Speaking of this, the Sifang god beast noticed that Ye Hao's face showed the color of contemplation.

"You want to call out the monks of the hidden alliance, don't you?"


"The reason why you are not collapsing now is that you are under my protection." Looking at Ye Hao, the square beast said calmly, "when I do this, you will have to use the protection law, otherwise you will have to fall."

Ye Hao made a little meditation and then took out five Dharma decrees.

Two of these four decrees were made by Xiao Rongguang, one by Xiao Rongguang, one by four gods and beasts, and the other by Ye Hao.

Then Ye Hao summoned four spirits.

"Your task is to fight for the light of these energies as much as possible within one breath." Ye Hao glanced at the four spirits and said slowly.

"Ready." Seeing Ye Hao ready, the four directions god beast said in a deep voice.

After a breath, a terrible wave diffuses from the four sides of the divine beast. The next moment Ye Hao faintly feels that something is broken between heaven and earth.

"This is the time." With the voice of the four sacred beasts falling down, Ye Hao and others rushed toward the front like lightning.

Ye Hao held a group of energy light with a big wave of his hand.

However, it took Ye Hao five seconds to confine the energy light to the small world.

A moment is a quarter of a second, and a breath is about two seconds.

That is to say, one breath time, Ye Hao can only get 30 masses of energy light.

This efficiency makes Ye Hao very dissatisfied.

Because there's thousands of energy here.

"Young master, you can use the power of time." When Ye Hao gets the 29th energy light, Chen Yuelan's voice rings in his ear.

Ye Hao's eyes are bright.


The power of time!

Ye Hao has never forgotten the power of time.

As a matter of fact, a large part of Ye Hao's mental strength has been on it these years.

Therefore, in a breath, Ye Hao's body blooms a mysterious wave, which instantly imprisons the heaven and earth to the origin of time.

"What are you doing Ye Hao saw Dinghai needle in a daze, "grab resources quickly."

Dinghai needle wakes up like a dream, and then grabs one energy group after another.

"Boy, how long can you last?" The four sides of the Beast asked weakly.

Just now we have broken the rules of this square heaven and earth, and the four sacred beasts have been weakened to the limit.

"Three breaths." When Ye Hao said this, his face showed a painful color.

"The rules of this world are not as simple as you think." "If you can't hold on to it, you can leave," said the four party god beast slowly

Ye Hao did not respond, but insisted.

Ye Hao can't do it now. What he can do is Ding Hai needle and Ye Hao's four spirits.

In one breath, they get 150 masses of energy light.

These are God level resources.

Ye Hao believes that if you miss this village, you will not have this shop again.

One breath passed.

Two breaths passed.

At this time, Ye Hao opened his mouth and sprayed a mouthful of blood, shaking his whole body like chaff.

"Go on." When Ye Hao said this, he took out a second level medicine king and swallowed it.

If the other friars saw it, they would have to pee.

Because even the existence of the second level does not dare to swallow a second level medicine king in one breath.

But Ye Hao swallowed it raw.

However, the king of medicine only insisted on two breaths and was exhausted.

Seeing the fluctuation of Ye Hao's breath is about to fall, the fluctuation of Ye Hao's body rises instantly.

But Ye Hao used the power of the inner world at the critical moment.

One breath passed.

Two breaths passed.

Three breaths passed.

"Boy, your body is full of power, but your body is breaking down." "If you insist on it again, you will hurt your origin," the four sides beast reminded

Take a simple example.

Car has endless gasoline, can it go on forever?

"Still can persist." Ye Hao said that his whole body burst out, and the blood was rushing around.

"Ye Hao." The four sides god beast a startle way.

Ye Hao didn't say anything, but his eyes became brighter and brighter.

One breath!

Two breaths!

Three breaths!

When Ye Hao insisted on breathing three times, he was miserable.At this time, Ye Hao stopped running the force of time.

At the same time, the energy of the light cluster is no longer confined in place, but slowly moving up.

"Go on." Dinghai needle shines in front of my eyes.

One breath passed.

The speed of those energetic light clusters gradually increased.

Two breaths passed.

The speed of those energy beams turned to the extreme, even Dinghai needle could not catch up with them.

After catching an energy light, Dinghai needle and Ye Hao's four avatars stop.

"2142 energy beams." Ye Hao looks at the harvest, and his eyes are full of reluctance.

"I said Ye Hao, you have gone too far. Do you know there's no more than 3000 energy light in this place? It's not enough for you to get more than two-thirds for yourself? "

"I've always been a Baoyuan, OK?" Ye Hao curled his lips.

The four gods and beasts didn't know what to say for a moment.

"This is where the greatest opportunity of the continent lies." Looking at Ye Hao, the Sifang god beast said, "the resources you get now are enough, even if they are in the divine domain."

"These divine resources are just low-level."

"The lower level is enough to support your practice for some time." "Do you know how many monks have to work harder than the field after entering the divine realm?" he said


"Yes, work." "Do you want to waste all the precious decrees here?"

Ye Hao nodded and left.

In fact, during this period of time, the law did not consume much.

But Ye Hao knows that the four gods don't want to tell himself too much about the divine realm.

Ye Hao did not ask again.

After getting out of the black hole, the four sacred beasts said, "next, I'm going to enter a deep level of healing. My initial expectation is about a thousand years."

After saying this, the four sacred beasts disappeared in place.

"Where shall we go now?" Dinghai needle looks at Ye Hao.

"To fight in the heavens and the world." Ye Hao looked at the distance and said leisurely.

"Are you sure?"

"I want to leave more things for yanhuangzong before I leave jiuchongtian."

"You've left enough." Dinghai needle turns Ye Hao.

"How can there be too many resources?" Ye Hao said with a smile.

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