Haizhen, and then they were intercepted by two groups of experts along the way. However, there was an extremely strong man in the third territory to protect him. Even if there were many strong men in the coalition forces of various nationalities, it was useless.

I have to say that Ye Hao and Dinghai needle are very dedicated.

They sent these scouts all the way to the cities where the blood clans were stationed.

The Ted family, one of the three great clans of the blood clan, summoned the senior officials of the clan as soon as they heard the report of the scouts.

"Do you think we should rush to help?" The head of the Ted clan glanced around and said slowly.


"At this time, if we don't rush for help, the Alexandrians will be completely destroyed."

"Regardless of our relationship with the Alexandrians, if the Alexandrians are destroyed, will the coalition forces of all ethnic groups not attack us?"

"But are we rivals of the Allied forces of all races?"

"If the Ted family does something, we'll fight the coalition forces."

"It seems that if we don't, the coalition forces of all ethnic groups will let us go. Yes."

"I think it's better to wait and see."

"Let's wait and see, and the Alexandrians will be destroyed."

When the chief of the Tede clan saw the quarrel between the middle and high levels of the clan, he said in a deep voice, "I've invited my ancestor here."

All the high-level of the audience suddenly fell silent.

The ancestor of the Tede nationality is a living God, and his words have absolute authority in the clan.

"You don't understand why there is no egg under the nest?" At this time, a majestic voice sounded in the hall, and then people saw a tall figure coming slowly.

From the body of this figure is filled with waves that make all living beings fear.

All the monks, including the patriarch, stood up.

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