If two or three hundred energy cannons, they'll stop.

The problem is that 600 roads are falling towards them now!

You can't stop it!

If you can't stop it, why don't you take care of each other?

But it turned out to be tragic.

By the time the dust had fallen, only 160 of the 232 and half gods were left, including 2300 immortal kings and 60000 immortals.

"Kill." Chen Zhongde roared.

Chen Zhongde is already a leader in the third realm.

In addition, Chen Zhongde has six top magic powers.

Therefore, unless he is a living God, Chen Zhongde has no fear at all.

At the same time, Chen Zhongde and the demigods of the hidden alliance all shot one after another.

Three hundred demigods, like wolves, went into the sheep and started a crazy slaughter.

"Fairy king back."

"Xianzun will stay away for a while."

"Half gods welcome you."

It's easy to hurt the Immortal King and immortal Zun by mistake when they fight with each other at the level of demigod.

Therefore, when the half gods of the hidden alliance rushed over, the fairy king and the immortal Zun withdrew.

At this time, however, the demigods were completely suppressed.

"I'm here to watch the war."

"I have nothing to do with the 48 leagues."

"Don't hurt the innocent, will you?"

"We Red Devils are here to surrender?"

These demigods turned green at the moment of the fight.

The demigods of the hidden alliance are animals.

Any one of them has a terrible magic power. They are not rivals at all in the same level, and the number of opponents is twice that of them.

How do you do that?


Just then they heard a series of screams.

But the retreating Xianwang and xianzun were slaughtered by the hidden alliance and the lieyangzong.



Compared with the 48 leagues in terms of equipment, the lieyangzong's generals and men's equipment is not far behind, but the gap between the 48 leagues and the hidden leagues is too large.

As one hundred thousand officers and men used the fighting equipment at the top of the rank one after another, nearly half of the other's 60000 immortal statues were damaged.

It is not as good as one's accomplishments, not as good as its combat effectiveness, not as good as its number and equipment.

How do you do this?

Even the most talented generals can't win the battle.

You mean battle?

Each group of the monks of the hidden League has more than three sets of top-level battle array.

They easily divided the Allied forces into circles.

And then they will encircle and annihilate.

A quarter of an hour later, three hundred warships again ejected energy shells.

After catharsis, there were less than 30 demigods left in the alliance, less than 1000 powerful fairies and less than 10000 immortal monks.

At this time, however, the fort on the 300 warships was still in full swing.

The friars in the field knew that the fort could attack at any time.

The reason why you don't play is to deal with unexpected situations.

"The league is over."

"The strength of the lieyangzong far exceeds that of the alliance."

"It's clear that the strong sun sect will not give us a way to live."

"Spell it."

"Killing one is enough, killing two makes money."

The league's generals became crazy when they realized this.

It's just that the strength of Terrans is ten times that of them now, so even if they want to work hard, they have no chance.

In addition, 300 warships are always dealing with emergencies, so when the Allied forces of all ethnic groups are exhausted, there are not many casualties on the Terran side.

"We won." Nanqing is still in a dream.

This is an alliance of 48 top forces.

We should know that even one family could overthrow the sun clan before.

But now the sun clan has killed 48 leagues.

"Since the forty-eight forces have emerged, will we swallow them up at one stroke?" Chen Yuelan walked to Jiang Licheng and said slowly.

"This - do we have this strength at present?" Jiang Licheng pondered for a moment and then said.

"The members of the hidden alliance will help you take control of these areas for the time being." Chen Yuelan looked at Jiang Licheng and said, "but next, master Jiang, you need to improve your strength quickly."

"Next, I will integrate all the Terrans of these 48 regions into the lieyangzong. When the integration reaches a certain level, I will use a batch of time crystals." Jiang Licheng nodded heavily.

Before Jiang Licheng got some time crystal.

But it's not a lot.

But now after sweeping the 48 forces, the time crystal should be a considerable number.

Jiang Licheng's guess is correct.When the 48 forces were swept away, the lieyangzong got 182 pieces of time crystal.

According to the regulations, Jiang Licheng took out half of the time crystal to Yinmeng, and he used all the remaining 91.

In addition to the time crystal stone, the resources we got were all swarmed into the body of the lieyangzong.

Chen Yuelan was stunned by such a large amount of writing.

Not everyone has such courage.

This is not left at all!

"Compared with the top force, the foundation of the lieyangzong is too weak. We don't worry about security issues for the generals and soldiers of the hidden alliance in Tianxing mainland. Once the hidden alliance leaves, we may be hit hard. Therefore, while the hidden alliance is still there, we should improve our strength as soon as possible. " In the face of Nanqing's inquiry, Jiang Licheng gave such an answer, "what's more, our sphere of influence has expanded a hundred times now. These sites will be able to generate a steady stream of resources in the future."

Jiang Licheng has a keen view of problems.

He didn't want to save the resources he got into the Treasury, but he would drop as many resources as he had.

This effect is also obvious.

In the past year, the strength of the hidden alliance has increased tenfold.

Don't think this is the same as the ten times increase before.

Before, the foundation of lieyangzong was shallow, and it was promoted if it was promoted.

Now the strength of Lieyang sect is up, even if it is doubled, it is not easy.

"There are 30 celestial kings at the peak, 90 at the high level, 300 at the middle level and 1000 at the early stage." In the main hall of the strong Yang sect, Jiang Licheng looked around the audience with an excited look on his face, "we are the top force in the eastern region now."

"I think our lieyangzong is just equivalent to the ordinary top power. If compared with the yuelang clan, Dapeng clan and Bone Demon clan, the difference is not one or two grades." The elder said after a moment's meditation.

The elder is not unaware that it is not appropriate to say such words on such occasions.

However, he felt it necessary to remind Jiang Licheng.

"Elder, you are wrong." What the elder didn't expect was Jiang Licheng retorted.

"Am I wrong?" The elder was stunned.

"Today's lieyangzong can collide with any force in the eastern region." Jiang Licheng said haughtily.

Jiang Licheng's words made some senior officials of the Lieyang clan frown slightly.

It is true that lieyangzong has made great achievements in these years.

But this does not mean that the lieyangzong can challenge some top forces?

PS: a good brother's book "reversion of rebirth" by Chibai www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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