Dinghai needle is far from being a living God.

According to his conjecture, it would not have been possible for hundreds of years.

That's why he didn't do it.

But now it seems that the masters of all races still doubt him.

"Childe, what to do?" Dinghai needle has no change in her face, but she whispers to Ye Hao.

"If you try, I'll do it." Ye Hao said after a silence.

"Are you sure you want to waste your talents and powers here?" At this time, Ye Hao's ear sounded a banter voice.

After hearing this voice, Ye Hao's eyes showed a color of surprise.

"Are you awake?"

"Just wake up and see your predicament."

"Did you go into deep healing before?"

"Now I'm about one percent better, and I'm going to go into deep healing soon."

"How long does it take you to wake up?"

"I reckon it will take hundreds of years."

"Hundreds of years?" Ye Hao thought for a moment and then said, "leave me two cards before you are unconscious."

"What is the purpose of the law?"


"Do you have gold?"


"In my current situation, it's not suitable to shoot too much." Speaking of this, a mysterious force was injected into Dinghai needle.

Dinghai needle suddenly felt that his accomplishments were soaring at a terrible speed.

A breathing time did not arrive, Dinghai needle found that its limit had arrived.

What's the situation?

"Don't block it." At this time, Ye Hao's voice rang out in Dinghai needle's ear.

"The four gods and beasts wake up?" Dinghai needle suddenly realized what.


During the conversation, Ding Haizhen was shocked to find that she had broken a limit again.

How could it be?

"Because I suppressed your possibility of further development." "So it will continue to break your limit," said the square beast slowly

"Will I be able to do this in the future?" Dinghai needle asked.

"It requires some baptism of your body." The four sides god beast said lightly, "when I wake up again, I can let you go further."

Thank you very much Dinghai needle's face showed a surprise color.

At this time, Dinghai needle found that it had reached a limit.

"Is this the limit of level 12?" Dinghai needle was shocked.

"You only have half a quarter of an hour." The four sides god beast said lightly.

Dinghai needle should be a mind, without reservation to diffuse around.

This wave is like the vast sea and the sky.

All the monks in the hall, whether they were members of the hidden alliance or of all ethnic groups, were shocked.

Dinghai needle is like a God in the sky.

No blasphemy is allowed.

The faces of several living gods hidden in the dark all changed.

"Who told me that the living God of the hidden alliance is ten levels?" The living God of the demon clan roared angrily.

The living gods of the demons must be angry.

If you had known Dinghai needle had reached such a point, he would not have let the demon master rush to help.

"How could this wave be a level 11 living God?" The living gods of the barbarians were uneasy.

"There is absolutely no fluctuation of this level for the living gods of level 11." At the beginning of ancient times, he shook his head slowly.

"What?" The living God of the demon clan was surprised.

"If I guess right, this one should be a level 12 living God." Gu Chu said solemnly, "after reaching this level, there is no big difference in their fighting power."

At the beginning of ancient times, the faces of the three living gods became more dignified.




At this time, in the middle of the sky, the strong men of all nationalities turned into ashes.

With the existence of the twenty-two statues of the third state, Dinghai needle started at the other side's second scene.

How powerful is Dinghai needle now?

Even the living gods can kill in seconds.

What's more, the existence of the third and the second?

A breathing time is less than a few hundred, the second world of the strong once again turned into ashes.


"Get out of here."

"Run quickly."

After seeing this scene, the living gods of the three tribes ordered to retreat.

At this moment, both demigods and fairies are running away.

How about a piece of wool?

"The palm of the sun." Dinghai needle calmly pushed a palm toward the front.

A huge round of scorching sun with the power of destroying the sky and the earth fell towards the fleeing figure.Some of the friars ran and turned to ashes.

As time goes on, the more accomplishments are ignited and turned into ashes.

When the sun fell to the ground, millions of monks were buried.

"Who told you to kill them?" Ye Hao glared at Dinghai needle.

The flesh of these monks can be used.

Not to mention that these friars also have magic weapons such as heaven and earth bags.

Now there's still a piece of wool?

Dinghai needle's eyes suddenly showed an embarrassed look, and immediately slapped in the direction of the three living gods.

At the same time, the three living gods' faces changed wildly, but they quickly found that the palm of Dinghai needle was like a shadow. In other words, they had no choice but to block.

Generally speaking, only the existence of a high realm can do this, which makes them more and more affirmed the strength of Dinghai needle level 12.

The three living gods looked at each other and saw the same meaning in each other's eyes.


At this time, if you are dirty again, you may die.




What no one thought was that the three living gods did not block a move.

They were spraying blood at the same time.

"There's no need to hide at this time." The living gods of the barbarians looked at them.

"I have two Decrees with me." Said the living God of the demons.

"I have two Decrees with me." The living gods of the demon clan responded.

"Let's ignite six Dharma decrees at one time, and at the same time we'll hit the top." The living gods of the barbarians preached.


"No problem."

After the three living gods reached an agreement in secret, they tore up six decrees at the same time.

Six bright lights burst out, the next moment cut through the boundless sky, toward Dinghai needle package.

Dinghai needle looked at all this indifferently, without the slightest fear of color in his eyes, instead of burning color.

"Well done." Dinghai needle swung his fist to the front.

When the dazzling brilliance drowned out everything, the three living gods ran away without looking at them.


I just ran like this.

But to their surprise, an old man with white hair blocked their way.

"Bai Hongtao."

"Bai Hongtao, do you want to start a clan war?"

"Bai Hongtao, if you go back now, we can treat it as if it didn't happen."


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