"Maybe it was because Chi Lian and I had gone in there before, so we were the first to go in under the full view of the public." Leiluan fairy considered the language.

"I remember at the beginning of the garrison is poor Qi and Taowu, these two can stop so many fairy king?" Ye Hao's eyes are full of doubts.

"Poor Qi and Taowu's accomplishments have reached the semi divine realm." Leiluan fairy whispered.

Ye Hao was stunned.

Feelings of those two hidden cultivation ah.

Ye Hao always thought that these two were high-level fairies.

But what is the cultivation of chaos green lotus? How can we make the two fairyland monsters garrison the war pet habitat?

This thought of Ye Hao's heart was relieved.

"Go on." Ye Hao continued.

"Poor Qi and Taowu set many tests, only those who pass the test can enter." Leiluan fairy said softly, "that is to say, we have won the first chance."

"After we went in, we found that the number of war pets was more than ten times that we had seen before. Chi Lian and I were allowed the opportunity to select war pets in advance, but I only got a high-level fairy King Pet."

"Red training has won the semi God level war pet?" Ye Hao's heart moved.

"Well, red practice got the green water Golden Crystal Beast." Leiluan fairy said here, his eyes showed the color of sadness and indignation, "those guys are red eyed animals with blue water and golden eyes, so they grab them. I try my best to stop them. Chilian runs away. The angry little master of the white rhinoceros clan catches me here and wants to let him show up by torturing me."

"How long have they insulted you?"

"Half a month."

"The Donghua Dynasty didn't care?"

"The Donghua Dynasty itself is now in danger."

"What's going on?" Ye Hao's face suddenly sank.

"In the two dynasties, the East China and Huanghua were divided into two groups, and they decided to divide them into two groups." Leiluan fairy said with emotion, "now these two forces are still discussing how to divide the matter. I believe that the result will come soon. At that time, there will be only two choices for the Donghua emperor. One is to fight and the other is to accept the result. "

"By the way, Qian Huan, the young patriarch of gongjiu, will hold a tea party in the Imperial Garden tomorrow night."

"Gong Jiu Yi?" Ye Hao said in his heart.

Ye Hao didn't have much affection for Gong Jiu Yi.

Because at the beginning, when Xin Mo came to seek cooperation, he was very presumptuous.

Although Gong Jiu sent Xiaolian to contact him later, Ye Hao still didn't like the Jiugong clan.

At this time, several figures came to the door of Zuixian building.

"Get your boss out of here." It was a young man with white hair.

The bartender at the door had a look of anger in his eyes.

But he also knew that the youth in front of him could not offend himself?

Just when he turned to look for the boss, the boss had appeared beside him.

"Master Baiwen." Chen Sheng salutes the white haired youth.

No, I can't.

Chen Sheng got some opportunities in these years, and his cultivation was promoted to the high level of Xianwang.

But Baiwen is the peak of the fairyland. Even Chen Dian, the ancestor, can't be provoked.

"Where is leiluan?"

"Lei Luan?" Chen Sheng was stunned.

However, the bartender told Chen Sheng about the leiluan fairy.

"Why don't you tell me about this before?" Chen Sheng looked at the waiter angrily.

Leiluan fairy is hot potato?

Who dares to take it?

"Didn't you say you couldn't disturb you before?" The bartender said wrongly.

Chen Sheng glared at the bartender fiercely and then looked at Bai Wen, "Mr. White, this is my drunken fairy house's past. In this way, your consumption is free today. How do you think?"

"Do you think I want a meal for you?" Bai Wen glanced at Chen Sheng and said, "lead the way."

"Yes, yes." Chen Sheng said with a grandson.

You can't be a grandson.

In this chaotic age, it is only reasonable to be a low-key talent.

Unless you're strong enough.

Ye Hao is chatting with leiluan fairy when the gate is smashed.

Ye Hao waves his hand and the broken debris is isolated.

"Boy, you killed my bodyguard?" Bai Wen swept a glance at Lei Luan, and her eyes fell on Ye Hao.

When Ye Hao was about to say something, Chen Sheng looked at Ye Hao with a shocked face and said, "is that you, Mr. Ye?"

"What do you think?" Ye Hao said faintly.

"It's really Mr. Ye." Chen Sheng listens to the voice and confirms that this is Ye Hao.

"Do you know him?" Bai Wen looks at Chen Sheng's eyes full of bad."This is it." Chen Shenggang said here was interrupted by Ye Hao, "there's nothing about you."

Chen Sheng shut his mouth decisively.

The white rhinoceros can't be provoked, which does not mean that he can provoke Ye Hao.

"Boy, give me your name." Bai Wen stares at Ye Hao and says slowly.

From Chen Sheng's attitude towards Ye Hao, Bai Wen realizes that Ye Hao's identity is not simple. It is because of this that Bai Wen has to ask about Ye Hao's identity.

"What do you want to do?" Ye Hao is looking at Lei Luan.

"What do you mean?" Lei Luan asked in a somewhat confused way.

"You don't want revenge?"


"How do you want revenge?"

"I want him to taste all the pain that has been inflicted on me."

"So simple?" Ye Hao looked at leiluan in disbelief and said, "where has the tyrannical leiluan fairy gone?"

"It's not my time now." Lei Luan said with a wry smile, "what do I count as a high rank fairy king?"

"Since you don't want to get into trouble with the white rhinoceros, forget it." Speaking of this, Ye Hao's side appeared a figure, "Chen Minghui, hang this boy on the pillar in the center of the city."

"Yes." Chen Minghui said and walked towards Bai Wen.

"What are you going to do?" Bai Wen retreated again and again.

Because he felt uneasy from Chen Minghui.


"Don't blame me for being rude when you go forward again."

Bai Wen behind the two figures see this situation after blocking in front of Bai Wen.

"Young master." Chen Minghui looks at Ye Hao.

"This clan's behavior is very rampant. If you encounter something unpleasant, kill it." Ye Hao said lightly.

Chen Minghui nodded and slapped.

The two immortal kings at the peak of the two fairies evaporated before they could make a scream.



Both the body and the spirit are dead.

Bai Wen's pupil shrinks fiercely, "you - are you demigod?"

Chen Minghui's figure twinkled and seized Bai Wen's neck. "If you struggle again, I don't mind killing you."

"I'm a white rhinoceros."

"You can have your ancestors come." Chen Minghui said nonchalantly.

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