"I don't believe it." Speaking of this, fox mei'er will tear off another arm of Lei Mian, but at this time, a cold voice cut through the sky, "you should believe it."

Fox Mei son startled, immediately will continue to start.

Ye Hao is next to her. She has nothing to be afraid of.


Fox Mei Er pulls off the other arm of Lei Mian.

"How could it be?" At this time, a middle-aged man in a blue robe looks at Fox mei'er in amazement.

Just now, he has confined the space around fox Meier.

But what's going on now?

Why is fox Mei er not affected?

Then the middle-aged brocade looked at Ye Hao.

"Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am?" Ye Hao said lightly, "it's important that you leilong people give us an explanation today."

"What explanation?"

"This evil animal just robbed my friend in full view of the public. After my friend refused, he would kill my friend." Speaking of this, ye haodun said, "as for this one, he is even more arrogant. It is my friend's good fortune to say that her brother has a crush on my friend. We're going to have to amputate our limbs if we refuse. Yes? When I'm still the Terran of the time

The middle-aged man in the robe glanced at Lei Hao, and his eyes were full of discontent.

He told me many years ago not to conflict with Terrans.

"What explanation do you want?" The middle-aged man of brocade was silent for a while and asked.

"Those who kill people will always kill them." Ye Hao said faintly.

"Your friend is OK now, we can make some compensation." Said the middle-aged brocade with patience.

"What I want to say is that if we don't have some strength today, do you think we can still stand and bargain with you?" Ye Hao said, "if you don't hand them over, you can wait for the army of Terrans to come." With this sentence, Ye Hao looked at the fox Mei er not far away and said, "let's go."

"Wait a minute." Ye Hao was stopped by the middle-aged figure of the brocade.

"What do you mean?" Ye Hao has a cold look in his eyes.

The eyes of the middle-aged brocade robe are full of killing intention, but they are still forced down by him, "you can take them away."


At this moment, not to mention Lei Hao and Lei Mian, the monks around the scene were surprised.

There are gods in the world.

In recent years, even under the authority of the Tianyan clan, they have not recognized it.

What's the situation now?

"Uncle." Lei Hao stares at the middle-aged way of brocade.

"Uncle, you're joking, aren't you?" When Lei Mian asked this sentence, his eyes were full of fear.

She is very clear about the result of being taken away by Ye Hao and her wife.

But the middle-aged people in the brocade robe are not in their faces.

Lei Mian's heart sank.

"I don't understand." Lei Mian roared toward the middle-aged in the brocade robe.

"You should understand." The middle-aged brocade robe said indifferently.

Lei Mian is silent.

She didn't know that the patriarch had forbidden conflicts with the Terrans.

But she still felt that the patriarch was too cautious.

The Terrans are strong.

But do Terrans have gods?


A strong God is boss level existence.

Only when the demigods reach a certain level can they kill the strong gods.

The question is, how can a strong God put himself in danger?

Kill and run.

Who can stop it?

How many masters can be left after several times?

"Go on." Ye Hao looks at Fox mei'er.

Hu mei'er is stunned and immediately understands Ye Hao's meaning.

With a flash of gold in her hand, a fairy king sword appears, and her body appears beside Lei Mian. She cuts off one leg of Lei Mian with a puff of fox.

Lei Mian screams and sits on the ground. Her whole body is twitching.

"Uncle, do you just turn a blind eye to it?" Lei Hao roared with red eyes.

The middle-aged of royal guards did not respond, but clenched his fist tightly.

Hu Mei Er looks at Ye Hao. Ye Hao doesn't have any expression. Hu Mei Er suddenly understands and cuts off Lei Mian's second leg.

"Kill me if you have seed." Lei Mian shivered and said.

"It's too cheap to kill you." Fox Mei son said here, hand appeared an oil lamp.

Lei Mian's pupil shrinks, "sky lamp."

Royal middle-aged eyes with anger, "girl, is it too much?"

Draw your soul and light the sky lamp.

This is the most cruel punishment!

"Ever?" Fox Mei Er stares at the middle-aged brocade clothes coldly way, "when you Thunder Dragon Clan regards my people as blood food, how don't you say too much?""Girl, this is to find fault." The middle-aged of the royal guards suppressed his anger.

"Why don't you say that you thunder dragons are used to being domineering?" How can fox flatter admit to finding fault?

"Today, I, the Thunder Dragon people, said that they should not be overbearing again." As the sound falls, fox mei'er feels stiff all over the body. A terrible crisis makes fox mei'er's mind crazy to warn.


Absolute master!

Want to know at this time fox Mei son's cultivation by Ye Hao forcibly promoted to the fairy King seven layers!

Even if it is the peak of the fairy king, it is impossible to make such an impact on Fox mei'er.


Ye Hao's figure appeared beside fox mei'er. His eyes calmly looked at a figure in the distance, "it's a pity that you can't be domineering."

"Young man, we thunder dragons have been trying to keep a low profile these years." The figure stares at Ye Hao and says slowly, "why do you still have to force it again and again?"

"Just because you keep a low profile doesn't mean you can erase everything you did." Ye Hao said lightly.

"You want to avenge the Terrans of those days?"

"Can't you?"

"By you?"

"Can't you?"

"I appreciate your courage, but what I want to say is - you." Not enough case three words have not been said, that figure is like a pair of invisible big hands hold the throat.

"Do you want to say I'm not qualified?" As soon as the voice fell, the figure turned to ashes in the shocked look of the monks.

The middle-aged of the royal guards couldn't help shivering.

Who was the one who showed up just now?

How could he not know?

Is that the demigod in the first place?

But he was killed by Ye Hao.

"Looking for death."

"Dare to kill the demigods of leilong people?"

"Boy, no matter what kind of status you have, I'm going to frustrate you today." At this time, three figures appeared around Ye Hao.

"Ancestor Lei Mei."

"Laozu leile."

"Laozu Lei Hong."

"The three ancestors are the existence of the third realm."

"The three ancestors have mastered the terrible battle, and even the living gods can fight against one or two."

Ye Hao glanced at the three and said, "Lei Yuan, this is looking down on me."

"Bold." Lei Mei exclaimed, "can you call the name taboo of my ancestor?"

Did you know the name of Lei Yuan immediately The moment the voice falls, the power dormant in the body is no longer covered. The next moment is like the thunder in the sky, which sweeps the whole world in an instant.



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